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Monday, June 10, 2024

European parliament turns right.



Yesterday the European Union voted for 720 representatives for the EU parliament. 27 countries voted for new members for a 5 year term. It appears conservatives or right leaning parties have gained 24 seats and green and left parties have lost 43 seats. While this is a shift to the right it is not dramatic enough  to make major changes to the EU policy. The big changes are coming to the national political scene.

In France, Macron's party only garnered 15 % of the vote while the Le Pen party won 31%. This forced Macron to call for snap elections that may very well be the end of Macron's presidency.

Scholtz in Germany also looks much weaker. His party lost votes and the right wing gained.

In Belgium the Prime Minster resigned and there will be new elections.

The EU economy is struggling from high energy prices, high inflation, and a dismal economic forecast, much of it directly related to the Ukraine war and sanctions that have damaged their economic prospects.  Green parties were also big losers with 18 less seats than last election. There is lots of pushback on environmental policies that have destroyed jobs, and restrained farmers from making a living.

We can expect to see changes in France, Belgium and possibly Germany. The outlook for the governing party in England is also looking dismal.

Immigration is a big item in all these elections, especially in western Europe were the populations of non native born are around 40% of the population. Former Soviet eastern Europe is much less as they have not fully embraced massive immigration. Environment is also controversial with high energy on both sides of the debate.

These election mostly signify a continued era of unrest and controversy in the near future.

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