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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Has eastern Europe exchanged one master for two.



I am old enough to remember clearly the hope that was apparent when the Soviet Union dissolved and allowed all those eastern european nations independence to chart their own future. Sadly, it appears more every day that they have just exchanged masters.

It was exciting to see the end of the cold war, 40 years of tension and distrust between the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact and the western nations. An end to the Soviet goal of spreading communism around the world. A great opportunity for peace and prosperity for the world. 

The clearest recipients were the former Warsaw pact nations who quickly sought to become members of the European Union. It may have been the first mistake they made. Before they had a chance to feel the opportunity for freedom to chart their own course, they aborted their opportunity for new masters centered in Brussels. What started out as the European free trade common market slowly morphed into a central government that restricted and controlled their future. The result in many cases has been a flight of much of their youth to western countries and the inability to maintain their economic freedom and prosperity. An inability to control immigration or control of their economies.

Then they fell prey to the hysteria that the now Russian federation was about to invade all of Europe and reorganize the Soviet Union. The solution of course, was to join NATO so they would be free from any threats from the evil Russians. They in effect just accepted a new master, Washington, whose machinations to control the world included using NATO to accomplish that end. They joined up with Washington and London in their slow and methodical goal of weakening Russia. It is all now coming to fruition, there is a heavy price that is being paid and it will soon become much greater.

In fact, all of Europe is suffering greatly because they accepted the premise that they needed to encircle Russia, that they needed to not buy Russian energy, which is the lifeblood of all economic prosperity. Does anyone really believe that conditions in all of Europe are going to improve under these policies.

The fact is that Russia, who wanted to be an economic partner, realizes that will not be and that they will just forget that idea and make economic partners with others. Anyone who looks at that situation objectively will understand there is a dismal future ahead for Europe.

The eastern European nations and in fact all of Europe is now under the control of 2 masters, Brussels and Washington. It seems these masters have similar objectives, their policies will not improve the lives of the inhabitants of Europe.

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