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Friday, July 14, 2023

Biden activates reserves for Ukraine.



Yesterday Joe Biden announced the activation of select reserve units to be used to fortify the Ukraine mission, called "Atlantic Resolve". This activation is limited to a maximum of 3000 as per law concerning activation of reservists without a declaration of war. This means 3000 at a time and this may be just the first of a series of activations.

The reserves were originally designed to be used in times of war, but that has evolved into a way of having fewer active military and activating reserves by executive order. Over half of the troops in Iraq were reservists, over 218,000 reservists were called up during that conflict and over 400,000 in the last 20 years.

A maximum of 3000 is allowed in time of emergency without a declaration of war. We can expect that this is just first of more to follow, especially with the inability to find new recruits. It will be interesting if there will be push-back by not only those called up, but by congress which was in the process of limiting these call-ups without being at war.

Most Americans are oblivious as to the cost born by reservists who are called to active duty. They are separated from their families, they often lose their homes by not being able to pay their mortgages. Many families end in divorce. The reserves were there for a serious threat to national security, not a political statement by the war enthusiasts who will be watching from their safe and secure homes.

From Viet-Nam on this has been been the pattern of escalation, first advisers, which we already have, then intelligence and targeting personnel, which we already have, then limited troops on the ground, which we likely already have manning sophisticated equipment. Then a steady increase in troops being sent to foreign wars for mostly political and economic purposes. Never having a plan on how to deescalate or get out. 

We can expect that this will now create a reserve crisis as more and more will choose not to be a member of the reserve force. We already see an inability to enlist new people into the service, mostly due to social issues engaged in by the military. This will soon lead to new debate, will it be time to reinstate the draft? If the draft returns, you will see a whole new view of foreign political wars. With a volunteer military those issues are often dismissed as not concerning the majority of the population. That time may be coming to an end.

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