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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Independence day, good time for national soul searching.



247 years ago this country's declaration of independence rocked the monarchies of the world. Some used the opportunity to weaken and damage England and others quietly understood that it was a trend that could be very dangerous to the present feudal system. It would have been impossible in Europe, only in a new land guarded by 2 oceans could any such experiment be possible.

Up unto the creation of the United States, a true experiment in self government, the world was ruled by Kings, aristocracies and the Feudal system, were you had the ruling class and the peasants or workers. It was a system that was in place in one way or another for thousands of years. In most cases the King had ultimate power, and could destroy anyone and seize their assets at any time. In many cases there was no private property, just the aristocrats land that the peasants could farm and keep a little to sustain themselves. With the creation of the constitution and a very important "Bill of Rights", which was intended to guarantee the government would not abuse the people, it was all codified into law. While never perfect, it has been the best that civilization could do up to this time.

America became a light to the people of the world, a hope, a possibility, that they could do it too. De Tocqueville, a French observer, wrote that "America became great, because America was good."  while every country or system has there villains, every country has a national character or spirit that it is possible to place as the symbol or personality of a country. 

The first settlers and most of the founders of the country came here in search of opportunity, an opportunity to get away from the wars and intrigue of Europe and be able to live a free life in the way they found best. After a century of almost self rule by forming their own communities, often based on the church and religious beliefs, they became very prosperous and independent. Eventually some of them led a revolution against the English king and won freedom to form their own self government. Many would have just as well stayed under the thumb of the King, as it provided security and often inside privilege to taxes and power.

George Washington, in  the first president' s final speech ,warned the new nation to stay out of the machinations of Europe, to stay out of alliances with foreign powers and build and protect the new nation from forces both within and without. Good advice, that this country followed for nearly 150 years. 

Since WW1 and particularly since WW2, America forgot that good advice and has found cause to become more and more in the business of, instead of trying to be a good example or an inspiration to the rest of the world into an  implementer of  the elite political forces to rule the world by economic intimidation or even military force. A departure from keeping America safe from evil both within and from without, to desiring the power to form the world in an image by any means possible, often in immoral and despicable tactics. To form a world that is not in the image that made America great, but a deep slide into just a lust for power and profit, while the country is being destroyed from within.

A slow slide by individuals and society is often not immediately apparent, until some crisis or situation wakes them up to the reality of a serious situation. A bible quote is a good barometer, "You will know them by their fruits." Look at our cities, disasters, homeless, rampant drug use, violence and decay, a good barometer of what has happened. War, perpetual war and interference in the affairs of the rest of the world, I challenge anyone to show the fruits of these wars, other than death and destruction and chaos. All this corruption and back sliding has resulted in the biggest debt in the history of the world, a debt that has been made by interfering in everyone's business, both here and abroad.

Our countries leaders are continually looking for new enemies who are advertised as threats to our security and wellbeing, when in effect they are the threat, to not only our security and wellbeing but to much of the world. 

While America has been a success at self government, the trend is now the decaying of the rule of law, the corruption of the judicial system for political purposes and even a lack of faith in a perverted election system. We are quickly descending into a authoritarian federal government that has overstepped its authority everywhere, often disguised by some new handout of financial aid.

So as every individual and society needs to occasionally need to reevaluate. What is happening? Why is it happening? Have we as a  nation strayed from the principles of this nation and can we restore the nation to a place of security, peace and prosperity? Are we a light to the world? 

There is a lot of work and it starts by restoring the nation from within, strong families, strong communities, safe cities,  a fervent stripping of the rampart government corruption. Only a stable and strong and unified country can be a secure and prosperous country in the fashion that we inherited from our prediciessors.

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