I admit I did not watch all of the White House correspondence dinner last night. I watched the preliminaries, where everyone was encouraged to trash President Trump or his administration members. Former administration members were particularly targeted, hoping to get some negative comments, they did not.
I did not get to see the middle portions of the dinner, particularly while they were dining.
I went back near the end to watch the Michelle Wolf routine. It is a good thing they saved her for after dinner. It would not have been very appetizing to eat during her embarrassing, sleazy routine.
I believe, if anyone has the time to watch it they should, just to see the depths to which the Washington culture has descended. Here is a link to this routine; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbx1uArVOM
Clips of this routine would be very effective if used by Republican candidates, to emphasize the degeneracy in Washington.
There have been decades of humorous celebrity roasts, this routine was not really humorous, but ugly, insulting, personal attacks mostly against Trump and his administration.
Comedy seems to have descended from humor into attempts to shock, to be the most outrageous, not in good spirit or good taste.
After watching such routines by the likes of Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and others, who could come away with the audience have positive feelings, this was a sick attempt at humor. It was embarrassing, very low.
This was supposed to be an event celebrating the first amendment, but in effect it was overlooking the right to engage in political speech with the license to be disgusting.
President Trump's rally in Michigan and his own routine made him in contrast look remarkably noble, and raised him way above what was going on in Washington D.C.. He most definitely did the right thing by skipping this event.
I would predict, without an apology by the organizers of this event and a pledge to clean it up in the future, it may be the last of these events.
Clips of this routine would be very effective if used by Republican candidates, to emphasize the degeneracy in Washington.
There have been decades of humorous celebrity roasts, this routine was not really humorous, but ugly, insulting, personal attacks mostly against Trump and his administration.
Comedy seems to have descended from humor into attempts to shock, to be the most outrageous, not in good spirit or good taste.
After watching such routines by the likes of Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and others, who could come away with the audience have positive feelings, this was a sick attempt at humor. It was embarrassing, very low.
This was supposed to be an event celebrating the first amendment, but in effect it was overlooking the right to engage in political speech with the license to be disgusting.
President Trump's rally in Michigan and his own routine made him in contrast look remarkably noble, and raised him way above what was going on in Washington D.C.. He most definitely did the right thing by skipping this event.
I would predict, without an apology by the organizers of this event and a pledge to clean it up in the future, it may be the last of these events.