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Friday, July 29, 2022

Recession, Inflation, temporary or the end of Democratic socialism



We see debate over if we are in a recession, if inflation is just an transitory phenomenon resulting from the pandemic and how increased redistribution is the only answer to these problems. We are now at a point, possibly an irreversible point, were long term solutions are going to be very painful. It is likely we will not be able to paper over these problems with increased easy credit, government stimulus spending or other attempts to prolong the long term economic problems associated with Democratic socialism. This applies not only to the United States but any country that has adopted this inevitably failed economic philosophy.

We have seen 14 years of zero interest rates for savers. Extremely low interest rates on any borrowed money. This has been an attempt to keep things going without addressing the systematic failures that became visible in 2008. The huge amount of debt, by consumers, business and the federal government.
A debt, particularly by the government, that has exploded. Knowing the patterns in Washington it will now become an economic mushroom cloud over the western world economies.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates and expects to raise them more to dampen inflation. The debt has exceeded $30 Trillion, and servicing that debt will take more and more of the federal budget. One solution would be to cut government spending, but much of the economy is now dependent on government spending, millions of government workers, entitlement programs, and even much of the private sector spending, any real cut to expenditures will trigger a deep deep recession and possibly political unrest.

Then, of course there is the democrat go-to of raising taxes, supposedly on the rich. New taxes will take money out of the private sector and give more money to the government to continue in their wayward financial ways. It will also slow the economy as private economic activity slows. This will likely result in less government revenue. 

Right now the government both state and federal have been having record increases in revenue, but to no avail as they have also had record deficit spending. 

As the economy declines, which can be expected to become drastic by the end of the 3rd quarter, there will likely be calls for more taxes, more stringent regulation and oppressive enforcement to get more revenue, this will result in less economic activity, less revenue and very likely the end of this economic experiment. 

Simply, you cannot spend more than you have indefinitely.  You cannot increase the non productive population with increased benefits forever. You cannot increase the number of government workers who do not enhance the Gross domestic product, but are in effect an expense. Not all jobs create and grow wealth, but just live by taking from others. Without the production of material goods, or the taking of wealth from other countries, the national wealth shrinks.

All this and then it is not happening in a vacuum, we also have international competition and now adversaries. We have real and imaginary enemies, and its seems we are willing to challenge them all. We have squandered the good will of many, both allies and enemies. We have created enemies, like Russia by our own misguided domestic and foreign policy.  We have created economic adversaries by our corporate and political greed, like China. Now we believe that we can threaten and bluster it all away. We cant.

It seems our adversaries have a more objective view of our vulnerabilities than we do. Our media, financial institutions and politicians will continue to spin that we are the greatest, invincible and all is well. Inevitably, you cannot spin yourself into economic or national security. The real world laws of finance and sustainability are about teach the western world a very sobering lesson.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Political warfare may be permanently damaging country.



Image result for bad decisions have consequences

The hatred and opposition to Trump has now become a way of life for democrats. They have abandoned their role as legislating for the good of the country in favor of playing for political advantage. This policy may have consequences lasting for decades.

First off, the political demonization of Russia in a attempt to force Trump from office has now re-kindled a new cold war. The Russians have not done anything that we did not do first with our involvement in elections in Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East. It is unlikely that this situation will ever be remedied in our lifetime.

The politicization of the IRS, the FBI, the Justice Department and the State Department under the Obama administration has continued in a desire to gain political advantage. These agencies may never again gain the trust of large segments of the American population.

The major media networks have now become political operatives, objective reporting seems to be a thing of the past.

By not addressing the problems on our southern border we are witnessing a flooding of our country with large numbers of the uneducated and unskilled who will have a very hard time assimilating into the country. Many of these immigrants are women and children who may become a permanent dependent class. This is very similar to what has happened in Europe were we have not yet seen the final result. The actions by politicians and judges who have resisted any attempt to have an orderly legal immigration system is treasonous.

In a desperate attempt to regain power the Democrats have now promised an unparalleled expansion of  government benefits to win elections. If they are successful, we can expect to see the collapse of our economy as well. It seems that is the agenda, overwhelm the southern border, create long term foreign enemies that will drain us of resources and collapse the capitalist system so they can replace it with a socialist utopia.

We will have to see what happens. Sometime I believe America has been so prosperous and successful that its citizens have taken it for granted that it will always be so. That we can continue to make poor decisions without consequence. It has been the history of great nations that they are often destroyed by their own success. When the life becomes too easy, when the struggle for survival has not taken place for generations, you see the focusing on the unessential and the preoccupation with self-analysis, the hypochondria of the whole population. 

It is always better to learn by the bad example of others. There are consequences for bad decisions. If we do not choose to make good long term decisions for our country we will suffer the consequences, which will be the harshest and most effective teacher. 

Originally published 4/9/2019

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Why does Biden favor foreign oil over domestic oil?



Many just don't seem to understand why Joe Biden and his Democrat supporters are willing to go begging for foreign oil while denying pipelines and drilling for domestic oil. It is not too hard to to see the reason, just look at the political implications and it is all too clear.

Shut down small business during the pandemic, the biggest supporter of Trump in the last 2 elections. Damage domestic energy and jobs, another big supporter of republicans. Blame farmers and food producers for shortages and delays, all mostly supporters of the republicans opposition.

This tactic was made visible even before they took office, they publicly endorsed the idea of doing whatever they could do to use the power of being in office to damage those who oppose their agenda. So, whenever you are puzzled by some of their policies, always look at the partisan political agenda.

From allowing the overwhelming of the population of border states with illegal immigrants, to curtailing the ability to supply food and energy, it is all motivated by the political quest for gaining political power.

I have yet to see one policy that has strengthened the economy, brought safety and security to the cities, or actually strengthened national security. It is all about sowing chaos, damaging their political enemies by using the power of their office, either throw economic policy or the legal system. 

They certainly do not put Americans first, just their own political ambitions.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Are we now living in a virtual reality world?



Virtual reality is the new craze that is being engaged in by youth of America. Using the senses to engage in an altered reality that can put you into lifelike places and experiences that are not real. Are we all now being assaulted with a virtual view of reality that is altered to gain control and conformity.

We are continually being bombarded with video and sound messaging that seems to be real, but in the long run is nothing more than an attempt to shape public opinion in the quest for political power.

This seems to be what we are witnessing every day, concerning both domestic affairs and international affairs.

Do you really believe the Jan. 6 hearings, that are  using doctored and edited videos, one sided witnesses, no opposing views is a real quest for truth or a virtual reality show to move public opinion and distract from the real destruction of this country? It is coordinated by the Democrats, the media and applauded by their supporters.

Do you still believe that Trump was an agent of Russia and won the 2016 election with help of Russia? Or was it just another video and sound attempt to create an altered reality for political gain?

Do you believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that led to the death of 100,000s of thousands of people? Or was it all a coordinated visual show to create support for war?

Do you believe that Ukraine is the most democratic and just society in Europe and that its defense is more important than our border and long term security?

Do you believe that Taiwan is an independent country or has it been acknowledged by every U.S. president since Jimmy Carter as part of and subject to the Chinese communist party?

Do you believe there are more than 2  sexes and men can now give birth?

Do believe that inflation is good for the economy because it creates a rise in asset values?

Do you believe it is more important to have increased access to voting over it being more important to be free of any manipulation?

Do you believe that anyone who opposes this coordinated view and messaging is guilty of disinformation and should be cancelled, censored or possibly imprisoned?

Do you now believe it is fair game to use the legal system to punish and eliminate your political opponents?

We all experience reality every day, when we engage in business transactions and engage in personal communication in the workplace, in our homes and with our neighbors, it seems these are the only information that we know is real. It seems mass media is now nothing more than a virtual reality show.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Political precedent will have lasting effects.



So, I can assume that most Democrats are rejoicing that Steve Bannon has been found guilty of contempt of congress, even though he had finally agreed to testify. They have been happy that some Capital hill rioters have been jailed for near 2 years without a trial. They are happy that raids on the homes of Roger Stone by armed swat teams and even filmed by CNN  are the usual process for political enemies.. That the former trade representative Navarro was cuffed and perk walked for refusing to testify to the rigged Jan. 6 panel. I can only assume that Democrats really believe they are now in power permanently.

Last week the knife attacker on a GOP member of congress and Governor of New York candidate was released without bail. In fact, many violent criminals are released without bail by democrat attorneys but never their political opponents.

It is also interesting that Ukraine has banned all opposition political parties and jailed many political opponents, without a word from this administration or the media. 

I remember when Attorney General Eric Holder refused to produce documents for a congressional committee investigating the Obama administration running guns to the Mexican Cartels.

When the IRS 's Lois Lerner refused to answer questions about politicization of the IRS to target political opponents. Holder was found in contempt of congress with no further action. Lerner retired with her pension intact as is the reward for all loyal democrat activists, no matter how guilty of crimes.

Congress should be viewed with contempt, as should this democrat administrations lust for power at any cost to the long term stability of this country. They are destroying this country on all fronts and their supporters are complicit in crimes against the long term health of this country. When injustice is blatant and rejoiced in by an administration and its supporters it can only lead to a precedent of injustice that will only lead to chaos and anarchy.

They have set the precedent for this country and the world, that will only result in more injustice, criminal activity and violence.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Why nuclear war from Russia is a diminishing threat.



The cold war supposedly lasted from 1945  to 1991, 46 years. This reignited cold war will most likely be over in a just few years or less. The question is, which side now has the ability to persevere for the long haul? Can the West outlast the Russian federation and their allies? Can the Russian federation and its allies survive without access to the economic system of the West? Can the West survive the consequences of its own sanctions? At present, both sides believe they can prevail.

The fear has been that an escalation of the Ukraine war could easily lead to the desperation of the Russian federation culminating in a nuclear WW3.  No need to risk nuclear war if you see the opposition self destructing on many fronts. Can the west persist in this economic war that seems to threaten itself as much as its enemies? We will likely get a glimpse of this reality in the next 6 months.

While the destabilization of Russia as a result of sanctions was expected to show results in a few months, it has now been 5 months and the Russian economy has been tested and has actually declined minimally. It does appear that the Russians will be able to live with the present sanctions for quite some time.

The west is trudging along, but most of Europe is still dependent on Russian energy, with little hope of finding a suitable replacement. The domestic situation in the West is another matter, how long will the populace persevere with an ever increasing inconvenience of this economic standoff. 

The Russians have an abundance of food and energy and can likely replace most of the materials they obtained from the west from China, India and other southern countries. In fact the West is also suffering from the loss of sanctioned materials from Russia, not to mention the inability to obtain the supplies it has come to be dependent on from China.

WW2 and the cold war was a far different world than what we have today. The United States was the arsenal of democracy, was self sufficient and could out produce the rest of the world combined. Today we are much more a service economy that depends on foreign produced products not only for consumer goods, but for much of the basic ingredients needed for our manufacturing and defense. 

The WW2 generation was dedicated to persevere and the cold war did not really have much effect on the quality of life. Life went on with little inconvenience to the average citizen. Today, a prolonged period of shortages and high prices will most likely lead to questioning of whether it is all worth it. The question remains who has the most perseverance and who will blink first.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Some REAL facts about January 6.



While we are bombarded with lots of misinformation concerning January 6 rally at the capital, real facts are few.

1. If the Vice-President has the duty and responsibility to certify the results of an election, then he also has the ability to postpone the certification of an election. We are told this is just a ceremonial duty. There is no evidence or law that is the case.

2. If Mike Pence had refused to certify the election, it would not have made Trump president for another term. It would have just postponed the certification until all were assured that the election was honest.

3. There was no armed insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the government. First, there were no arms found on any of the rioters. There were no guns or knives used by any of the rioters. Yes, some of the rioters used barracks and flagpoles and did injure police, but this was no worse than the hundreds of riots common in America for the last several years.

4. Five people were killed in the rioting is more misinformation..  1 person was shot and killed by a capital police officer while attempting to crawl through a window. She was unarmed. 3 people died in Washington that day from natural causes, like heart attacks, these were all Trump supporters. 1 capital police officer died from a stroke that was revealed by an autopsy. He did not die from being struck on the head.

5. Security for the capital is the responsibility of the capital policie, not the president. The capital police are controlled by the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was she even ever called as a witness? Trump recommended 10,000 National guard to be called up, this was rejected by Pelosi and Muriel Bowser, the D.C. Mayor. This was witnessed by and reported by Adam Ciralsky, a reporter for Vanity Fair and made reference to in article on Jan. 22, 2021. Was he called as a witness?

6. The hearing inferred that Trump did nothing to stop the riot. Trump told the rally attendees to go to capital and make their case in a peaceful demonstration. He ended his speech at 1:15, he then returned to the white House and Tweeted at 2: 24  for everyone to respect the police and protest peaceably. 1 hour and 9 minutes. How long does it take to be escorted safely back to the white house and then be made aware of the situation.

7. The capital police asked for help at 1:pm., there was a conference call between D.C. government, capital police and the Pentagon at 2:26 . National guard were approved at 3:04 and responded in 2 more hours. by that time most of the rioting had subsided. Was any of this part of the hearing?

The facts are that this was a rally that got out of control and there possibly was some instigation and incitement by individuals and groups. There was no attempt to overthrow the government. This is just another absurd attempt at misinformation.

There were people with bull horns pushing the demonstrators to enter the capital, but bullhorns are present at all demonstrations we have witnessed in the last few years. There were acts of unlawful violence and vandalism and it seems they have been prosecuted possibly beyond the usual procedure.

This is really all about Trump, the goal is to deny Trump another campaign for the white house and to discourage all those who decide to take on the entrenched corrupt bureaucracy in Washington that they will be treated similarly. This Partisan show is really a disgrace to the nation and a real threat to democracy.


Friday, July 15, 2022

Is military recruitment the next crisis?



While the military has been cutting the number of career positions, it is still experiencing difficulty maintaining the numbers needed for an effective force. The Army is having the most difficult time with a 40% shortage of new recruits. The Navy and Air force have not released numbers, but are also below their required enlistment to maintain effective readiness.

One of the obstacles is that the pool of eligible candidates is now diminishing with over 76 % of applicants ineligible because of health or criminal records.

The military has relaxed standards by allowing tattoos, gay and transgender applicants and past drug use. It has also dropped the requirement for high school graduation. Nonetheless recruitment is becoming increasingly difficult.

At the same time as relaxing standards, the military has insisted on MRNA vaccine acceptance which has resulted in some departures of career personal. 

There is also resistance to the new woke agenda being implemented by the services. It must be noted that large numbers of career military have been traditionally recruited from the southeast part of the country. There has been a generational tradition of military service from this population for the entire history of the United States. Such traditions provide support, encouragement and perseverance to continue in the difficulties of military service. Once this tradition is broken it will have a hard time finding a replacement resource. 

It is also reported that morale is at a low point and the number of active military suicides reached a record 176 in 2021. This may be a result of lowering the standards for service by accepting people who may already be at risk of emotional difficulties. It could also be that many find the living conditions of no privacy and cramped quarters too hard to endure.

It has been reported that all reservists are going to be required to accept the latest vaccine and it is expected to lose more personal. 

It should also be noted that the reserves have often been overused in recent years with over 20 years of conflict that took them away from their employment and families and cost many their homes and families due to severe economic hardship and divorce.

Reserves were meant to be just that, a reserve force for when the country was in imminent threat, not a pool that is used as full time military.

What will be the cure to maintain a military in a world were the U.S. military is embedded in 150 countries and talk of increasing troop levels in many parts of the world? It appears our political desires may not be matched by our ability to sustain such expansion. I doubt that a draft would ever be accepted by the country at this time, but it may be possible to employ more foreign fighters to fill the void.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Misplaced scrutiny for the Uvalde disaster



While we see the distraction of  blaming the police for the deaths in the tragedy of the Uvalde massacre. There seems to be no investigation as to who left the door open, most likely a routine practice by the smokers at the school. A practice that the shooter may have had knowledge about. We can assume there is no smoking allowed in the school, maybe it would be better to have a smoking room for teachers.

Then of course, we are blaming the gun and the police, for not being willing to sacrifice themselves and have a postmortem hero's ceremony. 

The real guilty are the shooter, a product of our present dysfunctional society and whoever engaged in breaching the security at the school.

I have been hearing from usually rational people that the police should have been willing to sacrifice as many as needed to be pilled up in the doorway to stop the shooter. I guess we owe this mentality to decades of westerns and police movies where there are countless heros. The reality is few are willing to sacrifice themselves without a strong chance of survival. With the anti-police fervor in the nation, we can expect the best and brightest to exit this occupation and we we will be left we those likely to be even less dedicated.

Of course again we need to outlaw the tools used to kill, another distraction. Killing can be accomplished in many ways. 

Then there is the naive idea that the police can protect you from those intent on mayhem. First off, many have tried to sue the police for lack of protection, it is precedent that the police have no legal obligation to protect you. They do have an obligation to investigate the crime and apprehend the evildoer. The legal system has an obligation to prosecute and punish those who break the law, but even that is now coming into question.

The reality is, you are the most responsible person to provide protection for yourself and your loved ones. A reality as old as human existence. A very scary and insecure thought for most.

No one is willing to find a true cause of the senseless mayhem in this country, because it is now a deep seated result of no family, no real parenting, a society gone amouk for decades with bazaar ideas concerning the realities of a stable society. A rejection of the tried and true methods by which a safe society is possible. Much of it encouraged by those who would like to use this chaos to gain more political power and a population increasingly willing to accept anything in the name of safety.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Democrats and media tell us Trump is the best candidate.



While Trump has not announced he is going to run for president, he should not make a decision until after the November mid-terms, it appears everyone agrees he is the man that they most fear. We can expect that he will keep up the anticipation until the right time.

The desperation of  the Jan.6 committee, just another sequel to the other hoax's perpetrated by the dems, the media and the entrenched bureaucracy, has now made it clear that only Trump can save the nation from imminent peril. He has proved by his endurance that he will at least try to fulfill all his promises. He has been tried in the fires of partisan politics and is still standing. Who of either party could have withstood the attacks and slander that have been focused on poor Trump.

He is now becoming a sympathetic figure of the persecution by the ruling elites and his political opposition. It is not a far stretch to believe his image can only go up from here. In fact, he is leading Biden in most of the latest polls.

While there are some viable candidates on the Republican side, I see no Democrats that have a record that will make them a viable candidate. The latest is the California governor, a state with serious domestic issues that he has yet to address. He has no record of good management. Even the Democrats no longer support Biden to run again. Harris has squandered her opportunity to be a national leader, by being a do nothing. Their only hope is to draft some hollywood actor to play president, most any of them could do better than Biden. Then of course, Hillary still wants it, are the dems that desperate?

As for the opposition Republicans, Romney is still hoping, Bush's have some more family to put up, Liz Chaney may believe she is ready, but in effect, they will not win a republican primary for the foreseeable future. Trump is still the leader of the grass roots of the party, because he worked to fulfill all his campaign promises, unlike most of the former republican presidents.

Ron DeSantis has been doing a great job in Florida, he already has some support and if given the nod by Trump he could sail to the nomination, but he has not been tested like Trump has been tested. No one has been tested like Trump has been tested.

Trump, like no one else, knows what kind of corruption and treason has been going on in Washington. While he did not have the infrastructure to come into office with him in 2016 to be as effective as he could, he now knows what needs to be flushed on day one. He also now knows where the key people are who want to put America first, rather than some other agena.

America faces increased peril on many fronts since the 2020 election, I personally have no doubt that many of these problems would never have happened under Trump's guidance. His policies are still in the best interest of the country. Trump is a no brainer, if the election is decided on policy, rather than juvenile emotions.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

90 days to world depression?



We watch in amazement as western leaders are stuck in their hope of the collapse of the Russian economy and an end to the Ukraine war. Yesterday, many major investment banks declared that their forecasts for the decline of the Russian economy has been recalibrated from a decline of 12.5% to now 3.5%. Russia has now announced that its sale of Russian grain will be calibrated in Rubles and expects that it will be a record harvest. Russia is the world's largest exporter of wheat. It will be painful for many western countries to have to pay for grain, oil and gas in rubles.

Western economies will likely be declining more than 3.5% by fall. Germany is opening its coal electric generation plants to stock up on natural gas supplies for home heating in the fall. We can expect a supply shortage of heating oil in the U.S. by fall. 

Henry Kissinger has made the statement that if a solution is not found by fall expect catastrophic conditions. 

In the U.S. the focus is likely to shift to domestic policies concerning the coming election. Abortion, White supremacy, Republican fascism and the environment will be the major issues of the in power party,  while economic doom and shortages for many will be only months away.

We see no effort to increase oil production, only jawboning to intimidate price reductions before the election. Policies that will likely result in shortages and not price reductions.

An unprecedented invasion of likely new dependents are entering the country from the unrestricted border. This will inevitably place a further strain on the social system for food, housing, medical care and education. 

We will soon be seeing stress placed on most of the pension systems as stock prices continue to decline and people will soon cut spending as they are going to feel and actually be much poorer.

This cycle began when Joe Biden and his cohorts decided we could phase out fossil fuels beginning now. This led to a decreasing oil supplies worldwide and increases in price. This made most of Europe even more dependent on Russian energy. At the same time is seems it was also decided to deal with the 8 year ongoing low level conflict in Ukraine. A solution for a peaceful resolution that would have made Ukraine the wealthiest country in Europe was rejected by those whose goal was the containment and destabilization of Russia. While many still believe we are on the right course, it could well be one of the dumbest political decisions in modern history. 

Besides  producing a strong possibility of a severe depression in the western world it has also facilitated an alternative economic system that may encompass half the worlds population. This new system is made up of a population that is younger and more vigorous, willing to sacrifice for a better and more prosperous future. It will be a formidable  competitor for resources in the future.  

Friday, July 1, 2022

Establishment frenzy to destroy the opposition shows they are losing.



While many claim that Joe Biden and the democrats are incompetent or some even believe they are intentionally attempting to bring this country to its knees, in reality it is a far more sinister coalition that is perpetuating this assault on this country. 

For decades we had presidential elections with candidates that were chosen by the ruling elites to represent both parties. It is evident from the policies of Bush, Clinton, Biden and Obama that our elections have been a sort of dog and pony show for the masses. While there would be some differences in domestic policy, the big policies of foreign policy, military expenditures and trade where all the same. This is were real power and money is to be had.

The only exceptions have been Carter, Reagan and then Trump. Carter was soon dispatched without much harm to the power base of the establishment. Ronald Reagan did rock the boat during his first term but with the real pick for president at his side George Bush 1 it was well controlled. Bush would have succeeded Reagan after only few months if the assassination attempt would have been successful, but was able to go on to be president. 

The candidacy of Donald Trump was the 1st real challenge to this deep based power of money, influence and a diabolical long term goal of bringing the world into a world without nation states, Without individual independence, the much touted New World Order. 

Trump 's motto "Make America Great Again" summed it all up. Nationalism over global government. Real democracy, rather than total government control not only of the national level, but on a global level.  His policy on the border, trade and foreign policy were just the opposite of the direction that is needed to be taken to make America willing to accept more government not only federal government but international government. It is clear that this is why Trump and anyone who agrees with his view of the direction of the country must be eliminated and silenced.

They know that they have been losing the argument, so they must bring about the conditions to make the populace desperate, desperate for stability, peace and prosperity and they will promise to supply that in exchange for your freedom, independence and individual rights.

We can expect that the situation will only become more dire until they have succeeded in bringing the country into submission. Nothing is off limits, energy, food even the possibility of WW3. It is all acceptable to reach their goal of total control without meaningful opposition. 

Of course, we can expect all this will labeled just another conspiracy theory, but it is evident every day if you are paying attention.