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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Health insurance does not guarantee health care.



Image result for HEALTH CARE CRISIS

Health insurance was mostly non-existent before World War II. Because of government imposed wage and price controls and a shortage of labor, large companies offered health insurance as an incentive to attract workers. Many of these companies were self insured and actually paid their employee's health care costs themselves. After the war, these incentives were kept. At that time they were not a large expense because health care costs were realistically priced to the economy and the earning power of most citizens. The first health care crisis that I recall was focused on the elderly retired or elderly who no longer could earn a living. At that time, health care costs still had some relation to the economy and the wages of most citizens. In 1966 Medicare and Medicaid were passed into law. Medicare was financed by a 2.9% payroll tax shared by the employee and employer. Medicaid is financed through the social security administration - the federal government pays 50% and the state pays 50%. Eligibility is determined by each state. Initially Medicare paid prevailing costs as did other insurance providers of the time. This changed in 1984, when due to rising costs, Medicare started paying predetermined reimbursements that were less than regular insurance. This started the practice of cost shifting and an increasing rise in health care costs. Providers added costs not paid by Medicare to the reimbursements paid by regular insurance. This was not widely known, but was done none the less. They also started raising prices to help to raise the negotiated prices from insurance providers and put pressure on Medicaid to raise their limits.

I can give an example from personal experience. One of my sons fell from tree and broke a bone in his shoulder in the early 1990s. I had catastrophic insurance, but not regular insurance. They paid the surgeon but only allowed the anesthesiologist $100 per procedure. There were two procedures. The doctor sent a bill for $1200 less the $200 for a balance of $1000. A friend in the administration department of the hospital found out for me that Medicare paid $110 and Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid $325. There were actually 5 rates, and self-insured or commercial insurance without a contract were the highest. It could be a lengthy story, but to sum it up I ended up paying the doctor what Blue Cross and Blue Shield would pay, $650 minus the $200 paid by my insurance or $450. The situation is probably worse today. I understand the providers' reluctance to take on Medicare directly as it would probably result in a lot of bad publicity.

As of 2015, Medicare had 53 million enrollees, Medicaid had 68 million enrollees for a total of 121 million -this is 37% of the US population. One hundred and thirty nine million, or 43% received health care through their employer .  Twent-two million, or 7%,  pay for own insurance in the private market and 11.7 million through ACA exchanges; 37 million or 11.4% are uninsured. The number of those insured by their employer and those who purchase their insurance has been dropping since the introduction of the ACA.  Most who purchase their own insurance had their policies cancelled due to the mandates for coverage by the ACA. Most small employers had their policies cancelled and had to renegotiate new policies that conformed to the ACA. While boasting the new enrollees in the ACA exchanges many of those were formally insured either by a small employer or paid their own insurance. The real number of the uninsured has not changed, but there are low income people who have gained insurance through Medicaid expansion or subsidized premiums of the ACA. Self-insured and older people who paid their own insurance premium are now uninsured because costs have sky-rocketed or coverage makes the policy unusable. Medicaid expansion encouraged states to raise the number to be covered by increasing the threshold from 100% of the poverty number to 133%. The federal  government pays 100% of the cost of the expansion declining to 90% in 2020. Some states feared that eventually this number will be lowered causing a funding crisis in their state.

Numbers provided by the Kaiser Foundation, U.S. health and human services. We will talk about market solutions soon.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The case against the real estate tax



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There was a time in America, before the income tax, that all taxes were either tariffs or a tax on acreage that in an agricultural society were an indication of ones ability to pay taxes. That has not been the case for nearly a century. So here are some reasons why it is time to eliminate the real estate tax.
1. Americans have long believed in the principle of private property. This was ingrained by their experience in feudal Europe where all property belonged to the King and the aristocracy. The rest of the population was allowed to keep a share of their labor for the use of the elites property. Article 1 of the Pennsylvania constitution states: All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing their own happiness. The real estate tax eliminates the principle of private property, in effect all property belongs to the county and the school district, which allow the citizens to live there in exchange for paying their annual rent.
2. Real estate taxes are discriminatory. They force one class of citizens to pay for benefits that are enjoyed by the whole of society. The tax burden for education and county taxes should be spread out among all citizens, based on their ability to pay taxes.

3.Real estate is the single largest asset of the majority of citizens. Over the lifetime of most owners the property tax will nullify the value of this asset almost entirely. Example. $4500. annual property tax x 40 years=$180,000, on death add realty transfer tax and inheritance tax and we see there is no asset left, in effect the principle of private property has been eliminated.

4. Real estate taxes create a high basic overhead for all business's in the state, whether through direct taxes or through very high rents on commercial property. These taxes are required even when there is not a profit. This creates a competitive disadvantage for business in the state who are in competition with business in other states. This has contributed to the economic decline of Pennsylvania.

5. State contributions to school districts is now inequitable, some districts receive over 80% of their funding from the state while others less than 25%. This further puts pressure on the property taxes of those districts perceived to be more wealthy.

So, there are 5 good points as to why the Real Estate tax should be eliminated and replaced with a more equitable tax structure that is broad based and based on the citizens ability to pay.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Healthcare dilemma is a symptom of our society.



Image result for the promised land
The real problem with the health care debate is that we have come to expect everyone to pay for our health care, except ourselves. The left has been attempting to convince everyone that everyone has a right to health care. But that is not all we have a right to, we have a right to housing, food, cell phones and high speed internet.  The best way to be eligible for these rights is to be in the low income category.  And especially have children and be in the low income category.  No income makes you a loser, but low income makes you a real constituent of the government. You are there for them to pander to and it can be great.
So, why don't we just skip the bullshit, and get right to the matter, why don't we do away with educational system entirely and strive to be a part time minimum wage worker. Just think of the possibilities. We could spend all our free time with our favorite pastime, whether it is fishing, or tennis or computer games. Maybe we should just have a mandatory course on how to apply for government benefits. All the money saved from the educational system could be funneled into paying for and expanding the rights of everyday people. Your representative will need to expand his staff for constituent services. We can also funnel all that road money into benefits, walking and bicycles would make a healthier population and less polluted environment. Then we could do away with EPA,  and  have more money for benefits..
We may be able do away with national defense spending as we wont have much for someone else to covet. Have you seen other countries try to take over Ethiopia or Somalia. We could do away with a lot of government, anything that does not provide rights and stuff for the people. All those government jobs could also be part time and minimum wage, then everyone will be eligible for rights and benefits.  Maybe that's what heaven on earth is like. Maybe we are already in the promised land. And for the non-religious, maybe there is a Shangri-La.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The best defense is a strong offense.



Image result for eliminate the rats in government
We see that the opposition to Trump is coordinated to disable his administration and possibly remove him from office. A change of strategy is needed. It seems the Democrats are unified in their opposition to Trump and his administration, they are intent on attacking and making accusations against anyone associated with Trump. This started early on by insinuating that Trump was compromised by the Russians, he owed the Russians money, hoped to build hotels in Russia, all claims without any substance. It was all the start of the campaign to de-legitimize Trump and his administration.  The next thing was to insist the hacking of e-mails of democrats was the work of the Russians in collaboration with the Trump campaign. The foundation for this was laid by the Obama administration as they stacked the deck with bureaucrats in the State, Justice and intelligence community. The plan is to force the resignation of Trump's inner circle and eventually Trump himself.

There is civil war being waged within the Federal government. Trump and the Republicans better get off defense and go on offense. There is lots of corruption in the House and Senate, and in the big cities of America. Lets have some scorched earth and expose the big city administrations acceptance of  Drug Cartel money. Does anyone not believe that the availability of drugs is possible without  politicians being paid to look the other way. Most of the big city Mayors are democrats and many are corrupt by third world standards. All Obama appointees or those hired during the Obama administration should be transferred to those places where they have no contact with classified data. Put them in the mail room or wherever they cannot compromise or sabotage him. While this may be excessive, there is political war now being fought within the government. Every Democrat who has ethical problems should be investigated and indicted if possible. The media executives should not be overlooked, expose their connections to political operatives and their coordination in trying to bring down Trump. Expose their unsavory personal lives  No one should be off limits. A few indictments and some convictions may convince them that the price is too high or that continued warfare may cause the whole government to be brought down. There is no need to make false accusations, there is plenty of corruption to be found.

We see that yesterday the Justice department fired all attorneys hired by Obama, this is a good start. The State department needs a cleansing as well, as employees there have been leaking and attempting to embarrass the administration. The IRS should not be spared, as they have proved to be political operatives, rather than government employees. The FBI has seemed incompetent if not politically motivated. Government employees work for the people of the country. Their first allegiance should be to their job, no matter who is in charge. If they are politically motivated to hinder their department, to sabotage the President, to do what is in the interest of their personal ideology, their party, or some other political purpose they should get another job. They should either resign or be fired. If they cannot be fired, find a nice position for them in Somalia, Yemen,  Iraq, or some small office in Topeka or Nome.

It will not take long for employees to see that this is going to be a lose, lose situation for them and they need to re-examine their priorities. If the Republicans and Trump go on the offense now, it will be the best hope for them and the country surviving.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

State revenues lagging estimates



Image result for state tax revenues
Pennsylvania Department of revenue reports tax collections are below estimates so far this fiscal year.
Sales tax revenues so far this year total $6.6 billion which is $126.5 million or 1.9% less than anticipated.
Personal Income tax revenue is $7.5 billion which is $128.1 million or 1.7% below estimate.
Corporate Tax revenue is $1.5 billion which is $171.1million or 10.%5 below estimate.
Inheritance tax revenue is $68.4 million, which is $23.1 million or 3.7% below estimate.
Realty transfer Tax revenue is $309.7 million which is $50.4 million or 14% less than estimated.
Other general fund revenue, including cigarette, tobacco, liquor and table games is $1.2 billion, which is $24 million or 2% below estimates.
Non-tax revenue is $292.8 million which is $73.5 million or 33.5% above estimates.
Motor License fund, gas, diesel, fines and fees is $1.7 billion, $18.1 million or 1 % below estimates.
Total revenue so far is $18 billion, which is $449.7 million, or 2.4% below estimate.
The fiscal year ends June, 30. so there are 4 more months left in the year and possibly this numbers will improve. The number to note is the Personal income tax which is down 1.7%. This is a good indicator of the financial health of the states citizens. Pennsylvania needs reform of it s tax policy with the focus on economic growth.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It is never wise to try to corner a bear.



Image result for new cold war with russia
As predicted, Vladimir Putin is upping the anti against the United States, NATO and the west. We see Russian jets buzzing U.S. ships in the Black sea, Sweden  re-instituting the draft for both men and women, Russia re-deploying short range nuclear weapons and possibly restarting nuclear tests. Trump has been encouraged to call Putin a war criminal, murderer, and all kinds of personal insults just to prove to the left and the neo-cons that he will be tough on Russia.  This is all brought about, because Trump voiced the idea that there could be better relations with the Russians. This is last thing that anyone in establishment politics wants. Why?  

The policy of containment, instituted by the foreign policy experts that have directed our policy for the last 35 years do not want any Détente with the Russians. They believe they can push the Russians into a corner and box them in and keep them there. The Russians wanted to work to become a member of the world community, they probably would have had a better chance if they would have continued to embrace Communism. After all, China and Cuba, both still communist governments, seem ok with these same experts. Anyway, Putin has basically stated he will not accept being encircled by NATO, will resist attempts by the U.S. State department to interfere in the elections in Russia and their neighbors. He has made it clear he will interfere in the elections in the west, just as they have to them. So you can expect an escalation of tensions in Europe, with our armed forces in the Black sea and in the middle east. Do not be surprised if you see Russian ships in the Caribbean. I would expect we will hear John McCain exhorting Trump to shoot down some Russian planes that come too close to our ships. Then if he would do it, they would say he is trigger happy and about to start WW3. This would fit their narrative well.

Anyway, the idea is to restrain Trump from even talking to the Russians let alone make any overtures to minimize tensions. Expect things to get much worse, we may all be seeing civil defense drills with the kids under the desk, like we did in the 1950's. We have choices, are we willing to talk to the Russians and lessen tensions or will the Russian come to believe the only way to get respect and negotiation is to move the world to the brink of Nuclear war.