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Sunday, April 29, 2018

This could be last WH correspondence dinner.



Image result for white house correspondents dinner

I admit I did not watch all of the White House correspondence dinner last night. I watched the preliminaries, where everyone was encouraged to trash President Trump or his administration members. Former administration members were particularly targeted, hoping to get some negative comments, they did not. 

I did not get to see the middle portions of the dinner, particularly while they were dining.

I went back near the end to watch the Michelle Wolf routine. It is a good thing they saved her for after dinner. It would not have been very appetizing to eat during her embarrassing, sleazy routine.

I believe, if anyone has the time to watch it they should, just to see the depths to which the Washington culture has descended. Here is a link to this routine;

Clips of this routine would be very effective if used by Republican candidates, to emphasize the degeneracy in Washington.

There have been decades of humorous celebrity roasts, this routine was not really humorous, but ugly, insulting, personal attacks mostly against Trump and his administration.

Comedy seems to have descended from humor into attempts to shock, to be the most outrageous, not in good spirit or good taste.

After watching such routines by the likes of Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and others, who could come away with the audience have positive feelings, this was a sick attempt at humor. It was embarrassing, very low.

This was supposed to be an event celebrating the first amendment, but in effect it was overlooking the right to engage in political speech with the license to be disgusting.

President Trump's rally in Michigan and his own routine made him in contrast look remarkably noble, and raised him way above what was going on in Washington D.C.. He most definitely did the right thing by skipping this event.

I would predict, without an apology by the organizers of this event and a pledge to clean it up in the future, it may be the last of these events.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Macron becomes Trumps connection to the EU



Image result for emmanuel macron and trump

The recent visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to the United States has high-lighted the new status of France as our main ally in the European Community. While Great Britain is still our strongest ally on the other side of the Atlantic, their exit from EU has left France to be our inside ally.

While the French President and President Trump have many differences this new relationship is advantageous to both.

 It will raise France over Germany as the leader of the EU. 

France has a long and steady relationship with Iran that will be helpful in any re-negotiation of the Iran Nuclear deal.

France has a friendly relationship with Russia and Putin and will be able to be an intermediary for any talks with Russia.

France and Macron can help to facilitate any trade negotiations with EU members.

France may find some special trade concessions and joint efforts with the United States.

Macron is emerging as the best statesmen in Europe.

This friendly relationship with the United States will raise Macrons standing in his own country. He was careful to point out his differences with Trump so as to not be criticized by his opposition at home.

This strengthened relationship will be beneficial to the United States and France. While having differences in certain areas, trusted partners can work around those differences in those areas of common interest. A great example of real diplomacy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Trump picks task team for upcoming negotiations.



Image result for pompeo and bolton

It is clear that the President has picked a team for the specific task of dealing with North Korea and Iran. Both John Bolton as national security adviser and Mike Pompeo, as Secretary of State, are known as hardliners opposed to the Iran Nuclear deal. They also have advocated preemptive strikes on North Korea. Both are experienced in the subject at hand and both are on the same page as the President. 

The most important thing is that they appear to support the Presidents approach to dealing with these countries. A positive result with North Korea will make a positive result with Iran more likely. 

Congress, as usual, would like to undercut the president by advocating he pick one of their flunky's who's sole purpose would be to undermine and sabotage the Presidents efforts. The last thing the Democrats and never-Trumpers would want is any success by the president, even if it would benefit the Korea's, the whole East Asia, and the world.

The President knows that any possibility of a deal with North Korea will entail both sticks and carrots. The opportunities for North Korea are huge, the president can offer a peace treaty ending the Korea conflict, a non-aggression treaty and world trade, that would increase the prosperity of the whole region. Kim could be looked upon as the Gorbochov of  North Korea. It will be interesting to see if this new generation of North Korea's leaders will be able to give up its brutal ways and become a member of the world community. It will probably be the only opportunity that it will get.

Of course, Trump is going to demand an the elimination of North Korea's nuclear program. This will not be an easy task. 

This negotiation, if successful with be a long process, a step by step approach, that will build trust. It may take several years to come to fruition, but it would be giant step for world peace. Americans need to support this effort as it is in the best interest of everyone. It is time to stop the political warfare when it come to foreign policy. A united America, at least concerning foreign policy, can be a more effective and safe America.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

NW Lehigh board rescinds approval of turf.



Image result for natural grass athletic fields

The Northwestern Lehigh school board voted to rescind their vote of March 27, to approve a contract to install artificial turf. Board president, Willard Dellicker voiced concern that the vote was taken without adequate review by the board. It was stated that the board received the proposal on March 20, and it was scheduled to be voted on March 27. After taking the vote there arose several questions that left the board feeling they had not taken due diligence, not only on their options for the turf, but questions concerning the contract, the company and undefined costs for preparation of the site.

It was stressed that this was not necessarily the end of the turf debate, but a start over for a more in depth study of all the details.

There is a question as to the health effects of the ground up tires for the base. There still is a question as to the possible increase of injuries.The company involved has had 478 lawsuits and is at present in a federal and state class action suit concerning their warranty

The cost of this project is estimated to be $2.15 million. The turf is warrantied for 8 years after which it may need to be replaced. There is concern that the ground up tire base, for which the EPA has not completed its study, could be ruled a hazardous material and could result in a large unforeseen cost to the district in the future.

The meeting was attended by a large contingency of the coaching staff. One logical argument was that the grass field is used by many different teams and in bad weather becomes overused and in poor condition. Most of the arguments focused on envy of Parkland and other large schools who have turf. It was stated that the students where embarrassed by playing on natural turf. There were no students who spoke, but at least 9 members of the coaching or former coaching staff spoke. All where in favor of the turf.

Kevin Dellicker spoke against artificial turf of any kind. He gave the most logical and reasonable presentation, based more on facts than on emotion.

I have little doubt, that the majority of the residents of the district are not aware of this debate about artificial turf. They usually find these things out after the fact. The board should consider referendums on controversial subjects. While the board would still need to do the due diligence on these issues, the actual decision could be made by the community.

Enrollment report shows enrollment of 2122, down from a high of 2400 in 2006.

All members of the community are encouraged to attend school board meetings.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Revolt in California



Image result for 3 californias map

The unrest in California is growing. This week San Diego joined a growing list of cities which has voted to sue the state to be exempt from the States sanctuary law.  This law in itself will undoubtedly be ruled unconstitutional when it gets to the supreme court. It is likely that the ninth circuit will uphold the law, as it places no credence to the constitution. It will likely end up it the supreme court, where it will be ruled that the Federal government alone, makes immigration policy.

San Diego joins 7 other cities and Orange county in their suit against the state. This has caused much controversy. 

Other news of revolt is the fact that a referendum to split California into 3 states will be on the November ballot. Those pursuing this change have already received more than 600,000 signatures, far more than the 365,880 needed.

If adopted, it would need to be approved by congress of the United States. No matter the result, this will be a long and complicated process. It would most definitely open the door to other attempts at secession and division of other states.

The new California would be California with 6 counties, Northern California with 40 counties and southern California with 12 counties. Of course this is a tentative arrangement, if actually passed many adjustments would be made. 

California is just one example of a growing unrest. Much has to do with the political divide that has been growing for some time. While division is not in the best interest of the country, an escalating climate of hostility between political factions, with no resolution in sight, may be more frightening.

I keep thinking of what event or situation will be able to unite the country, sadly I see none.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Zuckerberg shakedown begins.



Image result for mark Zuckerberg and congress

The interrogation of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was the latest media event in Washington. Of course, we are told it is all about our politicians concern for our privacy. This is all about the politicians seeing that Zuckerberg is very rich, Facebook is very rich, and they have not been spreading the wealth around, particularly not to the politicians and their cronies. 

This brings back memories of the same tactics used against Ted Turner the founder of CNN, who started the idea of a cable news channel, he was very successful, was very objective, and stayed out of lobbying and political contributions. This is not how it works in the corrupt Washington.  You will pay up, or they will put you out or worse. Turner eventually sold CNN to Time Warner and retired to his ranch in Montana. CNN has now descended into a partisan deep state propaganda tool.

Then there was Microsoft founder Bill Gates, He was threatened with anti-Trust and other federal lawsuits, until he agreed to form the Gates foundations and give billions to the groups or causes he was instructed to contribute to, his problems were solved and faded away.

Zuckerberg is just the newest and latest to be targeted for extortion. All of sudden politicians have become so concerned with citizen privacy and the protecting of the public from foreign influence, that they must take corrective action now. The internet has been a haven of the first amendment, it is really the only place left. The most shocking, was revelation that Facebook information may have been used by the Trump campaign. When it was revealed years before that the Obama campaign used this information, they were declared geniuses and far ahead of the opposition in their methods.

Zuckerberg may be able to make all his problems go away, by forming a foundation, handing money to progressive causes, and hiring a team of lobbyist to wine and dine and make large political donations to federal political campaigns.

Zuckerberg explained that Facebook does not sell information. They sell access to ad space which can be used to analyze responses from members and compiled into information used for marketing. This could be marketing of products or ideas, even political candidates. Sounds like first amendment to me.

Remember no one has bought a Chevrolet when they really wanted a Ford, or really wanted Hillary but voted for Trump. Facebook does not have personal information like social security numbers, etc. It seems like many people are willing to share their lives with everyone who is interested.

Zuckerberg came across as very smart, adjusting to political non speak, to make no commitments or say anything controversial. It was basically an exercise in ass-kissing of the interrogators. Senators love ass-kissing.

You could see the wish list through the smoke, New Jerseys Corey Booker wants more minority hiring at Facebook, he probably could provide a list of candidates. I am sure some are looking to place themselves  or friends and family on the board of directors. Others would like to be able to control the use of Facebook to push their political agenda.

Zuckerberg agrees to monitor for terrorist activities or other illegal activity, which they already do. He tentatively agreed to more regulation, while no one was specific. If congress has its way, it will regulate speech it deems not to their liking.

Regulation will require penalties and fines, shape up, or we will punish you.

Extortion is so much a part of the federal government, that maybe they should form a new department, label it the department of "Financial and Information justice" or some other Orwellian label. It is just plain extortion plain and simple. It will soon become such a profitable course that we should fear states and local governments will soon see the positive results of extortion as a new source of revenue. I suspect this is a major tactic in big city politics already.

 Americans are very naive when it comes to political and government corruption, they want to believe that government is acting in their best interest. Sadly, they more likely are operating in their own interest and using the public's concerns to give them credibility.

I only saw 1 questioner ask about the NSA using Facebook to gather information on American Citizens. Zuckerberg stated that was classified information, he was not allowed to make any statements on that.

Zuckerberg is a bright guy, he better realize what the real agenda is here. They will force him out and make Facebook a tool for themselves.

Zuckerberg has much more power to resist than he may realize. All he has to do is put up his own pop-ups, explaining what the government wants and what it will lead to. He may even list the names of Senators who want to take control of Facebook. People love Facebook more than they love Senators and the federal government.

What we have is third world corruption with a pretty face. The face seems to becoming less pretty by the day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Turf or no Turf , that is the question?



Image result for high school athletic fields

The Northwestern Lehigh Board meeting of March 27, 2018 and the following workshop meeting of April 4, consisted of 8 hours of discussion on artificial turf, the possibility of annual increased taxes for the future and many other items. I have to give the board credit for their endurance for these lengthy meetings.

At the March board meeting the vote was a reluctant yes, with reservations, on approving artificial turf for the football field. The vote was no sooner taken and new controversy began on the merits of this turf.

Mr Dellicker has had concerns about the using of the remains of 30,000 recycled and ground up tires for the base. While there has not been evidence of health issues to this point, there have not been any independent studies completed, nor has the EPA finished its study of this issue. Some students who played on this Turf reported fine black dust on their shoes and uniforms. If inhaled, the consequences are not known.

Others voiced concerns about the possible increase in injuries that do incur using artificial turf. This is caused by the increased traction with turf that can result in serious injuries to knee ligaments and ankles that can have life-long consequences.

It was also revealed after the vote, that this company Field Turf is the subject of a class-action suit concerning their misrepresenting the life of the Turf. There are over 30 members at this time in this suit. If this suit should expand and be lost the viability of warranties would be in doubt.

The turf is guaranteed to last 8 years. It is claimed to last up to 15 years. After this time it will need to be replaced. If in that time the recycled tires should become an issue the resulting costs of removal and disposal would be an unforeseen and inestimable cost.

On a hot day this Turf is reported by the manufacturer of possibly being 45 degrees higher than the air temperature. On a 90 degree day this would be 135 degrees.

There was no answer as to the annual cost of maintenance for this turf or any additional equipment needed.

Artificial turf is not a one time cost, but an ongoing cost of replacement and maintenance. Estimating these cost into the future is not possible. And the thought of going back to grass, and removal of the products could be prohibitive.

At present there are 3 schools in the colonial league that have artificial turf.

How will parents react when the orthopedic surgeon labels these injuries, Turf injuries. Is envy and nice appearance worth life-long handicaps for young athletes? Many of the professional teams have gone back to grass in the hope of lengthening the careers of the athletes.

It seems some of the board is under pressure due to their election campaign promises of bringing a more professional playing surface for the field. It seems the Administration is all in for the Turf. It is well known that Field Turf  Co. spends much time and money in lobbying Athletic directors and maintenance people in persuading them to choose their turf for their fields. This can be enhanced by wining and dining meetings at area restaurants. While this in itself is inappropriate, hopefully there are not any other incentives offered.

The administration is recommending reverting back to the practice of maximum allowable tax increases every year for the foreseeable future. This district has held the line on taxes for 7 years. It is a record they can be proud of. It also shows that with fiscal restraint, it is possible to live within their means. The pressure for increased spending, particularly on things that do not add to educational outcome, is escalating. Increased spending, increased debt, and inevitably increasing taxes.