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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Save the dollar? "Make the dollar great again"



The latest in the dilemma on how to ensure that the dollar remains the reserve currency is enacting large tariffs on any country that does not use the dollar. Not only will such policies not save the dollar but will hasten its demise. 

Whether Donald Trump is playing to the neocon crowd or sincerely believes this is a right strategy is anyone's guess. If elected, I would hope he would reanalysis this approach. Power politics and fiscal irresponsibility is what has weakened the allure of the dollar, more of the same will be its ultimate demise.

In the 1960's with the introduction of many new social programs and the VietNam war, the US. government embarked on a policy of deficit spending, spending more money than they take in taxes. Many love that policy, especially speculators and those who deal in paper assets. Savers and the financial responsible pay for these policies with lost purchasing power.

In the mid 1960s the U.S. removed silver from coins and in 1971 refused to redeem dollars with gold. It was the end of fiscal restraint in Washington. Not only do these polices weaken the buying power of savers and financially responsible citizens, but also is an attempt to defraud international partners by giving them dollars that are constantly losing value.

The first push back came from oil exporting countries whose oil is priced in dollars and the price of oil was at $3.25 a barrel. At the same time the U.S. had inflation of as high as 17%. They then formed OPEC, "Organization of the oil exporting countries", in an effort to control production and keep the price of oil at price that accounted for the U.S. inflation of it dollar.

Many exporters to the U.S. began to realize as the U.S. lost its manufacturing capacity that all those inflated dollars could only be used to invest in U.S. debt or purchase U.S assets as a hedge against that lose of purchasing power. This soon became a political weapon, first with Japan that was buying buildings, golf courses etc. Pressure was places on Japan with sanctions and ended with their 1987 stock market crash, and has not yet recovered.

China then became the major exporter and also buyer of debt, as soon as it sought to purchase U.S. assets it was time to attempt to curtail the wealth of China. At the same time the U.S. has engaged in one war after another creating more deficits that has resulted in a $35 trillion and growing debt. In last few years the dollar had been used a weapon to force the submission of anyone who should not accept U.S. rules. It has now reached a point were an alternative system is being created other than the dollar system. This came about by the U.S. lack of fiscal responsibility and its use of the dollar as a weapon.

Historically the dollar was praised as "as good as gold". It is no longer applicable and the inistance and the attempt to force its acceptance will fail. 

Only "Making the dollar great again" will accomplish the sought result. Sadly that will require a long term and painful policy that Washington is not ready to accept. Only historic suffering can wash out the delusions and fantasies of the past.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Is escalation and WW3 postponed until after election?



With only 3 weeks until the election we may see a pause in the escalation of military action by both Ukraine and Israel. In Ukraine there has not as yet been any long range missiles fired into Russia, but we hear the usual propaganda from ex generals and Neocons that it is still on the table. Israel's promised major attack on Iran has not as yet materialized, it may be that the leadership in the U.S. has instructed both to cool their activities until after the election.

After the election, they will have 3 months in power, no matter who wins the election, and it may be their last opportunity to escalate these conflicts. If Harris wins, they will be assured of 4 more years to engage in their present policies. If Trump should win it will offer an opportunity to sow as much chaos around the world as possible to lay WW3 on his table. 

Either way, we can expect more chaos and a heightened risk of WW3 as soon as the election is concluded.

Ukraine is being decimated every day and the Ukraine project is destined to end in defeat unless the rules are changed to make Russia pay a heavier price. The problem is that Russia has seriously warned the west that Russia will respond with force against any country whose long range missiles are used against their country. This escalation will lead to war with NATO and a WW3 situation.

As for Israel, Iran has also warned that if Israel targets is nuclear or oil infrastructure they will be at all out war. Iran does have the capacity to seriously damage every inch of Israel and may actually have nuclear weapons. Israel would be tempted to use nuclear weapons if Iran should put their existence in jeopardy. Some in Israel have been itching to strike Iran's nuclear facilities and this has also been encouraged by many in the U.S.. Any such strike will not end Iran from securing nuclear weapons, but actually enhance that possibility. Iran could have produced nuclear weapons, but there are internal conflicts against doing so. A major attack by Israel will most likely end that debate in Iran.

In any event, it is likely that escalation will slow in the next 3 weeks, but after the election may be a very dangerous time. The present shapers of the U.S. foreign policy will not be overcome without a serious fight both internally and around the world. It will be a time of great danger to everyone.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Harris's promise of bringing prices down: NONSENSE.




We hear from the democrats, that if elected, I think they are now in office, they will bring down the prices of food, energy, health care, rent, mortgages and any other thing that has been experiencing record inflation. Anyone with any economic sense, which seems to be sadly scarce in today's America, knows that government cannot dictate the price of products without causing shortages and worse disruptions in the marketplace. The role of government is to enact policies that will bring about that result. The idea is to create an environment that limits the cost of production and the cost of goods by sound economic policy.

The reality is that this administration and its staff have had little or no experience in the private sector. They are the worst example of the blind attempting to create an environment of sound economic polices that they have little or no understanding about. They still believe that they, the powerful government, can pass laws, and partake in narratives and they will get results. We see this in the domestic policy and even in foreign relations, they have in fact created the worse conditions in the modern era. They have little understanding of economics or diplomacy and still believe they can use the power of the federal government to force results. These prices have all escalated while they are in power. It is the result of their policies, why don't they fix them now if they actually know how?

In the last few days I have begun to see the narrative that prices are now less than in 2020. It seems that if all else fails, just lie some more. The American people, they believe, are really dumb, if we tell them these lies they will believe us. They have do whatever it takes to win this election.

So, this morning I can across this from a women in South Carolina, who it seems is questioning the new lies.

Well, enough said, I suspect that there really are many who will be put off by the outrageous lies. It really is an insult to the American people to engage in these outrageous lies.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Ukraine setbacks continue.



The much heralded meeting in Germany has been postponed or possibly cancelled. The decision came when Joe Biden cancelled trip to Germany because of the domestic weather crisis. It comes at time when it appears some in the alliance are becoming weary of their support for the war.

Germany is now in its second year of recession with no end in sight. Its manufacturing sector, the strongest in the EU is floundering under the shortages and high cost of energy. Plants are closing and some are relocating to more affordable energy cost countries. It is unlikely that Germany can sustain its support for Ukraine.

On the eastern front the Russians are moving west at an increasing rate. It is now a pattern that Russia is able to encircle Ukrainian strongholds, which also seem to be in a pattern of fighting until surrounded, then being forced to surrender or die. Whether these are decisions from Kiev or Washington is  anyone's guess, but it is a strategy that has resulted in great loss of equipment and manpower. It seems the planners do not understand strategic withdrawal, that allows their troops to fight another day.

We have watched as this has been repeated in Maripol, Bakemut, Advika and recently in Vuhledar were 1500 troops were either captured or killed. At present there are several areas on the verge of encirclement. Fighting rather than escaping, when that result becomes evident is just poor strategy.

Without some sort of miracle, Ukraine can not last much longer. It is a reality of war that hopes and spin cannot overcome overwhelming firepower and troops in a long term conflict. Ukraine is in a position that winning is not possible and its best hope of any future is to deal with that reality, the sooner the better.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Forecasting Democrats future agenda is easy.



You could say that much of this division started with the passing of the Affordable Care Act. This bill, which affected the health care of everyone in the country, was passed without one republican vote. They had to change the rules of the Senate and publicly bribe many of their own democrat senators to pass this law. They knowingly lied to the people that if they liked their doctor, they could keep their doctor. If they liked their insurance, they could keep their insurance. It was all about political power and control of the health care industry. They used the plight of those who were uninsured to disrupt the health care of the whole country in an effort to move the country to a national health care system. A system that did not pass muster with the constitution, but they were able to keep it alive by a convoluted ruling by the Republican appointed Chief Justice himself. 

The uprising that resulted led to the democrats losing 63 seats in the house and the majority and losing 7 seats in the senate which gave them a slim 53-47 majority. 

They could have taken their time and worked for a bi-partisan effort to address the problems with healthcare, which was high quality healthcare, but a continually rising cost. Instead they used the problems to push a partisan ideological solution.

In the election of 2012 Obama was reelected, but the republicans held the house. It was obvious that the people were afraid to give them that power again.

In the election of 2014 the Republicans won 9 senate seats and now controlled the senate and the house. A Democrat state senator from California and a Democrat state representative from Connecticut were arrested and convicted for voter fraud. Voter machine irregularities occurred in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and Illinois. The Affordable care act was still a major issue in this election.

On February 13, 2016 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia unexpectedly died. On Mar. 16, 2016 Obama nominated Merrick Garland to replace him. The president nominates and the Senate give advice and consent. The republican senate refused to put the nominee up for a vote. They had the constitutional right to make that decision, but the animosity over the partisan passing of ACA weighed in the decision.

During the presidency of Obama every part of the Federal government was politicized. We had the IRS use their power to restrict political organizations. The ATF engaged in gun running to Mexican cartels to create a climate for gun control that resulted in the death of a Border control officers. We saw his Justice department refuse to hand over subpoenaed documents.

We saw the Obama administration engage in regime change and foment revolution in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine and interfere in the elections in Israel and Russia. They helped in effect to finance Iranian terror and destabilization in the middle east. Their policies resulted in the destabilization of much of Europe and greatest displacement of human beings since WW2. It has resulted in the death of 100's of thousands in the middle east.

Then during and after the election of Donald Trump the FBI, State department and CIA engaged in an effort to overthrow the election, to discredit Trump, drive his popularity down and force him to resign. The Mueller investigation went on for 2 1/2 years and when they finally gave it up, within a week the Democrat controlled house set out to impeach the President for inquiring about the true corruption engaged in by the Joe Biden family in Ukraine. They had the constitutional power to engage in that and they did. They did not receive 1 Republican vote. It was nothing more than a partisan abuse of power.

We have seen four years of Democrat appointees and bureaucrats leak misleading and dishonest attacks on the president. Undercut and attempt to hinder his presidency. All in an attempt to destroy and cover up their own corruption.

We watched a viscous, slanderous and perjury laden Senate hearing for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a supreme court justice. A disgrace to the country.

Now they whine about the Republican senate actually fulfilling their constitutional duty to fill a seat on the supreme court. Not just whine, but threaten and promise, that if they regain power there will be no limit to the abuse of power they will engage in by enlarging the court, adding states to the union to control the senate forever and lower the voting age to sixteen so they can then politicize the public schools to win elections.

The last sixteen years has shown the nature of this new Democrat party, it is a party of revolution and destruction. Their goal is to destroy America as we know it and replace it with some yet to be determined Utopian illusion. This is the most important election in the history of this country. Our very survival is at stake.

Originally published 10/29/20, Now that they have obtained their goal of unlimited power, you will see their priorities, it will be insuring power forever and retribution to those that oppose their agenda. There will be little reconciliation or unifying agenda. It will very likely not end well for the United States

Update 10/9/2024
Nothing has changed, if Kamala Harris is elected we can expect a doubling down on the policies that have shaped the politics of the United States and the world. While being pictured as a change candidate, she is just another stand in for 4 more years of the same leadership that has the world on the brink of WW3.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

We can only depend on ourselves when crisis strikes.



The last week should serve as a notice to all that in reality we are responsible for providing basic necessities for ourselves in time of crisis. That does not mean that the value of neighbors and community should be ignored, but in the end no one can provide the basic necessities better than ourselves. When disaster strikes it may make all the difference between serious loss or or just a minor inconvenience.

Some basic foresight can make most natural disasters mangable for the vast majority of the population. Of course if your house is flattened by a tornado or other direct damage we have little ability to remedy such a loss.

We can and should all be preppers to some extent. We dont need 2 years of food or 100's of gallons of gasoline or other extreme preparations, but in today's world a small generator capable of running your refrigerator and freezer is a basic necessity, it should take preference to vacations and expensive dinners. Also enough fuel for a couple of days and the knowledge of how to use it. All small engines should be run on non ethanol fuel, it will ensure that it works when you need it.

We should all have several weeks of canned food on hand, enough to survive without going to a store. It does not take that much, and of course depends on the size of your family. Water, several gallons of drinking water on hand at the very least, small generators will not run the well pump.

A grill or other device with the fuel to heat water and cook is something that everyone should have.

While these are the basics, if we just imagine the loss of electric which will happen to all of us at some time, we should be able to make a list of things we will need to have on hand. 

Winter is an especially bad time to lose electric, most heating systems will not run without electric and electric heat will be unavailable unless you have a large generator. Running a generator is very expensive, but you can run it on and off to save fuel. My brother in S. Carolina just had his electric off for 9 days, it cost him $40 a day for basic electric with a mid sized generator. 

We can all expect a loss of electric sometime in the future, a little preparation can keep such events an inconvenience rather than a catastrophe.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Democrat political ads smell like desperation.



My latest perception that is based on the increasingly outrageous claims by democrat politicians leads me to believe they are in a state of desperation. 

First, is their claim that Trump intends to institute a national sales tax. The reality is there is no such plan, but he has stated that he advocats putting tariffs on certain Chinese products. The Biden/Harris team is already putting tariffs on some Chinese goods and is advocating adding more.

Trump's tariffs in his administration were based on reciprocity, where tariffs were intended to be used to force trading partners to reduce or eliminate tariffs on imported goods. It seems everyone is encouraging tariffs on Chines electric cars. There should be a debate concerning tariffs, as it is two edged sword, but labeling it a sales tax is just political nonsense.

The other is the Democrats claim that all republicans want to ban abortion nationwide. I do not see any candidate for federal office that has that position. In fact, most all have rightly decided that this matter should be decided by the states. Which coincides with the Supreme court position and any law to ban abortion or to legalize abortion by the federal government will most likely be struck down as not in the prevue of the federal government.

Harris is also resurrecting the claim that they will forgive student loans, something that has already been struck down by the court, it is just more election year pandering.

Also we see claims that democrats now want to actually build a wall on the border and reduce taxes, contrary to their claim that will allow the former tax reductions to expire. They had four years to finish the border wall, but actually sold the materials to finish the wall for scrap. Present corporate taxes were adjusted to make U.S. taxes competitive to other countries in the hope of retaining business in the U.S. rather than penalizing business and forcing them to move to other countries.

Again, these outrageous claims by Democrats is an indication of their desperation in their inability to insure a margin for victory. I suspect most real voters know that their policies have been on display for the last 4 years and that these election year claims are just nonsense.

We can expect that the real policies of any Harris administration will be more of the same and probably more aggressive.