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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Every Matador needs a bull, the angrier the better



Image result for bull fighting trump
President-elect Trump most likely is ecstatic. California has now volunteered to be the first major foil for his presidency. They are attempting to pass legislation that states they will not cooperate or assist in the deportation of any illegal immigrants on a statewide basis. It doesn't  matter if they are career criminals or not. This amounts to making California a sanctuary state. The California bull is snoring and pawing the ground, but we will see if more reasonable heads prevail. California in their puffed up, out of touch, better than everyone attitude is about to embark on a game they cannot win. While this may not be the first item on the Trump administration agenda it will be addressed. They are a bull without horns. The rest of the states, who don't view them in the same light as they view themselves, will more likely watch and cheer as the matador proceeds to stick this bull with banderillas, one after another, until they realize they cannot win this contest and cry uncle or should we say, Donald.  Of course the bull will in the end be spared and welcomed back into the fold. The Matador will be a hero to the rest of the country and the precedent of Federal power as it pertains to immigration will be preserved.

I am a states rights advocate.  I believe if we would have left many issues up to the states we would have a more united country. The framers in their wisdom knew that not every state would see everything the same. The 10th amendment would be a restraint on the Federal Government and a relief valve that allowed people to live in a state that represented them. However, there is a clear constitutional right of the federal government and the congress to set the laws and standards for immigration. Not long ago, the federal government sued Arizona to refrain from enforcing immigration law, even when they were abiding by the rules set in Federal law. California cannot set up its own immigration laws. The FBI has records of every arrest and conviction, they have the information they need to deport illegal criminals. Will California refuse to send arrest and conviction records to the FBI?, I don't think so. All background checks in the country use these records, child care facilities, schools, employers, government of all types. It will be possible for the federal government to send in hundreds of Border Patrol, Immigration, Homeland Security and the FBI to implement immigration law. California can also loose billions in federal dollars tied to their law enforcement cooperation. The court can not save them, as they don't have a leg to stand on.

It is amazing, that the largest state in the union would attempt to test this new President in this way. It is just the type of confrontation that will play into the showmanship of Mr. Trump.

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