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Monday, July 10, 2017

What does the media and deep state want from Russia?



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With President Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin, which lasted for over 2 hours, the hysteria over any conversation or possible lessening of tensions continues. It seems that there is a foreordained policy of the U.S. deep state to contain Russia and push for regime change in Russia. We are now told that Russia is the enemy we need to fear the most. That North Korea, ISIS, Iran and our mounting debt at home pale in significance when compared to the threat from Russia. I just don't buy it. While Putin may well not be a good person and has used his position to take on more power, he certainly is no worse than many leaders who we call allies or have worked with in the past. 
Trump has repeatedly stated that he hoped to lessen tensions with Moscow, hoped to work together to defeat ISIS, and possibly reach a political solution in Syria.  These statements are taken as giving in to Russia and Putin. Improved relations with Russia could also lead to some solutions concerning Iran. Is it in the best interest of Russia to have a nuclear weapon capable Iran on their southern border? There are many place where Russia and the U.S. have parallel interests and also points of conflict. Is it reasonable to take advantage of the points of common interest while standing our ground on those things detrimental to the U.S.?
Everyone has been fixated on the Russian hacking of emails during the U.S. election, but not a word about the U.S. interference in the elections in Egypt, Israel, Ukraine, and Russia.
While no one wants to talk about it, there have been talks with Russia going on for months. Much of this has been conducted by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who has been an adviser to the President. It appears Trump is going to continue to talk to Putin and move forward in the hope of solving problems in the interest of the U.S.
Again , no one believes Putin is some angelic leader, but to assume we will be better off by orchestrating some regime change in Russia will be in the best interest of the U.S. is bordering on insanity. Every U.S. involvement in regime change in the last decades have ended badly. The U.S. popularity in Russia has deteriorated badly due to our foreign policy. It can only get worse if we attempt to overthrow Putin, who is popular in his country.
It is obvious that the agenda of the deep state is to increase sanctions, increase hostility to Russia, make life harder for the average Russian and hope Putin is overthrown. If this is successful, we most likely will end up with another Stalin or someone worse.

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