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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Syrian civil war nears end.



Image result for idlib province

Preparation for a major offensive on Idlib is complete and bombing of some targets on the edges has begun. After a meeting between the leaders of Turkey, Iran and Russia has been completed it looks like there will not be a peaceful resolution.Turkey wanted a ceasefire, Russia believes that there will not be a ceasefire as there is no communication from the rebels and terrorists in Idlib.

It is reported by the local media, the U.S., Russia and Syria that at least 10,000 El Nusra, Al-Quada terrorists and some U.S. backed rebels are holed up in Idlib. 

The U.S. is hoping that a peaceful resolution can be arranged, but the terrorists have vowed to fight to the death. They have also erected gallows throughout the region and threatened to hang anyone who tries to surrender or leave the area.

The region has 3,000,000 civilians and the U.N. estimates 900,000 are at risk from a Syrian assault.

For weeks Russian intelligence claims that the rebels are preparing to launch a false flag chemical attack to bring the U.S. into the conflict. The U.S. has been warning Syria and Russia not to use any chemical weapons and not kill civilians. The rebels can be expected to use the media to foster support for their cause by sending out pictures and videos of civilian deaths.

The rebels would like to keep the area under their control so that they could continue the revolt indefinitely. Some in the U.S. still envision an Assad free Syria and feels it needs to protect the rebels it has been aiding for 7 years.

There have been many atrocities committed by all the factions in Idlib and peace cannot come to Syria until it is cleansed of terrorists.

So it is sort of dilemma for all involved. The U.S. has 2200 troops in Syria and is still unwilling to concede defeat in its attempt to remove Assad from power. The Russians claim they would like to see the Syrian conflict end as it has now become politically unpopular in Russia. The Turks do not want more refugees attempting to enter their country. Israel and the U.S. wants the Iranians out of Syria but that will not happen until the war is over. It seems Trump and Putin have agreed to this proposal.

Most of all, the Syrian people are tired of war and most are willing to accept that Assad has prevailed.

There has already been a return of up to 750,000 Syrians from Turkey and Jordan with many millions more once it is safe to return.

The best situation at this point would be that Assad would make concessions for a more democratic Syria after the conflict ends. This most likely will not happen without a cooperative U.S., Russian effort.

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