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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Is the Ford accusation another Democratic Insurance policy.



Image result for christine blasey ford dianne feinstein

After watching the Senate deliberations in the last few weeks, deliberations may be a stretch, one has to wonder if this accusation was not a last hope of derailing a Trump Supreme court Candidate. Was Mrs.Ford the reluctant witness she was portrayed as or was she part of a coordinated, staged and perfectly timed attempted political assassination of a potential Supreme Court Justice. 

If you want to bring a false accusation against someone it is imperative to not give the accused any hope of refuting your allegations with real evidence. One must question the fact that this women could not name where this alleged event happened. At 15, below the age of driving herself, how did she get to this place? Who did she go with or was she alone? How did she get home? Someone must have driven her. These allegations make it impossible for the accused to refer to calender's, friends, facts from 36 years ago when he may have been out of town, on vacation, or at a real other documented event.

She did produce several names of people she claimed where at this event, one who was a person that she personally knew. All have expressed either no memory or outright denial of this event. Kavanaugh claims he did not ever know this women. 

Obviously Mrs. Ford or her lawyers knew or found out who Kavanaugh's best friend from high school was. This would not be hard to find out.

Of course, the fact this accusation was revealed on the day scheduled for a vote on the confirmation is perfect timing. The hope may have been that he would have been withdrawn by the president or on his own. 

So, obviously there a lot of questions concerning this allegation. There is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations.

The best approach from here would be to initiate an investigation into what transpired in the months leading up to the revealing of this allegation. All the emails, text messages, phone calls of Mrs. Ford, Senator Fienstein and her staff, Ford's representative, and all the lawyers involved should be subpoenaed and scrutinized.

It is important for the citizens to know what is the truth , if this was a last hope insurance policy or a real allegation should be decided. We see allegations by the day, most are never really legally processed, the allegation alone is often enough to do permanent damage to the accused. This needs to stop. Allegations should be investigated, but there must be harsh penalties for false accusations or the whole legal system will be mired in chaos.

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