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Monday, November 30, 2020

Is Iran being baited into war?



With the assassination of Iran's top nuclear scientist, tensions in the middle east are now at a high point. Iran has vowed retaliation, but has not yet found proof of who is responsible. They first condemned Israel, their number one target of all that goes bad. Most of the gulf counties along with Israel have denied responsibility. 

Most everyone in the middle east would like to see Iran's nuclear program ended. Much of this has to do with religious leaders of Iran openly claiming that they will be responsible for initiating an end time apocalypse. Some in Iran believe it is their destiny and nuclear weapons would give them the means.

Many fear that the new Biden administration will be soft on Iran, that they and many in Europe would hope to appease Iran and allow them to successfully build nuclear weapons in the future. The problem often is that people just can not understand that some people, for whatever reason, do not make the same political calculations as modern western leaders. It is not always about more business and more control of others. They don't believe that Iran or anyone else would actually use nuclear weapons. They make the mistake to judge others by their own persona of empty talk. The Iranian leaders are most likely not prevaricating when they call for death to Israel or death to America.

As far as who is responsible for this assassination, it could be anybody or likely a co-conspiracy. One thing for sure it had to have inside assistance to track the whereabouts of this scientist, who likely had strong security. It has likely created some uneasiness of many of Iran's leaders, who are now vulnerable. It is amazing that, so far, no one has been apprehended or identified.

If there is a concerted effort to bait Iran into some retaliation against Israel, Saudi Arabia or U.S. assets, it is likely just the beginning of an escalating plan. The hope is to give the U.S. and Israel an excuse to destroy Iran's nuclear capability before the end of the Trump administration.

If it is just an attack by Iranian dissidents, who also fear the nuclear retaliation that would ensue if Iran would actually use a nuclear weapon, then it may be just a one time event.

Iran had an opportunity with the Iran deal to become part of the world community, but they instead upped their financial and military assistance to Shia terrorists and revolutionaries around the middle east and Africa. They still believe in and want an islamic caliphate ruled from Tehran.

With many of the Muslim countries of the middle east tired of the struggle with Israel and in the process of making peace, Iran may feel this is the time to increase its aggression in an effort to destroy any co-operative alliances with Israel and the other Arab countries. And those in this new alliance may feel this is their opportunity to end Iran's nuclear ambitions, before they are fulfilled by a new American administration. The next few months will likely increase the possibility of a miscalculation on someones part.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Bill of rights must trump activist politicians



While many place some political significance on the supreme court decision against New York state concerning limiting attendance at religious services. It was just an accurate interpretation of the 1st amendment.

Church authorities and the congregation, all who are adults, will now have to make personal responsibility decisions. They can decide if it is prudent for them to attend church. The pastor or those in charge, with input from the congregation, can now place some temporary rules, if they think it is needed. 

While possibly not protected by the first amendment, but likely may be constitutionally protected, business should be able to make decisions as to if they are open or not and customers should be able to decide if they want to risk being customers.

Those who are in high risk categories should be able to make the necessary decisions for themselves. Many should possibly self quarantine in their own self interest. Government can not protect anyone from a virus and one size fits all mandates just creates more risks in other ways. The consequences may be not readily apparent, but may be just as deadly for some.

Politicians and some citizens continue to cry,"The government has to do something" for every ill that comes along. Yes they need to enforce the laws to protect the citizens from the anti-social miscreants who are always with us, enforce contracts and provide for general order as the people desire, but the government has limits, as it should.

In the case of this Virus, the best tool they have is good reliable, non political information. So far, they have been inaccurate, political and have lost much of their credibility. If they would have stuck to the facts, and leveled with the people that, sorry, there is not much we can do about this. It is really up to you citizens to exercise personal responsibility and the government will hopefully supply the infrastructure to deal with the rest, would have been a more honest and more realistic policy.

For those who want shut downs and quareenteens, you can have it, you can stay home until the crisis is over, it is your decision. That is a policy that fits American tradition and ensures liberty for all. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Time for Republicans to make a deal with JOE.



With the Senate possibly deadlocked at 50-50, there is another solution to make the Georgia race not as important. I am not talking about Joe B from Delaware, but Joe M from West Virginia. Joe Manchin is the only blue dog democrat left in the senate. He served as Secretary of State and Governor of West Virginia.  He has voted with President Trump 52% of the time, the most of any democrat senator. 

With the new administration on the horizon, he has publicly voiced his opposition to expanding the court, the Green new Deal and many other progressive ideas. He has served in West Virginia as it morphed from a Democrat state to a strong Republican state. He has been very popular in his state, but has been walking a tight wire that may be getting very slippery in the future. He,without a doubt, would have a stronger position for re-election as a Republican. Much will depend on the focus of the Biden administration when or if he gets inaugurated.

Manchin will be under enormous pressure from the democrats to vote for their agenda, if he succumbs, his popularity in West Virginia could plummet and he could face a strong republican opponent. It would be one of those premier races in the future. If he is a block to the Democrat agenda he will be in danger from all kinds of reprisals from his own party.

He could become even more popular in West Virginia if he would decide to become a Republican. He would be just following the trend of his state. At this time he could also ask and receive almost anything he wants from the Republican senate. Probably most any chairmen spot and lots of focus on good things for West Virginia. It actually may be his best choice for the future of himself and his state. He would be welcomed as a brother coming home.

Of course the Democrats would also be able to offer him lots of perks, but it would be grudgingly and he would still be a bit of an outsider to most of the Democrats who likely view Manchin and West Virginians as backwoods hicks. He could likely demand and get lots of perks for his state, but he does come across as kind of principled type of guy and is that the type of Senator he wants to become. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Can Biden expect minefields on his way to being president?



Many are criticizing the Trump administration for not conceding and not welcoming Joe Biden into the Presidency. At least the Trump administration is being more honest than the last administration, which put on a cordial face while laying a plot to overthrow the Trump administration.  A plot that was hatched even before the election.

So, if Trump wants to continue challenging the election, which he has a legal right to do, why not? It is likely that his team will expose some of the ways that elections are tainted with illegal and dishonest voting. Of course, we are told that elections are always honest and democrats are above cheating in elections. After witnessing the last 5 years we can only conclude that Democrats are not above any standard in their quest for power.

The citizens of this country have witnessed the first attempted Coup that I am aware of in this country. It was also witnessed by the rest of the world. This is far above just hardball politics, this is treason. The fake Russian collusion hoax was an attempt to force Trump from office, plain and simple.Whether you like or hate Trump he was honestly elected, he actually overcame lots of democrat election cheating. That's why the outrage at his win, they thought they had it all in the bag. This time they made sure.

I could go on and on about the relentless attacks on Trump, the democrats just believe he deserved it, because he was such an unworthy president. Now they expect their guy, who is above reproach, should be welcomed by the country with open arms. Of course, at least for the good of the country. 

We have seen very little action from the democrats that has been for the good of the country. It has all been about obtaining power to fundamentally transform  America. In some ways they have already fundamentally changed America, the rules have mostly all been broken and also the pretense of honest debate is gone. It has been a political war for 5 years and it will continue until there is a resolution as to what kind of Country we will have..

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Biden compromised with everyone.



While the media and the Democrat party ignored the corrupt practices of their Presidential candidate and his son and brother, the files of those who seek to influence him are bulging. Whether this is the Ukrainians, the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians or the Iraqis or those much closer to home. The media, the left wing of his party, the DOJ, the CIA or the military industrial complex, Joe Biden may have more leashes than any president in history.

It seems this is very similar to the leash that was place on Hillary Clinton, by the Obama administration. It is likely Obama and his cohorts have the shortest leash on Biden.

Clinton had to allow the Obama people to orchestrate her campaign under threat of indictment from the DOG. All those Comey shenanigans were just the levers to keep her in line. 

You can bet that Biden's neck is already in need of attention from all those who want cabinet posts and assurances of some action or other. This is just from within the party, this is from his allies. This is from all his new friends who saw him as a vehicle to some access to the power of the United States. With only 47% of Democrats actually voting for Biden out of  true approval rather than hatred of Trump, how long will the honeymoon last. Biden will not have the support of a solid base to protect him from the wolves.

The pressure from his foreign friends and accomplishes will be more subtle and less obvious. Those decisions can just be chalked up to poor decisions or for some more higher cause in the future. China trade will likely return to pre-Trump rules.

The pressure from his new friends at home will likely be far less sophisticated and much more intense, they will likely expect immediate and visible action. After all, when you have access to the levers of power you want to do some pulling. Those anticipating social policy action will be the most obvious.

Those looking to reengage their foreign policy objectives will be less obvious. Everything will be a correcting of the Trump incompetence and a return to U.S. intervention everywhere. This will likely be the end to any Middle East peace plan. A relaxing of pressure on Iran will likely see a distancing from the U.S. and new alliances to protect Arab countries from Iranian aggression.

If all else fails and Mr. Biden gets the idea he is president and wants to be in charge, there is always Kamala waiting in the wings. She has a lot of experience complying with whoever needs to be complied with.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Vaccine wars begin.



So yesterday, Moderna pharmaceutical, announced their vaccine is 94.%5 effective. This follows last weeks announcement from Pfizer that their vaccine is 90% effective. Russia announce over the weekend and before the Moderna announcement that their vaccine is 92% effective.

Both Pfizer and Moderna were part of operation warp speed, even though Pfizer has recently denied this. These two companies have agreed to produce 100 million doses each, while the testing is ongoing. They were paid $1 billion dollars each for research and they will be transferring 100 million doses each to the federal government as soon as emergency approval is given. Moderna has already been paid $1.5 billion for its initial output. Pfizer signed contracts with the U.S. government in July 2020, and Moderna in August 2020

Astra Zeneca and Oxford University are producing 300 million doses while its testing is underway. They also have contracts under operation warp speed and were given money for research. 

All these companies are obligated by contract to deliver 500 million does to the U.S. government first. Distribution is expected in December.

The U.S. government also has the distribution and delivery ready to go by the U.S. military. The Pfizer vaccine will need to be maintained at -100 degrees and will not be able to be delivered by normal transportation. Moderna's can be transported at -4 an advantage for sure.The sticking point is that no vaccines will be distributed to states which are not prepared to distribute and provide vaccines to their residents.

All these vaccines will be provided free to the end user. 

It seems some states want to make it a political issue and want the Federal government to provide the end use service.

Russia was the first to announce its vaccine and is actually providing it now to some Russian citizens. It is going to be produced in South Korea, Brazil, India and China. It is expected to be delivered in January. 

Russia is expected to capture 50% of the worlds market, with many countries already contracted to receive the vaccine.

It will be interesting to see the marketing maneuvers to what could be the biggest vaccine distribution in history.

We have to see if the political players in the U.S. can keep themselves under control for the benefit of the citizens. Democrats are already insisting that the Trump administration turn over control of this vaccine distribution to the Biden administration before Jan. 20. These plans have been in the works for months and have all been publicly announced.  It will not be changed for the political advantage of the Biden administration.

There was much democrat pressure to not approve before the election. We will have to see if the FDA will withhold approval until after the inauguration. A blatant political decision that could cost many lives.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Election integrity needs to be restored.



The 2020 election was a stain on our system of election integrity. Of course some will declare that it was the most secure election ever, but just the fact almost 2 weeks later, the counting continues. This is no way to run an election. As far as states rights, I am a great believer in states rights, but these are federal elections that affect the whole country. We need uniform standards.

First, the majority of Americans understand that mail-in voting is ripe for fraud and manipulation. Some claim that there is no proof of widespread fraud. Is that the standard we are going with? Is only widespread fraud something to be concerned about? The analytics, which are a strong indication, suggest there is definitely something wrong with the numbers. In Pennsylvania, two statewide republican candidates,  Treasurer and Auditor, won an election that they hardly campaigned for and spent a minimal sum. No one can offer an explanation for this. The republicans won more house seats, may have only lost 1 senate seat, another not explained event.

While this election will not likely be changed, it is time to implement national standards for voting.

1, Mail in voting needs to be eliminated in federal elections. It cannot be policed or made secure. I could go into all the possible ways to cheat in this type of voting, I think by now, most understand how this can occur. Absentee voting for those with certifiable reasons is acceptable.

2. The present voting system, at least here in Pennsylvania has a fatal flaw. When we arrive to vote, we must sign our name to our registration on file. This is good. But then we are told to take a ballot, fill it out and run it into the machine. The problem is a number coinciding with our registration should be written on this ballot. This is the only way an audit of these machines and the actual voting can be secure. No wonder there is never any proof of anything, when there is no procedure to insure a fair election.

3. If number 2 is corrected then all polling places could be easily audited for correctness of the machine and the vote. A spot check of 50 ballots could be pulled and the voters contacted to see if their vote coincides with their ballot. I believe most would cooperate and be happy to see if their vote was honestly recorded. If the 50 are good, we move on, if not we can check further.

4. All forms of ballot harvesting should be unlawful, actually some states allow this to go on for weeks after the election.

5. Precincts and States who come up short, or willfully refuse to engage in honest elections should be cited by the civil rights laws and require federal supervision until they come into compliance. Just like the south in the 1960's. California for one is allowing anyone to vote without much supervision. It has allowed California to become an overwhelming one party state.

These are just a couple of suggestions that would bring back confidence in our election system. I am sure others could add to this. If large numbers have no confidence in our election, then we are on the verge of anarchy and civil unrest. Elections are about confidence.

A nationwide campaign needs to be started now to restore confidence in our elections.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Democrat Hypocrisy gets richer by the day.



In a believable show of Democrat hypocrisy, Adam Schiff is lamenting that the Republicans are going to try to "delegitimize Joe Biden and won't be interested in governing, but tearing down our democracy"

He rants on the Joy Reid show that the republicans,"Want to focus on investigating" He believes republicans will want to investigate Hunter Biden, the impeachment proceedings and the Muller probe.

Schiff claims that the division in the country has been due to the Republican obstructionism.

Schiff, of course considers himself as a non-partisan seeker of the truth and his whole focus has always been on the good of the country.

It seems Schiff believes he could be a more effective speaker of the House than Nancy Pelosi, While not publicly stating that he is eyeing that position, his view of himself would make him the best candidate.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

No limit to Democrat and media hypocrisy



Watching the usual rant from CNN and MSNBC  and their democrat guests we would think that the election was a landslide event with no possibility of it going against their wishes. While in the end they may be right, their outrage that Trump has not conceded and has not begun the transition is just so much hypocritical noise. If the Democrats were in this position they would not be conceding. Just weeks before the election Hillary Clinton advised Biden to not concede under any circumstances. As far as transition, Michael Flynn was investigated as late as early January 2017 for having conversations with the Russian ambassador. This is long after an actual concession and the certification of the votes.

In fact Joe Biden in a meeting at the white house in the first days of January 2017 suggested that Trump team members should be charged with violations of the Logan Act for having conversations with foreign leaders. With the election only a week old, Biden has been talking to everyone who will talk to him, insinuating that he is now President. Legally he is not now the President Elect. Trump is President until Jan. 20, 2021 without question.

At present Biden has 279 electoral votes  Trump has 217

North Carolina is as yet uncalled with Trump leading by 80,000 99 % in.

Arizona has been put back not not called with Biden leading by 11,000 99% in.

Georgia is going to be recounted with Biden leading by 14,000 99% in.

Nevada , Biden is leading by 35,000 with 87% in.

Wisconsin Biden is leading by 20,000 with 99% in.

Pennsylvania Biden is leading by 50,000 and some counting is continuing.

All the states that have been called have been called by the media, and are not an official result. It is expected that many of the states may be able to certify their elections by the end of next week. Many are yet to count absentee and military votes.

At present Biden has 279     Trump has 217
                                                                  15 North Carolina
If Georgia and Arizona were won by Trump, which is possible,  he would be at 258

He would then have to prevail in Nevada and a recount in Wisconsin. This is a tough mountain to climb, but not impossible. Those closer to all the issues are able to better decide the course.

So, if Biden and the Democrats were in Trump's position they would be doing the exact same thing. Anyone who voices doubt about that is either naive or dishonest.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Goal: perfect future energy source before scraping fossil fuels.



While we continue to hear a pipe dream of subsidized wind and solar energy as the replacement of our present use of Fossil fuels, the reality is we can never power a modern industrial society on wind and solar. Advocates are either naive or they believe our modern society should be scrapped for a society with very limited energy use. It will cripple our manufacturing, transportation and food production systems and result in a very large decrease in the quality of life. To some, this is a worthy goal, there are too many people anyway.

It is likely that eventually there will be limits to the supply of fossil fuel. While that is possibly far in the future, it is inevitable. So why are we not focusing on a serious replacement for fossil fuels. An all out effort like the Manhattan project. Even if perfected, it will take decades to replace fossil fuels. One such possibly it Fusion technology, it is the ultimate non polluting unlimited source of energy. It is in its infancy of development but an all out effort could speed it up significantly. The use of Hydrogen fuel with water as the waste is already a possibility for automobile fuel. Why are we talking about the costly and inefficient use of wind and solar which will never be a viable alternative, except for a cabin in the wilderness.

Here is video detailing the costs and limitations of solar and wind.

We hear very little about the downside of wind and solar. It seems to be more of a politically popular idea, likely promoted by those who are profiting from the subsidizes. Very little wind and solar construction would be going on without subsidies from the government. It is likely that when these systems reach the end of their useful life, about 20 years, without continued subsides they will end up as scrape.

These ideas are promoted from those who lack the common sense to understand that what they a proposing is not a viable alternative. It is readily embraced by those who will profit form the government subsides. Once the subsidies disappear so will much of this industry.

Monday, November 9, 2020

U.S. elections now third world standard.



Faith in the validity of our election system just took a giant step backwards. Whether there is widespread election corruption or not, the perception is just as lethal as the reality. The fact is, if there is opportunity for election fraud, there will be election fraud. Mail in voting is fraught with numerous opportunities to manipulate the result of an election. Especially in corrupt large urban areas that have been one party ruled for decades. The enemy of election fraud is time. Voting in a single day, by machine counts, without the aid of multiple human hands on these votes is the best deterrent to election fraud. The longer the time of voting, and multiple hands on the ballots increases the possibility of fraud.

Ballot harvesting is almost impossible with one day voting. Again, time is the enemy of election integrity. Time to search the database for who may have not voted, then fill out ballots for these people, really doesn't matter which party they are registered, any no voter will do. The longer the time, the more ballots can be harvested. California allows 17 days, you can get any election result you want.

Here is an interesting video clip, of course it is likely just some fake conspiracy:

We have seen this country descend into third world conditions in many respects, this one may have terminal consequences. We generally have had faith in our institutions.  Whether is was the law, the courts, law enforcement, independent journalism or the election system, faith is what held things together. While we now hear cry's for unity and peace, I fear it has all been flushed down the drain in a massive orgy of political advantage and quest for power. 

Peace and unity when one side has the power, scorched earth when it does not.

The nation is now more divided than anytime in history and we can no longer rely on our institutions for fairness and justice. We have seen political corruption from the FBI, the CIA, the State department, partisan judges in state courts who rule along party line, the hell with the law. Most of the print and electronic media is now just an arm of the ruling class. They have even descended into censoring speech in universities and social media.

Will Joe Biden insist on free speech in these institutions? I suspect his main goal is to make sure that no one who is not in good standing with club will ever be elected to high office again. And to deal out retribution to anyone who should disagree.

We can now resume the fundamental transformation of America.

Destroy everything that held us together so it can be rebuilt in some elitist image.

Donald Trump was just the vehicle that voiced the concerns of half the nation. While their intent has been to destroy him from day one, they are still left with half the nation that has not changed their mind. Will they feel they will need to destroy them as well?

It seems we truly do have two Americas, one composed of the people who physically keep the country running, farmers, mechanics, manufacturers, energy producers and small business and self employed and the other is a 100 mile wide slice down both coasts made up of corrupt large urban city states. The former can survive without the later. The later is truly dependent on the former for their very survival. Yet they consider the producers as inferior and there for their benefit to be ruled over as they see fit. Time will tell how all this will work out.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Democrats focus, Insure sole power forever



Image result for totalitarian socialists

The Democrats have begun to voice their goals for the future. Do we see plans to secure the border? Do we see plans to increase jobs in the future? Do we see plans to increase opportunity through training for real jobs? NO, we see plans to rig the the election process to insure a permanent majority and power for them forever.

We hear they want to eliminate the Electoral college, so that states like California who allow anyone with a drivers license to vote, who also allow non-citizens to acquire drivers licenses.

We see that they object to a question on the census that require non-citizens to be counted, thereby increasing representation in states with many non-citizens.

We see that they want to lower the voting age to 16, so that their accomplices in the Education system can politicize the schools and mobilize the youth vote.

We see that they are offering free college tuition to citizens and non-citizens, free healthcare and a basic income for everyone, and many other enticements to keep people dependent on government. It is just attempting to buy votes.

We know they resist any attempts to restrict illegal immigration into the country. All the while proposing that all residents can vote.

We see that they oppose any attempts at requiring voter ID, when we need ID to purchase a phone or do any transactions in this country. This can only mean they are cheating.

Keep counting the vote for as long as it takes until they win.

We see that they want to add 6 more members to Supreme Court, of course this would be done under the next Democratic president.

Forget about the law and what is right, It is a naked attempt at becoming a permanent ruling party.  And what would they do with this power, they would undoubtedly transform their socialist ideology into reality and enforce it with a bayonet if necessary.

Originally published 3/20/2019

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Is there a new media giant in the future?



Image result for world satellite system

At present it seems to be only in the discussion stage, but there is a combination of passion, ability and a view of the future that is combining to lead some to believe this idea will become reality.

There have been discussions by some forward thinking entrepreneurs who have the ability and technical resources to form a new media conglomerate that would offer internet and television service, along with original programming, objective news, and documentaries. This and its affiliates would also offer social media options, a market place and financial payments. 

It would compete with existing companies and has a view to expand into the many under served regions of the world.

One unique idea that is being considered is a new way of financing such a huge project. It would be called "The network of the people". It would offer direct investment for all as shareholders in the new company. This would be offered after the details are secure and the company is organized.

This company would have the ability to build and launch its own satellite system. It is rumored that some very able leaders in media, marketing and technology are very excited about this possibility.

Many believe the media and social network is vulnerable to some serious competition.

Possible launch time within the next 30 months.

originally posted 12/10/18, More relevant than ever.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Similarities to U.S. elections of the past.




Having been around at the time of the 1968 and 1972 elections,  I am struck by the similarities of the issues and tactics compared to this election.

The 1968 election was between Richard Nixon of California, and Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota. It was turbulent time with protests and rioting opposed to the Vietnam war. There was also many civil rights protests and the Black-Power movement. This election marked a dramatic shift and re-alignment of the states supports for political parties. 

Nixon promised to end the War with honor and Humphrey called for an immediate withdrawal and to continue the social policies of the Johnson administration who refused to run for re-election. There was also a third party run by George Wallace who opposed much of the civil rights agenda.

Earlier in the year there was the assassinations of Martin Luther King and  Robert Kennedy, who had won the California primary that day. This was followed by rioting in many of the largest cities in the country.

Nixon ran on Law and order and ending the war but on honorable conditions. He ran to appeal to the democrat voters in the southern states, which were locked up by the democrats since the FDR era. This was a time of serious social unrest much more widespread than today.

This was the time of the founding and growth of the "Students for a democratic society" and then the   "Weather Underground"  both adherents of  Marxist Leninist ideology of revolution and implementing a socialist government in America.

Nixon was not exactly well liked, he was hated by the media and had been labeled "Tricky Dick" by many. Nixon went on to win 32 states, Humphrey 13, and Wallace 5.

In 1972, the contest was between the incumbent Nixon and George McGovern of South Dakota. The war was still going on but had actually been escalated and there were peace talks being negotiated with North Vietnam. Nixon had opened up relations with China as a counter to the USSR. He ran on a foreign policy platform and also on law and order. McGovern ran on ending the war and a guaranteed minimum income.

Nixon first used the term ,"Silent Majority" to appeal to mainstream America.

McGovern was the favorite of counter culture who assumed he would work to legalize marijuana, end the draft and institute more social policies.

The time was marked by the violent action of the Weather Underground. SDS, and the Black Panthers, all Marxist organizations. They engaged in bombings, arson, and attacks on police and government buildings. They financed their movement with bank robberies and other theft. Today they can extort finances from american corporations.They protested  against white privilege, capitalism and U.S. imperialism. Some of the young leaders of that time are the same leaders of the present movement.

Barack Obama began his presidential campaign in the home of Bill Ayers a Weather Underground founder and convicted of numerous bombings. Many knew what he was talking about when Obama hoped to "Fundamentally Transform America".  Bob Avakian was also around at that time and is now the head of the U.S. Communist party and endorsed Joe Biden Yesterday.

Nixon won 49 states and McGovern 1, Massachusetts. The southern realignment that began under Nixon is still pretty firm for Republicans, the coasts have now mostly succumbed to the lure of left wing ideology. The cities are now mostly populated and ruled by adherents to that same socialist ideology, the results have not been pretty. It is unlikely that the landslide of 1972 will ever be repeated

Monday, November 2, 2020

Greatest grass roots phenomenon in political history



We often hear that the supporters of Donald Trump are a Cult of personality. Or that they are unthinking, unintelligent, uneducated pawns being used by Donald Trump. The elite media and political cynics still don't have a clue what they have been witnessing. The establishment Republicans are hoping that after Trump in 2024, they will resume control of the Republican party. While Trump will no longer be president after 2024 the grass roots supporters of Trump will not be convinced to support just anyone who is an R. The elites have illusions of pushing the likes of a Bush, Romney, McCann or some other back room nominated candidate. They are going to be in for a rude awakening. While many of these grass roots activists are registered Republicans, most are not strongly tied to any party. There is also a large percentage of registered Democrats and independents. They are motivated by issues and policy not party loyalty.

The Trump phenomenon is much like the emergence of Rush Limbaugh in 1988. Limbaugh has also been described as some sort of Svengali that mesmerized conservatives on the radio. Nothing of the sort, Limbaugh just voiced what millions have been feeling and thinking for decades. Trump came forward and not only voiced what millions have been thinking and feeling, but gave the same millions a vehicle to put that thinking into political reality, himself.  In the 2016 primary, Trump immediately moved to the top of the Republican primary and hardly looked back. The elites and political cynics never understood why then, and still not now. It was so simple, Trump was able to convince these millions that if elected he would go all out to do what he promised. He promised to address, immigration, trade, foreign policy and the nominating of judges who believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Then when elected, he did what no president in modern history has done, he actually put his all into doing just that.

In the last 3 months I have met 100's of Trump supporters personally. They are the reason he became president and he is the reason he remained president. It was clear that the establishment, both republican and democrat hoped they could investigate, slander, deride Trump until they could run his poll numbers into the 20's. Then a group of bipartisan elite politicians could go to the president and ask him to resign. It never happened, because these supporter stuck with him through it all.

Republican progressives feared to oppose Trump because of these same supporters. They learned early on that opposing Trump would be the end of their political career in the republican party. They also know they would never have a place in the new democrat party. 

Who are these Grass roots activists? They are just ordinary Americans, young and old, male and female, many legal immigrants, who feel compelled by the love of their country and a wish to preserve it for future generations have willingly and joyfully volunteered to do whatever it takes to keep it that way. I would say it mostly an under 40 age group, with many in their 20's.

When they go to a rally for Trump they all are there for one reason, that is to show Trump they are here to support, prop up, give him hope, give him endurance to do what it takes to succeed.  These supporters are Trumps strength and endurance.

Many of these supporters are young, new to politics, new to any activism and many will likely be political leaders of the future. They are smart, dedicated and know why they are supporting Trump. Because he believes in America as they do. Many did not vote for Trump in 2016, often not believing he would do what he campaigned on, his following through on his promises converted them to true believers.

In 2016 I got to know a man from Pittsburgh, Paul Adametz, he believed that Trump supporters needed validation and a feeling that they were not alone. His idea was to blanket the state with yard signs for Trump to create a vehicle for supporters to be unified. While I don't usually believe yard sign are of much consequence, I also believed this was a unique situation in 2016, as it was very important to counter the continuous attacks by the media. I met Paul in Carlisle once a week and transferred signs form his mini-van to my pick-up and transported 1000's of signs to eastern Pa. 

Initially most of these signs were sold to republican county committees, then others became aware of their availability and they purchased them and distributed them. Some of the locals who distributed 100's of signs were Bob Danenhower of Orefield and Rick Haring of Neffs. They put out their own money then hoped to get it back from anyone who wanted a sign. All the signs were sold for the cost of production and transportation. All the signs that were placed in yards before October were paid for by the people who lived there. Signs distributed by committees were given away, but accepted donations.

By late summer of 2020 the phones began ringing, When are the signs coming? There was a stronger interest than in 2016.  The first signs arrived in early August. This time, Paul rented a truck and delivered here once a week usually on a Friday, often in the middle of the night. Paul also delivered signs all across the state.We delivered signs out of New Tripoli to Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, Northumberland, Montour and Luzerne county republican committee's. Locally Danenhower, Haring and Eagle Arms of Breinigsville sold or gave away many 100's of signs. Early on, I put an add on Facebook market place. I was overwhelmed by the response and was blessed to meet 100's of like minded people who I came to know and admire. They came at any time of the day or night, I would be here if someone was coming. I was particularly impressed by the young enthusiastic people, always smiling, always positive and excited about getting out more signs. They were actually good therapy for a sometimes cynical old man.

They came from Lancaster, Pottstown, Philadelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, Wilkes Barre, Schuylkill, Carbon county and even New Jersey. Some took 2, some took 10 or twenty for neighbors and friends. Many came back many times for more. We also had the big 4x6 and 4x8 signs, all the ones with blue backgrounds came from this private source. The Trump campaign big signs have a white background.

Some made the distribution of signs almost a full time endeavor.

Brian Mehaffey pictured above traveled regularly from Lancaster distributed and delivered signs. He also worked to register Amish and Mennonite voters.

John Clemson was here regularly hauling signs to the Montgomery county area. We had Alex from central Pa., a Penn state student who got contributions from fellow young republicans and distributed 100's of signs. Most all also registered many new voters on their own initiative.

In the last week I met Alora Tully from New Tripoli, a 23 year old mother, a graduate from Northwestern Lehigh High School. Alora and her sister were adopted from Russia when she was 4 years old, her sister 2 1/2. Her life could have been much different, but for a place called America and parents who provided a new life in a new country. She believes in America for the opportunity it provides. This is the first year she will be voting. While becoming interested in the political process late in 2016, she has now gone all in. She was instrumental in organizing a Truck rally and caravan in New Tripoli on October 18. It was such a success that she has now organized another rally that may be the biggest in the area on Nov. 1. It was a great success. I suspect it will be just the first experience in many.

Alora is on the left with a fellow activist

Paul distributed 240,000 yard signs around the state and several thousand 4x6 and 4x8 signs.  The Trump campaign distributed 300,000 yard signs. Then there were other private enterprises who sold many thousands of flags, signs and other Trump memorabilia. It is likely that this will never be repeated. It was an inspiring undertaking for me, the young people particularly often brought tears to my eyes. I feel I am blessed to see that there is hope in the future of America.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Huge New Tripoli Trump Caravan



Approximately 300 vehicles participated in the New Tripoli Trump truck rally today. The staging point was on Rt 309 at Feinours garage along with several other parking lots in the area.

The heavy rain did not discourage a great response for a gathering of like minded citizens from the area from showing up to support Trump for president. The event was well planned and organized by Alora Tully and Derek Smith. The event went off smoothly without any problems.

The caravan got underway at 1:15 and headed north up rt 309. There was a continuous line of vehicles over the mountain and into Schuylkill county. The caravan then headed east on Rt 895 into Carbon county to Bowmanstown and south on Rt 145 into Northampton county. It then traveled west on Rising Sun rd. and then north on 309 back to New Tripoli. The total trip took 3 hours and was encouraged along the way by many hundreds of spectators assembled at key intersections and in their yards. It was a very positive event and enjoyed  by viewers and participates.

It was a good time enjoyed by all and hopefully it will encourage everyone to get out and vote for Trump for 4 more years.