We often hear that the supporters of Donald Trump are a Cult of personality. Or that they are unthinking, unintelligent, uneducated pawns being used by Donald Trump. The elite media and political cynics still don't have a clue what they have been witnessing. The establishment Republicans are hoping that after Trump in 2024, they will resume control of the Republican party. While Trump will no longer be president after 2024 the grass roots supporters of Trump will not be convinced to support just anyone who is an R. The elites have illusions of pushing the likes of a Bush, Romney, McCann or some other back room nominated candidate. They are going to be in for a rude awakening. While many of these grass roots activists are registered Republicans, most are not strongly tied to any party. There is also a large percentage of registered Democrats and independents. They are motivated by issues and policy not party loyalty.
The Trump phenomenon is much like the emergence of Rush Limbaugh in 1988. Limbaugh has also been described as some sort of Svengali that mesmerized conservatives on the radio. Nothing of the sort, Limbaugh just voiced what millions have been feeling and thinking for decades. Trump came forward and not only voiced what millions have been thinking and feeling, but gave the same millions a vehicle to put that thinking into political reality, himself. In the 2016 primary, Trump immediately moved to the top of the Republican primary and hardly looked back. The elites and political cynics never understood why then, and still not now. It was so simple, Trump was able to convince these millions that if elected he would go all out to do what he promised. He promised to address, immigration, trade, foreign policy and the nominating of judges who believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Then when elected, he did what no president in modern history has done, he actually put his all into doing just that.
In the last 3 months I have met 100's of Trump supporters personally. They are the reason he became president and he is the reason he remained president. It was clear that the establishment, both republican and democrat hoped they could investigate, slander, deride Trump until they could run his poll numbers into the 20's. Then a group of bipartisan elite politicians could go to the president and ask him to resign. It never happened, because these supporter stuck with him through it all.
Republican progressives feared to oppose Trump because of these same supporters. They learned early on that opposing Trump would be the end of their political career in the republican party. They also know they would never have a place in the new democrat party.
Who are these Grass roots activists? They are just ordinary Americans, young and old, male and female, many legal immigrants, who feel compelled by the love of their country and a wish to preserve it for future generations have willingly and joyfully volunteered to do whatever it takes to keep it that way. I would say it mostly an under 40 age group, with many in their 20's.
When they go to a rally for Trump they all are there for one reason, that is to show Trump they are here to support, prop up, give him hope, give him endurance to do what it takes to succeed. These supporters are Trumps strength and endurance.
Many of these supporters are young, new to politics, new to any activism and many will likely be political leaders of the future. They are smart, dedicated and know why they are supporting Trump. Because he believes in America as they do. Many did not vote for Trump in 2016, often not believing he would do what he campaigned on, his following through on his promises converted them to true believers.
In 2016 I got to know a man from Pittsburgh, Paul Adametz, he believed that Trump supporters needed validation and a feeling that they were not alone. His idea was to blanket the state with yard signs for Trump to create a vehicle for supporters to be unified. While I don't usually believe yard sign are of much consequence, I also believed this was a unique situation in 2016, as it was very important to counter the continuous attacks by the media. I met Paul in Carlisle once a week and transferred signs form his mini-van to my pick-up and transported 1000's of signs to eastern Pa.
Initially most of these signs were sold to republican county committees, then others became aware of their availability and they purchased them and distributed them. Some of the locals who distributed 100's of signs were Bob Danenhower of Orefield and Rick Haring of Neffs. They put out their own money then hoped to get it back from anyone who wanted a sign. All the signs were sold for the cost of production and transportation. All the signs that were placed in yards before October were paid for by the people who lived there. Signs distributed by committees were given away, but accepted donations.
By late summer of 2020 the phones began ringing, When are the signs coming? There was a stronger interest than in 2016. The first signs arrived in early August. This time, Paul rented a truck and delivered here once a week usually on a Friday, often in the middle of the night. Paul also delivered signs all across the state.We delivered signs out of New Tripoli to Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, Northumberland, Montour and Luzerne county republican committee's. Locally Danenhower, Haring and Eagle Arms of Breinigsville sold or gave away many 100's of signs. Early on, I put an add on Facebook market place. I was overwhelmed by the response and was blessed to meet 100's of like minded people who I came to know and admire. They came at any time of the day or night, I would be here if someone was coming. I was particularly impressed by the young enthusiastic people, always smiling, always positive and excited about getting out more signs. They were actually good therapy for a sometimes cynical old man.
They came from Lancaster, Pottstown, Philadelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, Wilkes Barre, Schuylkill, Carbon county and even New Jersey. Some took 2, some took 10 or twenty for neighbors and friends. Many came back many times for more. We also had the big 4x6 and 4x8 signs, all the ones with blue backgrounds came from this private source. The Trump campaign big signs have a white background.
Some made the distribution of signs almost a full time endeavor.
Brian Mehaffey pictured above traveled regularly from Lancaster distributed and delivered signs. He also worked to register Amish and Mennonite voters.
John Clemson was here regularly hauling signs to the Montgomery county area. We had Alex from central Pa., a Penn state student who got contributions from fellow young republicans and distributed 100's of signs. Most all also registered many new voters on their own initiative.
In the last week I met Alora Tully from New Tripoli, a 23 year old mother, a graduate from Northwestern Lehigh High School. Alora and her sister were adopted from Russia when she was 4 years old, her sister 2 1/2. Her life could have been much different, but for a place called America and parents who provided a new life in a new country. She believes in America for the opportunity it provides. This is the first year she will be voting. While becoming interested in the political process late in 2016, she has now gone all in. She was instrumental in organizing a Truck rally and caravan in New Tripoli on October 18. It was such a success that she has now organized another rally that may be the biggest in the area on Nov. 1. It was a great success. I suspect it will be just the first experience in many.
Alora is on the left with a fellow activist
Paul distributed 240,000 yard signs around the state and several thousand 4x6 and 4x8 signs. The Trump campaign distributed 300,000 yard signs. Then there were other private enterprises who sold many thousands of flags, signs and other Trump memorabilia. It is likely that this will never be repeated. It was an inspiring undertaking for me, the young people particularly often brought tears to my eyes. I feel I am blessed to see that there is hope in the future of America.