The Federal government of the United States has developed a pattern of using money to overcome constitutional limits in its quest to increase its power. It repeatedly offers some cash incentives to schools, local governments or business subsidies to have them voluntarily accept Federal dollars and the strings that are attached. Its the strings that increase the government's power over its constitutional limits. Once these entities are addicted to the federal money and have become dependent on it, they are reluctant to break away, even with increasingly repugnant strings.
There is no constitutional provision for the federal government to be involved in education, yet they have been able to mandate much of what goes on even to the point of mandating cafeteria menus.
They have no authority to mandate paid family leave. Are they going to manage and pay out this money?
We see money for child care. You can bet their will be strings on what kind of child care will qualify. It will be designed by the woke politicians in Washington. A blatant attempt to influence children at a even earlier age.
The other part of this pattern is that they bait with an offer of money, often only for a limited time, then it becomes the responsibility of the state to fund and maintain an ever expanding program. Medicaid expansion is just such a program, after several years the funding becomes the duty of the state. These programs are all loaded with so called "Unfunded Mandates"
We see whole business's that would not survive without government subsides, much of the clean energy proposals are a perfect example. The solar companies actually advertise that a homeowner can often get it for free from government subsidies. It distorts the market and when the subsidies go away these ideas usually disappear.
While the politicians claim they are there to help, they are actually encouraging everyone to be addicted to the taxpayers and borrowed money, so that they can increase their power and threaten to withhold the money if you don't cooperate with their quest for more power.
We hear that the children of Afghanistan and Sudan will now starve if the U.S. stops the subsides. These subsides are all about control. With taxpayer and borrowed money. Biden is now on a world tour, you can bet he is handing out our money to whoever will agree to be our friend, even if it is just for the money.
States are often warned that they will withhold federal funds if they don't go along with unconstitutional mandates.
The constitution, the law for the Federal government, is very clear what the duties are for the Federal government. It is very limited and like immigration they are failing to obey the law. They have no constitutional mandate to be involved in education, healthcare and a whole list of things they have used our money to expand their power.
It is time for people to just say no, no to the Federal government's addictive money and control.