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Monday, October 18, 2021

More entitlements financially irresponsible.



We now hear that the democrats are proposing only funding their new entitlements for 3 years rather than 10 years. Once entitlement expansion is passed it is forever, if there is no money, just borrow more and devalue the currency. It is time that all these omnibus or large spending bills are eliminated. They should have to debate and pass each with separate legislation. Any bill that is 2500 pages, or any number like it  should never be considered. These large bills are always loaded with pork and other distasteful abuses.

Pelosi has promised her constituents, "Transformational legislation ", which in real speak means it is a socialist revolution in one big package. The whole idea of human infrastructure needs to be rejected in its entirety. Any one who votes for such a mess hates a free America and wants a new Socialist America. The only real government investments that I recall was the Louisiana purchase and the purchase of Alaska. 

We have been witnessing the real authoritarian ideologs of our country. They are democrats who have abused their power with lockdowns, mandates and other unconsititutional edics, most without the approval of the legislators either at a state or federal level. Now, they want to expand their power by implementing new entitlements to buy votes and expand dependency on the federal government. They hope that this legislation will seal the fate of our country. It will give the bureaucracy more power over our lives. They have proven that they cannot control their lust for power.

To now insist on keeping this legislation intact, but cutting the cost by only funding for 3 years is just another bait and switch. The present estimates of $3.5 trillion dollars are already a fake number, the real cost could be 3 times that much in 10 years. This whole package needs to be scraped and if there are any worthy parts, they should be voted on one by one in seperate pieces.

This country cannot pay for the benefits it has now. They could confiscate all the money from the so called 1 % and they could not balance a budget for 1 year. This situation will get worse even if no new entitlements are enacted. We need a fundamental change in the budget and spending excesses in this country. The country needs to live within its means, just like every family. 

More government programs means more government power and regulation. dependency and a further disincentive to work. We obviously already have more of this than we can handle.

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