This weekend a convoy of over 12,000 Trucks and 50,000 truckers has been traveling toward Ottawa to protest Vaccine mandates that have caused the firing of many truckers and also have forbid any cross border trucking by those that are unvaccinated. While this started as an anti-mandate protest it seems there is more support in the rest of the population than the elites in Ottawa expected. Every overpass and intersection on the road is now crowded with supporters with flags and signs in support of the protest.
President Justin Trudeau dismissed the protest as just a "fring minority". I guess truckers are a minority everywhere, but a minority that has much more power than even the truckers realize. While a fraction of truckers numbers, if BLM protesters, would require ass kissing and promises of addressing their concerns, truckers are dismissed as a fringe. Typical of the ruling elites worldwide, who view those who keep the wheels on their respective countries as non-essential and of low account.
Rather than listen to the Truckers grievance's which have now expanded from just covid mandates to other festering issues of government regulation and harassment of truckers, the president and his family fled to a secure secret location. A very poor response indeed.
This is just another example of an out of touch ruling class who are eager to ignore and dismiss any complaints from workers and independent business that are not connected to government in some way. It is becoming a world wide problem and covid mandates, especially on independent business, have shown how out of touch leaders are, when they out of hand dismiss their complaints as a fringe, or some other derogatory language.
This is really the first such protest I can recall in Canada, a country that is sprawling with many different culture and economic interests. I suspect this may be just the beginning of unrest and call for reforms in Canada.
As for Truckers, they have far more enormous power than they know. The whole country, every country, not just Canada, is dependent on this minority to transport people and goods as is needed to sustain a modern economy. Truckers, especially independent truckers have been squeezed for years with regulation, taxes, fees, tolls, fuel taxes and viewed as a golden goose for states and local municipalities. They have a lot of grievances, just ask them.
This protest in Canada, just when the whole economy is vulnerable due to supply problems may be just the first of such incidents. It may be time for Truckers to use their power to encourage reforms in how they are treated by those who have been taking them for granted for far too long.