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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

FBI, Clinton extremely careless, but not intentional.



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FBI director James Comey held a press conference this morning to announce that no recommendation of criminal charges would be sent to the Department of Justice concerning
Hillary Clinton's private server. This finishes off a week of build up to this conclusion. It started with the secret meeting in Phoenix between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, followed by the announcement by Lynch that the DOJ would follow the recommendation's of the FBI. Then today the recommendations of the FBI. It will not take long to put this matter to rest.

Comey explained that Clintons private server had been used to email 7 top secret messages, 36 Secret messages, and over 100 classified messages, but that this was all unintentional. He did not explain if the private server was also unintentional. He declared that the security culture at the State department was lacking. He also stated that while it could not be proved that this server was hacked, it had less security than  a G-Mail account.  He also stated that they found over 7000 emails that were government related that had not been turned over to the state department, but this was because they had a faulty way of sorting which emails were relevant. This seems to have been the best way that the Democrats, Obama and Clinton could put this behind them.

As far as the politics of this matter, It should be good news for Trump. The Dems are now fully committed to Clinton. It will not be Biden or Sanders, who probably would be tougher opponents. The scandal or incompetence of this matter will continue to be relevant as to the suitability of Clinton as President. In some ways it is just another indication of the corruption of all government institutions. It is more obvious than ever that people in power can pretty much get away with anything, as long as the voters are distracted and complacent. 


  1. Once again, Ray, you make excellent points!

    Clinton is clearly guilty of felonies here. Section 793(f) of the penal code makes clear gross negligence is all that is required. In other words, Comey rewrote the law, just as did Justice Roberts over Obamacare,in clearing Mrs. Clinton.

    If we still had an honest and equitable justice system in this government, this case would be easy to prosecute and win.

    I also agree, and stated months ago, Joe Biden would have made a better option for the Democrats all along. He STILL might! Maybe there was some sort of deal in exchange for no finding of criminal behavior, Hillary soon is forced to resign for "health reasons," Biden is inserted, wins, because everyone feels some sense of relief.

    Hillary and Bill go along their merry way with the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS they skim from the Clinton Foundation, ghost- write books, and give 15-minute speeches at a quarter million dollars a pop!

    Fred Windish

  2. Obama will decide who the vice presidential candidate will be. The deal is Hillary will be Obama's puppet.


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