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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Obama commences third term campaign



Image result for clinton Obama in North carolina

 The political deal of the century is now being revealed piece by piece. In the coming days it may very well be obvious to all except those who love to live in complete denial. We have watched as the orchestrated event of the year unfolded, go back to April when you hear Obama on national television explain how Hillary's transgressions were not intentional and that she has done an outstanding job. If you look at Comey's explanation yesterday it matches Obamas prophetic words so well that it could have been written by Obama, and probably was.  This long drawn out investigation was nothing more than a negotiation between Obama and the Clinton campaign. It climaxed last week when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch in Phoenix and agreed to the final details of the deal. Obama has stated recently that if he could run for a third term he would win hands down, he has repeated this several times. No sooner had the deal been agreed to that Lynch stated she would follow the FBI's recommendation. It was also reported by the New York Times, that Hillary expected to keep Lynch on as Attorney General if elected.  Then on Saturday Comey commences the  FBI interview with Clinton. Tuesday he proceeds to state that while Hillary is guilty of all the complaints against her, she will not be charged because it was unintentional. While Comey is making his statement, Obama and Clinton are about to board Air force 1 for a rally in North Carolina, of course they had no way of knowing what Comey's conclusion was to be.
When this rally starts it is soon obvious that Obama is in charge, Hillary is a figurehead that he will direct as a continuation of his term as President. It is openly stated by Obama and Hillary that if elected this will be the third Obama term and a continuation of his policies. Is this the price that the Clintons had to accept to possibly be the next president? Do the Clintons think that if elected they will be able to get rid of Obama? I expect that Obama will demand that the Clinton administration will be staffed with people acceptable to Obama, and if it is the Attorney general and Court members, he will hold the hammer on the Clinton  Presidency. 
While no documented proof of this deal will ever be revealed, just watch and listen as it all unfolds.

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