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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Democrats caught in classic Catch-22 dillema



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The Democratic post election losses have increased the calls for new leadership of their party. While new leadership is needed, they also will need to come up with a platform and objectives that appeal to the majority of Americans.  The democratic party under Obama has moved to the extreme left, they are now associated with the policies of redistribution, class and race division, a disrespectful attitude toward the police, open borders with unlimited and unregulated immigration, an objective of placing large segments of society in a dependent state, and increased regulations on every aspect of business and life.
In the last election they ran on, " More of the same", and opposition to Trump. There was no real platform with objectives for the future. There was a good reason for this, if they would have run on an open and honest platform for what their party specifically stands for at this time, they would have had even greater losses. This is their Catch -22 dilemma, If they move the party platform to the center, to appeal to the average American, their coalition will blow up. If they continue on the path they have taken , they will continue to loose. They have lost over 1000 state seats, the house, the senate and presidency. While Trump is hated by the left, he ran a campaign with a platform and ideas for the future. He was honest about his proposals, not bashful, not embarrassed, and it gained him respect from many Americans, some who may not particularly like his personality, but at least they   know who he is. 
If the Democratic base has its way their new leadership will be Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and they will continue to loose. If they choose new leadership in the image of the old Clinton democratic leadership group, their coalition will disintegrate. Another catch-22 dilemma. The Democratic party has been reduced to be the party of Government workers, bureaucrats, and the fringes of society. To rebuild, they will need to win elections in local and state elections by appealing to everyday Americans. This is much like a Sports team whose stars are now old and their rookies are mediocre. Rebuilding may take many seasons and a new strategy to become a winner again.


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