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Monday, June 5, 2017

More U.K. terror



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As predicted by many, the increased pressure on ISIS in Syria and the other mid-east countries has accelerated terrorist attacks in Europe. If you listen closely, we see that the strategy is now annihilation of ISIS on the battlefield. It seems there are few prisoners, the new strategy is eradication. While this will eventually take away ISIS safe places in the middle-east it will be a lengthy process.  There are at least 6 countries in the region with no viable government control. It will require the large nations of the middle east to secure this area, it could now take decades. President Trump's visit to the region was an attempt to unify stable Muslim governments in an attempt to put an end to ISIS. While this is part of a long range solution, we will have to wait to see if it is successful.
As for terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.S., there really is no end in sight. Europe has a reported 30,000 possible terrorists on the loose across the region. It is an impossible task to keep track on all of them. They will inevitably have to step up the apprehension and elimination of radicals in their countries. I would expect one day to see the forced expulsion of non-citizens out of the E.U.. They are not there yet, but how long can a country pay the burden in financial, political and quality of life costs. As for the U.S. the FBI has stated that they have as many as 1000 active investigations underway. If this continues to increase, it will soon become unmanageable. We are blessed by oceans on most of our borders, so it is easier for us to control who comes here, but not a simple job. So far we may have a chance to protect ourselves, but the situation in Europe is far more dismal. We keep hearing that most of these terrorists were born  citizens in these countries. They are the children of immigrants who came here and to Europe in the beginning of mid-east turmoil  now 4 decades ago. Did they learn to hate westerners from their parents? Has this fertile ground for terrorists of the future multiplied 100 fold with the new crop of immigrants and refuges? Is this a gamble we can afford to take?
Short term, we can help to kill ISIS members and other terrorists. Does anyone believe that rehabilitation is possible? Long term, the prospects are not good. We may one day have to disengage from the middle east and let the governments of the area sort it out for themselves. After all, the rulers of the middle-east have controlled their populations for centuries. Real democracy has yet to take a firm hold, and without stability, democracy is impossible. Democracy has to come from a strong desire of the citizens, it cannot be forced from the outside.

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