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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Who won in Carlottsville?



Image result for charlottesville riot
I doubt that  anything that President Trump would have said concerning the violence in Charlottesville would have been accepted by the Media or the left. His original statement condemning all violence, which was perpetrated by both sides, was an appropriate statement from a president. By using this as a political weapon the left and media have possibly given the extreme voices who had participated in a permitted rally more visibility and  exposure than would have originally occurred. The rally was supposed  to protest the removal of a monument of Robert E. Lee. I am sure there was a mixed group who could find cause to protest the removal. I have yet to encounter a NAZI or believer in National socialism. While I am sure there are Klu Klux Klan members I doubt that you could fill a High school stadium with them. It is true that they came prepared for struggle with shields and clubs. The biggest question is what happened to the police? This rally was advertised by the media for days. The usual strategy is to cordon off the area and keep a distance between the opposing factions. This was evident in Seattle the next day when it was done right. The only violence was from the Black lives matter and other Marxist groups against the police.
I question the intentions of the governor of Virginia and the politicians of Charlottesville who seemed to have the attitude of let them go at it. Many of the rally members were armed, not one shot was fired. One must wonder if they hoped it would have ended in a bloodbath so it could be used as a political opportunity?  Sadly one young women, who probably thought she would be engaged in a peaceful march, needlessly lost her life and many more were injured.
So who won in Charlottesville? Certainly not the country. Maybe the anti-rally protesters believe they have won something, but at what cost. Most likely the fringe radical groups on the right were not damaged in their quest to enlist more members. It may encourage some of their more militant members to take revenge in some way. The best way to marginalize their ideas is not with violence, but debate with opposing ideas. If there was no riot it would have been a non-event much like Seattle. But then that would have given up an opportunity for political advantage. It looks like this is the plan, attempt to connect to these fringe groups all Trump supporters and label them racist, bigots, and extremists of one sort or another.  Seems like the same plan they have been using for the last two years.
 Black lives matter and the other groups, who espouse disarming the police, who label the police as enforcers of the Capitalist system. Who are true believers of Marxist ideology. Who openly endorse violence against the police. Who riot, loot and engage in violence with the police and others at every opportunity. These are the good guys in the eyes of the media and the Democratic party. The fact that Trump chose to not name anyone by name in his condemnation, including the Marxist revolutionaries
was an outrage in their eyes.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to take down statues , take anything connected to the issue . Example anything connected to civil rights since you will always upset some one.


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