The National institute of health reports the following Statistics for 18-24 year old college students.
1. 1825 die from alcohol-related injuries per year.
2. 696,000 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.
3. 97,000 report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
4. 20 % of college students meet the criteria for AUD, Alcohol use disorder.
5. 1 in 4 students report academic consequences from drinking, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall.
While alcohol use by youth has always occurred, the practice of binge drinking or drinking until unconscious has become a right of passage and encouraged by peers in college. This is a very dangerous practice that has resulted in death and put both male and female students in compromising situations.
Colleges have not addressed these problems in any meaningful ways. While they seem to be very aggressive in their approach to political correctness, they actually almost seem to encourage drinking and drug use as a right of passage.
Alcohol use has always been a social lubricant that has helped shy or not socially adept people adapt to interaction with others. The key is moderation, education and an awareness of the dangers of overuse. Laying unconscious on the floor is not very appealing to anyone.
Parents should have frank conversations with their children in their teen years. Explaining that they should never drink from punch bowls, open containers, or drinks that have not been in their constant control. Spiking of drinks by others is a serious risk.
Judging by body weight they should be informed how many drinks will result in being legally drunk, unconscious and ultimately dead.
Information is the best weapon, and also a good example at home and by society. We have little control over the influences of Hollywood, peer pressure and a permissive society, but good information may make the difference in keeping your children safe in the future.
Looks like NWL SCHOOL DISTRICT is a training ground for college.Sports seems to get a pass. If you are connected you get a break.