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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Scrapping Iran deal is second part of Mid-East strategy.



Image result for iran missiles

There is much hand wringing about President Trumps decision to pull out of the Iran Nuclear deal. It is clear that Trump's methods do not include kicking the can down the road to a latter date. While the Iran Nuclear deal delayed their ability to build a nuclear arsenal, it was a deal that actually allowed this in the future. After agreeing to this deal, Iran could have cut back on their support to their allies in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Assad in Syria, but instead increased their support for terrorist groups in the middle east.

The middle east had 2 sources of terrorist funding. The Sunni sources for international terrorist funding were primarily in Saudi Arabia. If we recall early in Trumps presidency, he held a large conference in Saudi Arabia were he addressed the funding of terrorism. It was not long after that there was a shakeup in Saudi Arabia were the factions that supported terrorism were arrested and it was made clear that the government was attempting to stop this funding from within the country. There was also pressure applied to Qatar to stop funding to Sunni terrorists. 

Also there was increase in  cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel in their mutual fear of Iranian aggression. 

Now, the next step to mid-east peace is to eliminate Shia terrorism financed by Iran. This funding is part of Iran's hope of having an Islamic caliphate controlling all of the middle east. They have also funded terrorist's in Africa.

Now that the fight with ISIS is winding down, it was perceived that Iran would now attempt to increase its influence with its neighbors.

While Iran has mostly adhered to the restraint on nuclear expansion, they have increased their support for terrorism, continue in developing long range missiles, and continue to threaten to eliminate Israel as a state. They have increased shipment of missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Yemen

Rather than wait 10 years to see what Iran does in that time,Trump has decided it is best to put the pressure on now to change the ways of Iran. 

Iran has a well educated population that is not an enemy of the United States. They are a country rich in resources and could be much more prosperous if not engaged in fomenting revolution and chaos with its neighbors. I am sure that negotiations will begin to see if a better relationship can be produced that will benefit  all the residents of the middle east. 

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