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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

South Africa begins confiscation of white owned land.



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With the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as president of South Africa, the calls for the transfer of ownership of white owned farms to black ownership is now underway. The calls for this have been heating up for years with 638 violent attacks, and 74 murders against white farmers in the last 2 years.

Since the decision by the African National congress to change the constitution to allow confiscation of white property, the exodus of whites from South Africa has begun. So far Australia has offered refuge of white South Africans, against the opposition of the South African government. 

There are also negotiations with the Russian Federation to allow 30,000 white farmers to emigrate to Russia. 

This is beginning to mirror what has happened in Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, where white farmers were murdered and their land confiscated. The population of white Zimbabwe's declined from 296,000 in 1975 to 28,732 in 2012.

Rhodesia became Zimbabwe in 1980, it was a prosperous first world country with fertile agricultural land and many natural resources. It has now descended into a poverty stricken, starving country with inflation numbers that are in the 1000's of percent. It is not likely to recover in our lifetime.

Venezuela , while not singling out white residents for expropriation, did in fact follow the same path to equality. Nationalization of all industry and confiscation of private property. Equally starving, without basic services, with residents fleeing the country, and not likely to recover for decades.

South Africa has fertile land and many natural resources. It was the most advanced country in Africa. The next few years will be pivotal for its survival. While the focus is presently on white owned farms, it may not be long till international mining companies will be put on the list of assets needed to prop up the failing government. 

White residents who remain, need to look to history, Jews in pre-WW2 Germany, white residents of Zimbabwe. The prudent left while it was possible to preserve at least some of their assets and their lives. Most would have been wise to begin leaving years ago.

It is very likely that we will now see a flight of investment out of the country, and the beginning of the descent into poverty for all except the ruling class.

Interesting, there has not been a peep out of the United Nations or even the western media to condemn the racist policies of the South African government. It seems that outrage is only appropriate for white transgressions.

1 comment:

  1. Will the left wing Democrats make the hardworking white people in USA next? They want to take away our guns so we can't protect ourselves. Beware of socialist!


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