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Thursday, August 9, 2018

The message, outsiders stay out!



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The message that is being sent every day to any potential candidates for office is; Conform to the existing structure, do not attempt to reform the gravy train, do not rock the boat. Furthermore, do not support or attempt to aid such a person or you and your family will become a target.

We see a growing list of people who have supported Trump being investigated and indicted for anything they may have been connected to in the past.  This goes from those who helped him get elected. Those who have any connection to Trump are now under scrutiny by the U.S. Justice department, the State attorney generals office or any other agency that can dig up anything from the past.

Assistant and acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has gone as far as to threaten U.S. house members with investigation if they continue to press for the release of documents from the Justice department. It was no accident that Congressman Jim Jordan's name was brought up concerning allegations against a doctor at Ohio state were Jordan once worked. They claim he should have known about abuse. Allegations have also been brought up against Congressman Nunes who has led the investigation into abuse by the Justice department.

There is also an investigation into the finances of Bernie Sanders and his wife. It is not just limited to Republicans, but anyone who will rock the boat of the Bureaucracy, deep state, or Nomenclature. The club that really rules America, the unelected behind the scenes who have constructed a cushy position for themselves, their families and those who can make them rich and powerful.

They love the trade arrangements that are in place, whereby they can import foreign goods made with very cheap labor and just warehouse American workers with welfare, food stamps and social benefits to keep them quite.

They love out foreign policy that wants to rule the world by overthrowing governments around the world.  Of course, many are made very rich by this interventionist policy. 

Many want unlimited immigration, some for cheap labor that can be abused and forced to work in third world conditions. Some to gain political power, by keeping them dependent on their power for their liberty.

We have a system of regulation that requires everyone who wants to be successful to have a lobbyist or join a lobbyist group to insure that the bureaucracy does not put you out of business or bankrupt you. If the government did not have the power to take your livelihood and possibly your freedom we would not have this need for a powerful lobbying system. Of course politicians and bureaucrats love this situation. They have most everyone on some kind of chain. You need to support those who will protect you. 

Then we have the mainstream media, who know who really butters their bread, who move back and forth between government and the media, who need to satisfy big advertisers desires. Who are one day a so called journalist then next day a government employee, Who have the power to keep their untalented children and relatives in some kind of government job.

We have third world corruption with a pretty face that is becoming more ugly by the day. A system that has been able to place an unelected bureaucrat named Mueller as a leash on the  president of the United States. There will not be any firing or replacing of bureaucrats as long as Mueller is the guardian of the Deep State.

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