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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Progressive New Green Deal = Total government control



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While anyone who has studied political philosophies has realized that the use of the word Progressive was a plan to incrementally move to a Totalitarian Socialist government. 

Having watched the bloodshed of the Russian and Chinese Socialist revolutions, many hoped they could slowly, incrementally move western democracies and particularly the United States to adopt  a total socialist government through persuasion, education and slowly infiltrating the bases of power in the country. 

This is all spelled out very clearly in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, which stated its summary of goals. While this was written 1847 and some of the goals are not as relevant, the idea is the same.

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of rents of land to public purpose. Private property rights have been diminished by the imposition of property taxes and all forms of local, state and federal regulation.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. This has been accomplished, the only fair tax is a flat tax rate for all.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. This has been a constant battle to confiscate wealth earned and saved by peoples life work and frugality.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. There are controls on moving wealth out of the country and an increase in confiscation of assets.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. The Federal government controls credit and interest and has interfered in the free market of money with social engineering. The Community reinvestment act is a good example and true cause of sub-prime credit collapse.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. This is not complete, but regulation and censorship is a constant threat from government.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state: the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. Government does not own the means of production, but does control it more and more through regulation.

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. It seems that for now government has removed incentives to work. When the economies of socialist countries collapse, they then resort to forced labor. Venezuela is a current example.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.  Not sure how this would be relevant today, except there is a movement to eliminate borders and national countries.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form and the combination of education with industrial production.  Education is now completely controlled by government . Elimination of child factory labor is a good thing, but there are way too many restrictions on youth working, to the point that many who are now in their mid-20's have no work experience and are unsuitable for employment.

The progressives movement strategy has been to move forward and hold. All setbacks are temporary and the giving up of gains is not acceptable. This strategy has been working for decades. It is always more, always the opposition must compromise and incrementally give up their freedom, rights and use of their money. They are never satisfied with the addressing of their grievances, They will not be satisfied until the country is a under the total control of the Federal Government.

Often passing laws and regulations which lead to a crisis and then the solution is always more government control. The "Affordable care act" and the "Community reinvestment act" are just two examples.

So back to the "Green New Deal", I would expect that some progressives would rather this agenda is kept in the background. Incremental change is easier if the population is not aroused to the end result of the agenda until after it is accomplished.

It seems that many progressives now feel that the country has sufficiently been prepared, by education, the amplifying of grievances of race, gender, financial inequality etc. that they no longer need to work behind the scenes and can now finish the fundamental transformation of the country

This was the philosophy of Barack Obama which led to election of Donald Trump as a reaction to the progressives being too out front with their agenda.

Two large areas of the economy that have not been brought under government control are the energy sector and food production and distribution. While attempts have been made through the Cap and Trade carbon program and restrictions by the Obama administration, the United States still enjoys a fairly free market in energy. We still have the best food production and distribution system in world history.

The "New Green Deal" will attempt to bring both these sectors under total government control.  Here are the highlights of the plan. This is a 10 year national  plan.

1. 100% of power delivered by clean, renewable zero emissions energy. Total elimination of  Fossil fuel use. Total elimination of Nuclear energy.

2. Upgrade all existing buildings for energy efficiency.

3. Elimination of pollution and greenhouse gases from farming. Support family farms. Promote universal access to healthy food.

4. Overhaul transportation systems, expand electric car manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, expand high speed rail to the extent of eliminating air travel.

5. A guaranteed job with family sustainable wages, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security for every American.

6. High quality healthcare for all Americans.

This is just the major points, there is also much to do with income inequality and racial inequality and how the government needs to eliminate this through higher taxes and asset taxes, of course they target the rich but it will eventually apply to all who actually have assets.

Quite simply it is the fulfillment of the progressive dreams of a total socialist takeover of our political, and economic system.

Do Americans have to learn from actual experience? It seems many have fallen for the siren song of free everything and paradise on earth. It would be much better to learn from history and observe the results of these types of policies in the Soviet Union and more recently Venezuela.

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