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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Alternative TV provides home for refugees of the controlled media.



The obvious lack of diverse opinion and credibility of the major controlled media has allowed some new additions to cable news to make substantial inroads into these markets. It has also provided a home and a job to those who have been pushed out of their jobs, particularly when they have strayed from the top down agenda of their station. We have seen some guests and regulars disappear after just one opposing opinion against the daily talking points from above.

Some examples are Chris Matthews, who only questioned some of the extremes on his network and was soon accused of and fired for sexual harassment by MSNBC. Phillip Mudd who questioned why Intelligence officers were surveilling the president of the United States. He disappeared for awhile from CNN. Trish Regan fired from Fox for some politically incorrect remark. Same for Mark Halpern, one of the few objective opinions on MSNBC, was soon fired. It is obvious that employees and guests of CNN and MSNBC will display one opinion or will soon be out of a job. Occasionally making an example of the most blatant offenders, will keep the rest in line.

One America News, AON, 347 on Direct TV. was founded in 2013. It is headquartered in Washington D.C. and is likely the most conservative of the new outlets. It is staffed primarily by young, new, unknown anchors and journalists. It's quality of production has been steadily improving and its world news has been expanding to include stories not usually covered by the controlled media. It has been gaining in attracting many well know guests and analysts on their programming. After a rocky start they seem to be now over the hump and can be considered a success.

Newsmax TV. 349 on Direct TV, was founded in 2014 by Christopher Ruddy and is based in New York. It has primarily conservative angles on the news, but does have a diverse opinion and objective stories. It has hired some well known talent such as Mark Halpern, Shawn Spicer, Steve Malzberg and Trish Reagan. Its programming quality has improved  and has gained in viewership. 

RT America, 321 on Direct TV. is the U.S. affiliate of Russia TV opened in 2010 and based in Washington D.C., while some claim it is an outlet for Russian propaganda, it really has a more diverse slate of opinion than CNN or MSNBC. It has advocates of Marxist theory and conservative shows and commentators. It has iconic talk by Larry King, Jesse Ventura, Steve Malzberg, Dennis Miller and Lionel of New York. Excellent debate from all sides with Peter Lavelle on Crosstalk. It also covers world news that is not covered by the American press and excellent objective documentaries on subjects from around the world.

All these outlets offer a different view of  things than the orchestrated, coordinated propaganda from the controlled media. You can accept their view or reject it. Some you will agree with, some maybe not, but it seems that there is much more of a spectrum of opinion and facts than what is now offered by the controlled media.

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