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Friday, December 18, 2020

Focusing on voting machines is likely a red herring.



We have been hearing a lot about machines that manufacture or switch votes. Most of the voting machines today are tabulators to count votes. A simple hand count of ballots can assure if these machines are working. While I am sure this is possible, fraudulent ballots are the simplest and easiest way to cheat in a election. The more time available from the beginning of the process to the end creates many more opportunities to cheat. That is why it is very suspicious when counting is stopped for long periods of time or actually delayed for days and even weeks.

We have been voting in this country for over 200 years, before any machines, telegraph, automobiles or computers. We have had confidence in our voting system and the results, until recently. With the introduction of all sorts of innovative voting procedures we have created the opportunity for fraudulent voting. No one who is honest can deny this is a fact. And we must admit, if there is an opportunity it will eventually be used by someone or some group to rig elections. Our goal needs to be a 100% verifiable and auditable voting system. While many say we have that now, it is really not true. We can recount fraudulent ballots as many times as you want, you still have a fraudulent outcome.

I watched some of the senate hearing on the 2020 election. Democrats continually repeated the talking point that questioning the results is destroying democracy and destroying faith in our voting system. It seems to me that they protest too much. If they really cared about the trust in the system, they would join to hear and look at all the possibilities of voter fraud. That is no where the case. They insist the voting system is free of fraud.Their favorite reply is that there is no evidence of fraud and now no evidence of enough fraud to change the outcome. 

They keep trotting out Chris Krebs, the former head of cyber-security at Homeland security, who stated that this was the most secure election in history. With a little questioning he admitted he was referring to cyber security from foreign actors. He admitted fraud was not his mandate or area of expertise. He never clarified that originally and he deserved to be fired for making a vague political statement. It was only the democrats who made accusations that foreign actors tampered in the 2016 election for Trump. It was always misinformation, and still is.

So it is now pretty much verified how to cheat in a election with mail-in ballots and other ways. Many people now know how this has been done, but the system discards the proof and no action will likely be taken. All the possibilities are being documented, but would be best kept confidential. There are ways to insure it is eliminated. It will not happen by the efforts of state legislators or the courts. Legislators who exist to collect a salary and a pension and hope to never rock the boat. Judges who in many instances are more corrupt than the people they judge. It is a task that only the people of each state can accomplish. They have the ultimate power to demand that reforms are made. It must start with a plan for 100% verifiable and honest elections and then up the anti and do whatever it takes to force the legislators to take action. They need to be more afraid of the voters than their cronies.

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