We must remember that over 70 years of peace in Europe was partly due to the trauma that most everyone experienced between 1914 and 1945. This applied to everyone living on the continent from France to Russia and Scandinavian and England. The horror of war made peace a very precious respite from the stress and death and destruction of the early 20th century.
While our history in the United States tells us that we won WW1 and WW2, we in the United States still only watched as we fought on foreign soil rather than here at home. While there was suffering from shortages and the loss of life of our fellow citizens, we have not experienced the trauma of war here at home since the Civil war.
Europe on the other hand lost millions, with the then Soviet Union experiencing the bulk of the deaths with over 25 million lost both in combatants and civilians. Without the endurance of the Soviet Union on eastern front and the industrial capacity of the United States the result of WW2 could have very different.
One could claim that one of the major causes of WW2 was the inability of the allies in their failure in the treaty of Versailles, by dismissing the concerns of Germany, who was as much a victim of alliances that caused WW1.
Today's generation does not remember war and is consumed with diversions that have mostly removed such things out of their daily consciousness. It is something that happens in other places as snippets seen on the TV and the internet.
Sadly, the same applies to many in the leadership of our country. They have adopted an ideology that the United States is the only super Power and that it is our duty to fashion the world in any way that they believe is appropriate. They have become unable to empathize with the cultures, traditions and ideologies of others. In fact, many believe they should be forced to accept their view of the world if necessary.
This arrogance and hubris has caused the division that presently is developing in the world. The cultural ideologies of the middle east have been rejected and dismissed by attempting to force things like LGBQT acceptance that is contrary to centuries of their traditions and beliefs. While this is only one point of conflict is has become a more defining issue than anyone in this country is willing to accept. For centuries the western world traded and respected the others of the world without attempting to force our ideas, other than democracy and free markets on them.
Then there is Russia, that experienced western armies on their doorstep many times, the fact that the battlefield has always been what is called Ukraine, which was their buffer between Europe and their potential enemies has been ignored. The ability to see a dispute in the eyes of your adversaries is very important in any negotiation.
Whenever the argument is made, what would the United States do if an adversarial military alliance would put bases and missiles in Canada or Mexico or even Cuba. No one denies that the response would be quick and violent. Yet when it is applied to Russia, due to decades of propaganda and narrative it is rejected. After all, we are the worlds super power and we shape the dialogue the argument and the result.
We consistently hear the desire of our government leaders to overthrow the present government of Russia. This is indeed their goal, Ukraine is just the excuse to do just that. Again, how does anyone believe this plays with the Russian people and the government of Russia. Do not doubt that they understand the present crisis far better than the average U.S. citizen. I expect they have a better understanding of their history than most of the western world.
We continually hear our leaders warning Russia not use tactical Nuclear weapons in Ukraine, just another stupid talking pint, Russia does not need to use Nuclear weapons and fallout would blow into Russia. We now not only understand, but it is admitted by our leaders, that this is war between Russia and the United States. While we claim this great coalition of NATO, most are just bobble head puppets of our foreign policy.
The point is, do not be delusional in thinking that if it comes down to a serious threat to the existence of Russia, the target will be the United States, not Ukraine. At present Russia is not in danger, they have been patient in their approach in Ukraine, hoping for reason to descend on the world.
A neutral, independent of alliances Ukraine could have been the most prosperous country in Europe, it now will never be, no matter the outcome of this conflict. As for the rest of the United States and its allies, it will either learn to empathize with the concerns of others or will all perish together.