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Wednesday, January 20, 2016




While local focus is on the alleged corruption in kickbacks and the awarding of contracts in the Pawlowski administration, it is indicative of a widespread pattern of corruption in many aspects of American life. The old saying "where the money is the vultures will be circling," has never been truer. The most money available for unchecked disbursement is in government. It has been common   knowledge for years that jobs for supporters both Democrat and Republican are available on the Bridge Commission and Turnpike Commission. Is it any wonder that fees on the turnpike seem to rise on a monthly bases even as the traffic is at an all time high? We have seen where actual votes in Congress were openly obtained by openly promising benefits for people back home - there should have been handcuffs for both sides of these deals. Trading of votes, " you vote my pork barrel law and I will vote for yours," should result in more handcuffs. Can anyone imagine the possibilities for abuse in the awarding of contracts and kickbacks. When one sees what is possible on a small scale in places like Allentown, it is overwhelming what is possible in Harrisburg and Washington. Washington has been in a boom era forever. It has the highest real estate prices and highest standard of living in the US...thanks to taxpayer money. While corruption at local levels is usually limited to paid trips to the Caribbean, hunting trips, free tickets to professional sports event, jobs for incompetent family members and wining and dining, at the state and national level it is a smorgasbord of all that is imaginable. We have seen trips and weekend retreats in Las Vegas and other places were whole divisions of government are able to enjoy the benefits of government work. Does anyone doubt that there is waste and abuse, which if eliminated, could save taxpayers billions of dollars?  Government today is more and more appearing like the ruling aristocracy of the monarchies of Europe.

While government corruption is all about money, let's not forget the corruption of the media. We have seen NBC news actually alter the 911 tape in the Zimmerman case to make Zimmerman's actions to appear racist and pre-meditated. Was this to enhance a good story or for political gain of the people they support? We also saw the phrase "Hands up don't shoot," still being perpetuated by the media today even though it was proven to be a lie from the beginning. We also see that Trump's proposal to temporarily stop all entrance of Muslims to enter the country, until there is a process to properly vet them, was turned into," Ban Muslims from the country." At the same time similar proposals concerning refugees have passed congress with little fanfare. It is not only in the US. I watched the debate in England yesterday to ban Donald Trump from the United Kingdom (which they will not do) at the same time that Britain has all but stopped immigration from the Middle East and the Prime Minister has demanded all Muslim women learn to speak English. I hope Trump has kept a record of the process, and we will see what happens when those that perpetuated the lie would like to get a tee time reservation at one of his golf courses in Scotland.  Also, if he should become president, only agree to meetings in Ireland.  How about watching Hillary Clinton's televised hearings on Benghazi where she is caught red-handed in lying to Congress and the media announces what a wonderful and successful testimony she gave. Is it any wonder that the credibility of the media is at an all time low?

We also see Attorneys General, both at the state and federal level, publicly refuse to obey the law. We have watched as the President of the United States has habitually refused to obey the Constitution and the "Law of the Land." We have seen that Congress is too timid to demand that the laws of the country be enforced and obeyed, while the courts have re-written legislation and expanded the role of the federal government, which any literate person could see is not what the Constitution intended. We have forgotten that the Constitution is the "Law for the Federal Government." Unfortunately, as things stand now, there is really no law of any consequence that cannot be blown off as not applicable to those in power. If this trend continues and the precedents are set that some court can use to justify this increase in power, what will remain of our system of laws and government? While some may be happy what these expansions have done for them, they may be very unhappy when the same type expansions will be done to them.

There is only one group or entity that can demand that the law is enforced, that the corruption is ended, that honesty is returned to all parts of our society....and that is the people themselves. The tactics of the elites are that you may not talk about this or that, whatever they shall decide is too offensive or divisive, they keep things quiet and behind the scenes so they can enrich themselves with either money or power, while everyone else is fearful of being labeled with the useful labels to quiet dissent. We need to thank God and the fathers of the Constitution for the first amendment and it is our duty as citizens to exercise that right at every opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Corruption and "Nepotism" go hand and hand even in our sports programs in our schools.


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