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Thursday, April 7, 2016



The Northwestern Lehigh school directors voted 9-0 to approve the recommendations of the fact -finding report of the Pennsylvania labor relations board. The contract is for 4 years and will be in effect until June 30, 2019. The union voted to approve the recommendations on April 4, 2016.
The PPO A health plan option will be eliminated at the end of this school year.
The PPO B health care option will be eliminated at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
The PPO C and D plans will remain with contributions raised by 3% in the final year of contract.
There will be savings of approximately 140,000 to the district over 4 years.
Salaries  will increase 3.75% year 1, 3.8% year 2, 3.8% year 3, 3.9% year 4, this will be a 23% increase for the 4 years. This will cost $3.5 million more over the 4 years.
Starting salaries will be $46,879 after 3 years, and top will be $83,142.
Teachers received a higher increase than most school districts in area. The changes in the health insurance plans are a step in the right direction.  It seems both the union and the board are relieved that the negotiations are over and they can all move on. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this update. Today's Morning Call article was even half as accurate with the particulars.

    However what it did show was that the General Willard Dellicker's complete lack of integrity towards any prior elected school director. The teacher union only asked to enter the Fact Finding process when the so called newly elected board members did not give them what they wanted.

    Let's also not forget that the teachers union supported these 5 RHINOS at the polls, in churches and beyond. As well as that teacher unions as a whole are far left leaning socialist demagogues.

    President Dellicker seems to be operating with a completely narcissistic personality, rather than respecting the fact that there are 9 duly elected school directors of the NWLSD. He seems to think that the four of his friends and himself consist of the majority and that's all that matters. It will be interesting to see what happens with the proposed building project yet to come. Hold on to your wallets folks.

    This commentary is by no means meant to stir the pot, it's simply the truth. I'm honestly glad that the District's teachers can move forward with a solid contract that respects who they are as professionals. My children went through NWL and I am quite proud to say that the teachers that they were exposed to did a wonderful job.

    "Proud NWLSD Taxpayer"


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