There comes a time when the piling on of mud can no longer increase the effect on the victim. After 2 1/2 years of mud throwing, the media is now as deep in dirt as their target. Do they really have any more credibility to lose? It appears that Trump has now been coated with Mudex, any more mud will now just run off without sticking. It seems the mud will just keep running back onto the throwers until they succomb. It may be true that attacks which do not kill you will make you stronger.
It seems the media, bureaucrats and politicians are overcome with hate and some envy of Donald Trump. He definitely is not like them. Trumps problem with government bureaucrats, the media, and politicians is that being self-employed his entire life he has lived by his wits. He has become self confident in his analysis of people and facts. He has lived and suffered by the decisions he has made. He has prospered in his good decisions and suffered in his poor decisions. He has learned how to judge people, he has learned how to avoid risks, and now in his latter years he is confident in himself.
This is all contrary to the media, government bureaucrats and politicians, who have lived and prospered by ass-kissing. Their success is less to do with results, less to do real accomplishments than knowing whose ass to kiss and how often. Their lives can be destroyed overnight and their livelihood diminished by not getting this ass-kissing right.
So, they hate Trump, because he has refused to kiss the ass of the media, the John McCain types in Washington and even the FBI and State Department bureaucrats. Besides hate for him, and a nagging bit of envy, they must destroy him because he makes them very uncomfortable with themselves.
They believed the way to success was only by being a chameleon, by not letting anyone know who they really are, by being all things to all people and the kissing of many asses. They now look in the mirror and don't see a reflection, they have become non persons. While Trump has many flaws, they are the same flaws that the average person can relate to in their own lives. He is a real person, we seem to know this person like we never know the ass-kissers. He has become our old uncle, while not perfect, we always like him, mostly because we know who he is.