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Friday, July 17, 2020

We need to stand up for freedom of speech



Yesterday is was reported that after a racial awareness meeting at Cisco Co. several employees were fired because of the opinions that they voiced. Like most of the fake talk about having conversations, it is really about shutting up and listening to the directives. There is no conversation, as that would need to have opinions voiced by everyone. This was in a private company setting, so the 1st amendment is not always the rule. The Amendment particularly applies to government action to limit speech. You can bet that will be coming if the authoritarian radicals get their way.

We see that most companies are willing to roll over in a heartbeat to placate the mob's demand to be the only voice allowed to be heard. This has been going on in Universities for some time. Only the leftist, Marxist voices are allowed to be heard, all others are to be shut down. It appears they fear that if given equal time many may see that their positions are flawed. It is also becoming the norm of social media companies to block conservative speech that is not even close to overstepping their stated  community standards rules.

We see companies fire and suspend many people for words voiced, no matter if premeditated or spoken in haste. I agree that politics should not be engaged by employee's on the companies time, this should be an equal rule for both sides. While at work focus on your job, but after work you should have all the rights of a free, independent citizen of a free democratic country. Sports is also a business and it would be best for these sports to not engage in politics while at work. After work they should be able to engage in any activity, no matter how outrageous, as long as it is legal. They should also be able to engage without retaliation from anyone. That is the spirit of the 1st amendment and what a valuable idea it is. Can anyone imagine what we would have if the government could limit free speech?

We as citizens of this country are allowing the radical mob to change the country in ways that will having lasting negative effects. We need to all stand up now and demand that all citizens have the right to free speech and expression, no matter how offensive. Today it is becoming the policy of private companies, but it will soon become the policy of government. We need to protect this basic right now, for the benefit of all the people.

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