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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Having survived covid shutdown, business now hobbled by lack of workers.



The CDC has now extended the eviction moratorium until June 30. Since when does a government agency have the authority to postpone rent for 10 million people? The stimulus package has extended supplemental unemployment until September. Some family's have received thousand's in stimulus payments. The result has been a shortage of workers to the point that some business's who struggled through lock-downs and reduced business are now reducing hours and even closing due to insufficient staff.

Just when things were on the road to recovery, business is now struggling just to keep open, remaining staff are sometimes working 60 to 80 hours to fill in for the call-offs, leaves of abscess and no shows.

Is this going to result in more calls for extending unemployment and the rent moratorium? 

Are these policies just stupid or is this just another vote buying scheme?

While renters cannot be evicted for non-payment of rent, the rent is supposedly accumulating until this moratorium is over. Does anyone believe that many of these short-sighted renters will ever be able to pay the accumulated rent? There is going to be a very high price to pay for everyone involved in this scheme. Why didn't the government just provide temporary rent assistance, rather than create this disaster? Or is disaster and chaos a way of eventually gaining more political power?

Is the plan really to create a whole new crop of dependents. Dependent on government.

It is possible that there will be more business closings and downsizing than what occured in the last year. 

It is reported that in Philadelphia 30% of renters are behind in their rent.  This also means that many land-lords are behind in their mortgage payments. The accumulated rent deficit is now estimated at as high as $70  billion dollars. Many land-lords now refuse to place vacant apartment for rent for the fear they will become part of the moratorium. Would you want to rent to someone who was evicted because they accumulated a year of rent to their former landlord?

We can expect the remedy will be massive public housing expansion to create more dependents on the government. I believe that is part of the infrastructure bill.  

It is clear that all policies are to punish small business, and create more dependency on the government. Maybe everyone should just give up, stay home and sign up for a government program..


  1. These payouts are not stupid .They are designed for certain segments society

  2. April 15 @ 5:32 PM: Correction. These payouts are designed to encourage dependence on government rather than self sufficiency. Don't you get it, the jobs are there but the employees are not. Undoubtedly you are a democrat. Get a job !

    1. Exactly !These payouts are designed for certain elements of society that depend on the taxpayers and thats why the Dems want unlimited voting.

  3. It is an intentional strategy to create a shortage of labor and then bring in more illegal migrants to become voters to increase democrat voting base.


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