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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The vaccinated do not have to fear the unvaccinated.



We continually hear about companies insisting that employees be vaccinated. So far over 34,000,000 confirmed cases of Covid have been reported in the U.S., that is 11% of the population. There are estimates that real infection rate could be as high as 10 times that number which would almost indicate that nearly the whole population has had covid. That sounds a little unrealistic, so let assume the unreported cases are equal to the reported case that would indicate that 68 million have had covid to date. That would be 22% of the population. 

It is reported that 296 million doses of vaccine have been administered, and 135 million have been fully vaccinated that would be 41% of the population. So we can assume that over half of the population has either had the infection or have been vaccinated. Many of the unvaccinated are children, which in most cases have not been approved for the vaccines. 

With those statistics in mind it is no surprise that cases and deaths are falling dramatically. 

We can scientifically assume that with no vaccine and no effort at remediation almost the whole population would have contracted this disease sooner rather than later. The efforts may have saved many and extended the time until a vaccine was available. 

There should be polling type studies to gauge how many have antibodies to the virus. This would indicate how widespread the infection has been in the general population.

Recent studies are indicating that those who have had covid do have immunity to reinfection for a long time maybe even forever. Of course, we have not had enough time to track those results, just like we still don't know the long term efficacy of the vaccines. 

With those statistics in mind its time to stop the hysteria about vaccinations and instead a policy of encouragement may produce better results. Whenever we see groups too insistent on some conformity we will see an opposite resistance. This is human nature. Especially in a time when no one seems to trust  anything that has become politicized as this pandemic. It does appear that some would like to use any resistance to conforming to vaccination as an opportunity to punish or marginalize those who are not sure they want to be vaccinated just yet. 

There is no need to fear the unvaccinated. If you are vaccinated, good for you, you are likely now immune from serious illness from this disease. The only risk of unvaccinated is to other unvaccinated people, they should have the right to take that risk if they think it is in the their best interest. 

Originally published 6/3/21.   latest numbers indicate that nearly 200 million are vaccinated and 100 million have had the disease. If the vaccines really work we should be in a good place.

1 comment:

  1. Got My vaccines a few months ago .I go for radiation every day and My Oncologist has his patients and staff wearing masks and temperatures are checked upon entry


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