We see that the Biden administration is now asking for $33 billion in aid for Ukraine. This is just the first installment on a planned expenditure of near $10 billion a month. Ukraine is now openly a client state of the U.S. We can expect Ukraine to be a dependent state on the U.S. for decades to come. This is clearly a proxy war between the United States and Russia. NATO is an empty suit without U.S. money and coercion. So far, Russia has been very restrained in not using its capabilities to push back on the economic war being waged from the West. You can expect that to change very soon. What the response will be is still not clear. Will it be cyber disruptions or cutting off of energy to Europe or will it be a massive military strike?
Yesterday it was reported the first U S. and British deaths in the fighting in Ukraine. It is also reported that British special forces are now in Ukraine. U.S. troops are training Ukrainians in Poland. We are also increasing our assistance on surveillance and targeting for the Ukrainians. Does anyone doubt that U.S. troops are, if not already, going to be in Ukraine very soon. It has also been reported that over 400 of the soldiers in Mariupol are foreigners. How many are U.S. and British special forces? Is that why they cannot surrender? Have they become collateral damage that must be denied?
At the same time congress has approved the confiscation of any wealth from Russia or its citizens. This is unprecedented theft without any due process. It has just hardened the resolve of Russia and its citizens.
The theory is that if enough misery is experienced by the Russian populace they will demand the withdrawal from Ukraine or the overthrow of the existing government. It is a delusion that only would be embraced by our brilliant state department, whose record for death and destruction is only topped by the dictators of WW2. It has solidified the Russian population behind their government.
Today the wholesale price of diesel and heating oil is $5.13 a gallon. This is happening because the reserves in the Northeast U.S. are at an all time low. The Northeast was were most of the Russian fuel was used. We can expect the cost of transportation to increase dramatically and the possibility of many independent truckers parking unless they can be compensated for these increases. We should expect double digit inflation by fall, if not shortages. We can expect heating oil of $5.65 and diesel at $6.50 now and much more by fall. We also say a 1.4% drop in the GDP for the first quarter. We are also seeing the beginning of layoffs in some sectors.
Then there is the possibility of severe recession in Europe, that is happening without a cutoff of Russian gas and oil. If it should be cut off, Europe will plunge into a depression overnight. At present, gas and oil are still being supplied through pipelines in Ukraine and Russia is still paying Ukraine transport fees. A remarkable situation.
We see almost a compete lockdown in China, which will translate into the hobbling of the United States and European economies due to the inadequate supplies of essential goods.
We see both Japan and China refraining from buying U.S. treasuries due to their own domestic problems. The U.S. debt service will explode to 1.5 Trillion dollars if interest rates go to 5%. This at a time with government spending is exploding on all fronts. This is all going to happen without a further expansion of the conflict.
By fall of this year we may being seeing the worst world economic crisis since WW2. Most Americans are still deluded into thinking everything will be Ok, after all, we are richest country in the world and in their lifetime they have never really experienced economic disaster. There are no signs of diplomacy or rethinking these policies and it will inevitably lead to a bad result for everyone. It is now like a runaway locomotive, out of control and speeding forward without guidance or thought.