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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Biden debt forgiveness, just another abuse of power.



Everyone should have known that when Barack Obama made the move for the federal government to take over funding of student loans that it would be just a step to federal funding of college education. Just another work around of the constitutional process for federal expenditures. It takes a complicit congress to allow this to happen. If any of the members of congress on both sides really believed in their oath of office and the constitutional rule of law for the federal government, things like this would never happen. 

With this precedent, no one will ever repay their student loans held by the federal government. 

Before Obama's taking over the student loan business, loans were issued by the private sector and guaranteed by the government. The move away from the private sector was just another step in taking over the banking system by the federal government. Most mortgages today have ended up as part of federal lending agencies, we have already seen loan forgiveness for mortgages for select groups, just another form of redistribution and an increase in federal power. All the while congress has become a group of head nodding puppets who fear making any attempt to insure their proper role as legislators.

Folks, realize we no longer live in an constitutional  government, but actually in a semi-dictatorship.  We see wars engaged in with no declaration from congress, billions of dollars granted to foreign entities with little debate. Treaties engaged in with Iran and others without the necessary approval of congress. We no longer live in a constitutional republic. 

If congress should sue, you would hear the howling of the fascist complicit media in not caring for the poor, or what ever emotional plea to embarrass and intimidate congress. It would all become just another political issue to use. 

Of course, if Americans were taught real history and civics in the government financed educational system maybe they would understand that this how all democracies end, by buying votes and outright lawlessness of the elected official. People have been taught to vote their pocket book, even when it is immoral and wrong.

I can now assume you will see higher pay for professors and an increase in college tuition, after all, you will not need to repay in the future. 

While Americans sleep walk through life the consequences of this corruption and irresponsibility are closing in on this country. No one should open their mouth to proclaim, "how did this happen" You have all sat back and watched it for decades.


Monday, August 29, 2022

John Fetterman, the most unqualified candidate for Senate in the country.



John Fetterman could only be loved by the democrat base. A candidate with no real job experience, having never had a job on his own merits. While he did serve as a mayor of Braddock, Pa. a borough in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pa. with a population of 1700. He served as mayor from 2006-2019. He won the democrat primary by 1 vote in 2006 and was unopposed for the general election.

Fetterman, the son of a successful republican family who spent much of his early life as a student. At 53 he really had no gainful employment his entire life, other than a position in his father business, that seemed to be mostly an honorary position. As mayor, he earned $150.00 a month, and he was subsidized by his fathers estate. Braddock is a distressed city that has continually lost population and seemed to be the only place Fetterman could be elected to any office. His tenure was a continual search for grants from democrat donors like the Heinz foundation all which made no improvement to the city. He attempted to start a restaurant but eventually failed and took $190,000 in government COVID relief money.

It is obvious that Fetterman is politically connected with the far left in the country and has been able to leverage his connections to obtain political office. 

His tenure as mayor was marred with arrests for trespassing of private companies in protests and vandalism. He was also arrested for apprehending a black jogger and holding him at the point of a shotgun, charges were later dropped and it seemed the jogger was also not guilty of anything. 

Fetterman is now the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania and seems to be a darling of the far left democrat base, the media and the Obama wing of the party. As a Senator we could expect him to be to the left of Bernie Sanders and more extreme than Maxine Waters. He has shown a disregard for the law and espoused the most extreme positions for the country.

His current position is the legalization of drugs, criminal justice reform with emphasis on rehabilitation and suspension of sentences. He also favors asset taxes, outlawing fracking, gun registration, national health care. He also favors eliminating the filibuster.

He has lately advocated fining and punishing companies who he believes have excess profits. He believes greedy corporations are the cause of inflation.

He is keeping out of the public eye, avoiding the public scrutiny and hoping to be elected by his party and a cooperative media.

If elected, Fetterman would assume the position as the most far left Senator in the country. He really has no qualifications to be an effective Senator for the state of Pennsylvania. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

All federal government agencies are now political.




Image result for government power grab
The results of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private server has just verified what many have seen happen to our government in the last 8 years. Every agency has been enlisted to expand and preserve the political power of this administration and possibly of succeeding administrations.
Just one point on the Clinton investigation - while Comey has stated openly that Hillary Clinton was unsophisticated and possibly incompetent to care for classified documents, he failed to explain that she appeared to be very sophisticated and competent when she used up to 4 different private servers, which where periodically destroyed and replaced. She also was very competent at erasing most emails that should have been turned over to the State Department and professionally cleaning all data from her handheld devices.  She was very competent at avoiding the Freedom of Information law by not having any information available. She and Comey have set a precedent; it will now be very hard to enforce any security laws in the future. Why has no one in the FBI or media asked, who else in the federal government now employs a private server?
This usurpation of the power of the Federal government first became evident with the use of the IRS to deny political first amendment speech by adversarial groups. Other examples we've seen include:
The use of the EPA to take actions to put the coal industry out of business without any vote from Congress.
The use of ICE and Border Control to NOT enforce federal law and to overwhelm and dilute the voting rights of American citizens. 
The use of the Justice Department to enable the transfer of  weapons to Mexico for political purposes and then cover it up by refusing to release any data to Congress even after being ordered to by a federal judge.
The use of the Attorney General's office to extort funds from banks and other private citizens and companies and to transfer some of those funds to political organizations favored by the administration.
The use of the Attorney General's office to hinder and refuse to investigate any wrong-doing by those favored by the administration.
The use of the Attorney General's office to attempt to subvert state and local law enforcement and courts in an attempt to replace all with one big federal police and court system.
This has been the biggest power grab of any administration in our history since FDR. While I assume it is applauded by his supporters, they will not be so happy when the precedents he has set may be in the hands of someone else. The law is now an instrument to obtain power and to be subverted when not useful. We have seen the decline in our standing in the world, a stagnant economy, racial divisions, a distrust of all government...all for the accumulation of political power. The American people have been watching see the partisanship of our elected officials on one side and the cowardice on the other side, all this with the willful acceptance of the mainstream media. These are the kind of actions that lead to the disintegration of a country into a chaotic unruly mob.

Originally published 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Western Europe next casualty of U.S. foreign policy.



The European countries are now warning their citizens to expect power shortages and possible blackouts as they head into winter. Some are advising and will soon be demanding the disabling of many appliances. They can also expect skyrocketing prices for food. This will all come within the next few months as winter sets in and energy demand for heating increases.  

While many will blame the war in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin for this dismal outlook, the reality is that this is mostly caused by the unrestrained use of sanctions. They are telling their citizens that this is all necessary in their support for Ukraine.

Western Europe was experiencing energy shortages even before the Ukraine conflict, they were unable to supply sufficient energy from their north sea wind farms due to changes in wind velocity. This coupled with their shutting down nuclear plants and coal generation left them with a dependence on Russian natural gas. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was strongly opposed by the U.S., as this country hoped to supply Europe with LNG gas from our domestic suppliers. But with increased restrictions on pipelines and production in this country there is little available for export. The world wide shortage of energy began the day Joe Biden made his first energy orders on assuming office.

Sanctions have also held up the servicing of equipment for these pipelines from Russia. The Russians, until now, relied on foreign companies to build and service the equipment needed to keep the gas flowing. I expect the Chinese or domestic manufacturers will soon be providing this equipment.

The policy of containment and the expansion of NATO has long been predicted by serious diplomats as a policy that would lead to disaster. These results were predicted for years by political scientist John Mearsheimer and Henry Kissinger. This warning was voiced by former State department members when this policy was developed. Since its adoption it has been on a rail that has led to this inevitable result. 

It is policy based on Hubris and the inability to take into account others view of the world. The hatred and unreasoning opposition to Putin is very similar to the unhinged attacks on Donald Trump. It is also being manifested in the dealings with those at home who have a different view of the world.

What motivated the U.S. to go down this path, a path much different that of Ronald Reagan in his negotiations with the former Soviet Union, is not clear. Is it the headlong rush into some sort of global government and need to crush anyone who espouses nation sates and the best interest of their own country? Is it that the rejection of communism by the Russian federation puts them into the class of ideological betrayal of the world communists? Is it that a cold war and confrontation is a source of unlimited profits and graft? No matter the reason, this policy will soon be the cause of expanded suffering, first Ukraine, now Western Europe, then the world.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Election year psych-ops in full swing



We are continually hearing that the Democrats are now on the move in restoring the trust of American voters. They are leading in most of the polls, their fundraising is strong and they are on the right side of their issues. Abortion for all, tax-payer funded grooming in the public schools, more social spending to keep the economy strong. The most important issues to Americans. What could go wrong?

Then of course, there is the great fear that every Republican is secretly a white supremacist, and are the great threat to Democracy and what America really stands for. Blah,Blah,Blah, we can expect this to grow intensity for the next 2 months, until we are all nauseous with the bull shit.

So this seems to be a pattern that may have worked to some extent in the past, but like a virus, we all soon become immune to the same clap-trap. We can expect some new variation after some more polls and issue testing. For now, we are told there are tight races in all the senate seats, the Democrats are coming on strong and the Republican candidates are weak and have little chance. This is supposed to increase Democrat support and contributions while at the same time create some lethargy in the Republican tent. Why would stingy Republicans give money to all these losing candidates who have no chance? If you remember, they all had Trump 10 nor more points down to Biden during most of the campign.

Then of course, we have the brilliant foreign policy conducted by the Democrat administration, that everyone should patriotically be supporting. We hear that due to our support the Ukrainians are forcing the Russians from the country, that $100 billion in aid to Ukraine will all be worth it to someone someday. We are now holding off the Chinese from taking over Taiwan and we are the defender of democracy around the world. Sadly, they are biggest opponents of real democracy even here at home.

Are we now closer to world nuclear war today than at anytime in the past 50 years? That may be a good poll question.

We can also expect the real issues that effect most Americans, inflation, unrestrained immigration, a collapse of the criminal justice system in the Democrat cities, the politicization of all the federal agencies to punish political opponents, a lack of faith in the election system and in government to just be side issues in the coming elections. After all these issues are just talking points of the Republicans and most of those issues are not even real.

Monday, August 22, 2022

"Crossfire Hurricane", Who and Why is the question?



Image result for brennan comey, clapper

The Inspector general, Michael Horowitz released his report on the origins of the Russia investigation this week. The FBI had named the investigation into the Trump campaign, "Crossfire Hurricane". The media and Dems claim it has exonerated those who were accused of an attempted Coup. It is obvious, if you listen to the hearing and study the report, that it exonerated no one. In fact, it has affirmed all the findings of the Republican Judicial committee report that had to do with actions of those in the Department of Justice. The IG report did not get into those actions undertaken by others.

The question is, Who was the mastermind of this attempted Coup? There is much evidence, that is expected to be verified, that it was begun by people in the State Department, CIA, and some intelligence groups. The beginning began with a CIA agent planting information with George Papadopoulos while in Europe. He informed Papadopoulas that the Russians had the missing Hillary Clinton emails.This action was most likely  prompted by the CIA, led by John Brennan. The next action was a supposedly unplanned casual meeting of Papadopoulos with an Australian diplomat in a bar, who talked about Russians and the campaign. This most likely was arranged by someone in the State Department, then led by John Kerry. This diplomat then informed the FBI. This was the beginning of the Russia investigation. Were these action taken without the knowledge of John Brennan, John Kerry, and then Loretta Lynch? 

Once this investigation moved to the FBI it took on a life of its own with many abuses being revealed in the Horowitz report. 

Then there is the Steele dossier that was originally opposition research for the 2016 campaign, bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. It was shopped around the media during the campaign and most would not touch it. It became important after the election. While the information started being compiled in June 2016 it continued even after the election. This is when the decision to use it as part of a coup must have been made. It was likely made in high places of the Obama administration.

The next question is Why? Many of the players were ideologically in opposition to many of Trump's proposals. This is often the case after an election. The problem is no one or no group has ever attempted to nullify an election in this country. Why now? It is very likely that Trump's pledging to "Drain the Swamp" and also his hope to improve relations with Russia were part of the reason. Also his plan to renegotiate trade relations with China. There are many people who became very rich in dealing with China. While those reasons may be the motive of Never-Trumper Republicans and others in Business it is not a likely motive for career State Department or FBI employees.

It is very probable it is more of a matter of survival. A case of having been involved in inappropriate and likely illegal actions during the past administration. We have some motive for Kerry and Biden who both have their fingers in Ukrainian corruption. There was the Obama administration in cooperation with the Justice department in extorting Tens of Billions in penalties from the banks and conveying the money to undisclosed non-profit groups. There was the Uranium 1 deal signed off by the State Department and FBI, which conveyed control of 20% of U.S. Uranium production to Russia. There was the arming of Al Quada elements in Syria through Libya that was part of the Benghazi incident. These are some of the incidents that have been made public, who knows what has not yet been revealed. It seems there is extreme fear that Trump will actually talk to the Russians. Are the Russians aware of what these people fear may be exposed?

It just seems unlikely that Career employees of the government would be so motivated by ideology to risk it all in this endeavor. Many likely just did as they were instructed, but there were decisions made in high places that were unprecedented in American politics. While many would like to believe that Trump was or is a Russian agent, if given some thought it is an absurd idea. The FBI knew in early January 2017 that was not the case, yet the investigations and accusations are ongoing.

Obviously many in government and media still believe this whole thing can be white washed and covered up. They may be correct.

Sadly the damage that has been inflicted on our country by these politically motivated investigations have damaged our country, possibly irreparably.

If this nation is to survive, there needs to be corrective action and consequences for those involved. Nothing less than full exposure can restore faith in our Government institutions.

Originally published 12/16/2019.  will we get answers to these questions?

Friday, August 19, 2022

Local crops are now severely damaged



While we see the news media is obsessed with the usual stories, a disaster for local farmers is now very evident. I traveled yesterday in Lehigh, Berks, Lebanon and Schuylkill counties and witnessed many crops that are now past redemption. Earlier in the week I traveled south into Maryland and those crops may be able to have some yield if rain comes very soon.

Many of the crops are not just wilted but now turning brown and will not have any yield at all. Some in wetter areas may have a diminished yield. While of course I am only viewing a small part of this state, similar reports are being heard across this state.

I have friends in Texas who report that livestock are now being slaughtered early due to a lack of feed in much of the southwest and Mexico. This will create a shortage of these commodities and a increase in prices by fall.

It is also being noted that many countries are now limiting their export of foodstuff, anticipating a world wide shortage of grain. Some of this has to do with the Ukraine/Russian conflict but much is also caused by drought in many agriculture areas including the U.K.

I searched the internet and could not find any new stories on the crop situation. The latest ones seemed to be from June. It is very interesting and telling of our nations priorities when crop disasters and a likely worldwide shortage of food is superseded by stories on politics and social policy.  

This coupled with a fall increase in energy prices may be a rude awakening for many, who have taken food and energy for granted. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

DOJ and FBI have refused to produce evidence before.




We see that the DOJ is hoping to not unseal the affidavits of probable cause for the Mara-Lago raid. Are they going to say that the evidence is too secret, too important for national security to be revealed? If that is their plan, it is not the first time they have refused to produce evidence even after bringing forth indictments.

Special council Robert Mueller made headlines when he indicted 13 Russians and several Russian companies, claiming they attempted to interfere with the 2016 election. The indictment which was entered on February 16, 2018 was heralded as evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. No one believed, including Mueller, that any Russians would respond to the indictments.

On May 9, 2018, Eric Dubelier, a partner at the Washington law firm of Reed Smith, representing Concord Management and Consulting, pleaded not-guilty and asked for a speedy trial. They also asked for full disclosure of the evidence against them.

Federal Law requires that a trial, if asked for by the defendant, must start within 70 days of the indictment.

The Mueller group asked for the trial to be delayed as they were not ready to go to trial and that they did not want to disclose their evidence. The Judge refused the request.

On May 16, 2018, Mueller threatened to overwhelm the court with 2 terabytes of Russian social  media without translation. If it was not translated, how did they come to their indictment decision? That should make for an interesting trial. He also asked to postpone the trial indefinitely.

It is generally the policy that when an indictment is brought down the prosecution is ready to proceed with a trial. Most of the time the defendant wants a delay to examine the disclosed information.

This whole affair then proceeded to fade from the media and was never heard of again. no prosecution, no disclosure, just another headline grabbing media event. It seems most of these bombshell media events eventually fade into the bottomless pit of fake investigations and indictments.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022




Elections are critical to the success of any democratic government. Honest and clearly legitimate elections can only be conducted and accepted by the population if the elections and their results are auditable. Elections must be 100% verifiable. There cannot be a system were the results need to be accepted on faith in the process or the people in charge of the elections. It is clear this is not presently the case with our election system here in Pennsylvania or in many other states. It is time to put into  place a full proof auditable system of elections.

1. General mail in voting is to be eliminated. It allows multiple opportunities for fraud, abuse and is not verifiable. 

2. Absentee voting with cause is allowable. This would accommodate the handicapped, nursing home and hospitalized persons, the military, and persons required to work out of their voting district on the general election day. All first time applications for absentee ballot would need to be affirmed by a physician, nursing home administrator, superior military officer or work supervisor. All absentee ballots would require the identification number of the drivers license or state Identification. This would assure their place of residence.

Applications for absentee ballots would be kept for 24 months from date of the general election. Absentee ballots and applications would have an identification number coinciding with a number on their voter registration. This is necessary to have an auditable system.

Absentee ballots would be required to be received 10 days before the general election. Absentee ballots would be opened by teams of representatives of all political parties involved in the election. These representatives would be vetted and supplied by the political parties. Each team would stamp the ballots as complete and genuine and be initialed by the team, each team would have a team number. The ballots that they approve will be counted by the team and placed in a sealed container with a result of their count. A copy of their count will be placed on the outside of the container and each team member will keep a copy of their totals. On the general election day, all teams will be present to add their totals to general count and verify they are correct. All these ballots will be kept for 24 months from the general election.

3. General election ballots will also have a number placed on them coinciding with the number on the voters registration. This could be a number from the registration or coinciding with the signature record at the voting place. Ballots are to be counted by teams made up of individuals from all political parties involved in election. Ballots are counted at the precinct level and all ballots are sealed in boxes by the teams with a copy of the results inside, outside and kept by members of the team. Results are then communicated to county. All ballots will be kept for 24 months after the general election.

 Election Audit

Before any proclamation or certification of the results of an election an election audit team made up of representatives of all political parties involved in the election shall conduct a random sampling of districts for audit. These teams will be vetted and supplied by the political parties. They will begin their audits with both sides picking 6 districts or precincts in their county for spot auditing. This would be accomplished by picking 50 ballots from each selected district, identifying the voters and contacting them to verify their votes. If the results are 100 %. in all districts, no further action would be needed, if not there would need to be a more complete audit.


Registration may be performed as now, requiring Identification and also a group of auditors composed of representatives from all political parties to work together to assure addresses and voters are real. Registrations will be purged if voter does not participate in 2 consecutive presidential elections, or any other elections. Voter will be notified that his registration has lapsed with instructions as to how to re-register. 

The goal of this system of voting is to have an opportunity for representatives of both parties to work together and insure that everyone is satisfied that an honest and fair election has taken place. It should insure that the election results are recorded in a timely manner, without any doubts as to the validity of the vote. With precincts limited to 2000 voters, hand counting should be accomplished in several hours. This would eliminate the cost of electronic voting machines which have a high level of distrust by voters. This is a simple, less costly and fully auditable system that all Americans can and deserve to trust.

originally published 11/2/21

Monday, August 15, 2022

Has the U.S. lost its credibly asset, part 4



2016 was a pivotal time in the direction of world events. The vote of the U.K. to become independent of the European Union was mostly prompted by the polices that encouraged unchecked and unlimited immigration into the country. This was creating and untenable situation with fear of terrorist activities and an assault on the cultural norms and traditions.

In the United States, Donald Trump's run for president was an appeal to control unlimited immigration and to condemn the intervention and regime change policy of the United States and also to attempt to bring back the manufacturing capacity of the United States by advocating for new trade agreements. This was also encouraged by tax and regulations that encouraged business and manufacturing in the United States.

His campaign was immediately attacked as xenophobic, racist and reactionary. Foreign policy and trade are the two most lucrative parts of U.S. policy. They are in many ways cooperative in enriching those who can control the direction of these policies. That coupled with the belief of some that the United States, as the only super power, can control world events both economically and politically.

Trump advocated for improved relations with the Russian federation. This brought about an immediate reaction from those who advocated for the containment of Russia, both economically and geographically. The United States had reneged on its agreement to halt NATO expansion after the reunification of Germany. Many foresaw the building of the present conflict on the horizon and sought to bring about some move to defuse the coming conflict over Ukraine. 

The renegotiation of trade with China and NAFTA was also opposed by those who were making lucrative profits on trade with foreign manufacturers. Trump 's motto "America First" was again labeled racist. Many have been concerned at the loss of the U.S. manufacturing capacity. Manufacturing increases real national wealth. Many are willing to put large segments of citizens on government benefits and buy from sources out of the country at lower costs. Profits over the long range health of the country. 

The using of Russia as a straw man, in both domestic and foreign policy to be blamed for all the ills both at home and abroad has turned Russia into an enemy from a competitor. While Trump had attempted to negotiate improved trade agreements with China that put American workers into a more competitive position, the present policy has now turned into a military confrontation with China. Both those trends are moving into the area of irreversible. We are now seeing the world  moving into 2 opposing camps. 

While the United States policy has been roaming the world looking for regimes to overthrow and engaging in other activities that would have been never accepted in the past, our competitors both Russia and China have been building relationships in the south, in Africa and the middle east. Many countries outside of Europe are now fearful of taking sides in these conflicts and hope to remain independent.and non-aligned.  They seem to be in the position that they cannot trust anyone. 

While American's want to believe that our country is always the good guys, looking out for the best interests of the country and the world, sadly this country is not viewed that way by much of the world outside of Western Europe. Those countries that have been affected by the U.S. polices are much more fearful and apprehensive to becoming connected as they were in the past. That reality, and the obvious chaos in the domestic situation in this country are all coming together to encourage many to distance themselves from the United States.

Trust and credibility are indeed assets that are built over time and once destroyed cannot be regained quickly.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Has the U.S. lost its credibility asset 3



It seemed that the foreign policy of intervention increased and seemed to lack any restraint during the Obama administration. While the Bush presidents got the U.S. permanently embroiled in the politics of the middle east, it seemed that things spread into new directions during Obama. One has to wonder was this the objective of Obama and his supporters or did Obama's focus on domestic politics and the politics of race and social upheaval allow the foreign policy experts to run wild.

Much of the middle east unrest began in 2010 with what has been called the Arab spring. While political unrest occurred in most of the countries of the middle east it led to revolution in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria. All these revolutions were supported by the United States. It led to the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt and eventually the Muslim brotherhood came to power, it was then deposed by the Egyptian military. While radicals from the U.S. were in the streets of Egypt and eventually arrested, it was clear that the overthrow of a friendly government of Egypt was encouraged by this country. 

The revolution in Libya was accomplished by direct military intervention by U.S. and NATO countries. This country is now a failed state with actual slave markets and rival tribes contending for control. There is no sign of a stable government on the horizon. Qaddafi, who had acquiesced to all the western demands, was murdered.

The Syrian civil war disrupted the whole middle east and created chaos in Europe with the greatest migration since WW 2. The war was funded and supported by the United States and its allies, its proxy forces were mostly Islamic revolutionaries many became part of the Islamic state. While unsuccessful, this conflict is still ongoing.

Tunisia eventually became stable with a semi democratic government.

The U.S. also intervened in the elections in Israel and actually sent consultants, advisers and political operatives into the country.

Does anyone doubt that these actions were personally observed and are now in the memory of the current leaders in the middle east. While appearing friendly to the U.S. they would be fools to trust what could be in store for them.

Intervention did not confine itself to the middle-east. There was social and other groups who attempted to intervene in the Russian election in 2011 and 2012. it is believed much of his was supported by the U.S.

The Ukrainian revolution of 2014 was financed and supported by U.S. and it is reported that the U.S. spent $5 billion in the overthrow of the elected government. It was the beginning of the current Ukrainian conflict with Russia.

While many American still believe that our foreign policy is keeping us safe from foreign threats. It has in fact destroyed our standing with many and will have dire consequences in the future.

To be continued.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Trump harassment continues



Much is made of the fact that Trump refused to answer any questions by the New York attorney general for their stupid and baseless investigations. It is their hope to find something in his answers that they can indict for perjury or some other baseless offense.

This attorney should be impeached for her open disregard for the law and her open acknowledgment of her desire to "Get Trump"

This pattern has been going on for years. It can be seen in the handling of many of Trump supporters, none of them should have had conversations with the FBI or anyone, while they did nothing wrong they eventually were charged with perjury, even if it was not clear to be the fact. This is just harassment and the sending of a message. Don't run for office if you are not approved by the big party bosses. Don't attempt to oppose the deep seated bureaucracy or support someone who will. Don't oppose the corrupt domestic or foreign policy or they will use the power of the federal government to crush you and break you. 

While they, up to now, have focused on Trump and his associates, you can see that they are now planning on going after the self employed, small business and others who have supported a change in this government.Their plan to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, many who are likely to be Antifa and BLM members, arm them and send them out to crush their political opposition. It looks like a new addition of federal brown shirts, designed to damage, intimidate and crush all opposition.

This is an out of control authoritarian fascist government that needs to be bisected from top to bottom and reformed in the constitutional model. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What records do THEY fear are in the possession of Trump?



Most every thinking person now believes the raid on Mar-a-Lago was planned and approved by persons high in the federal government. This was not limited to the FBI's decision, but needed to be approved by the Attorney general and probably the President. 

Some believe they are looking for evidence of a conspiracy to overturn the election. No conspiracy here, the strategy to delay the certification of the election and investigate  problems with the election was shouted from the rooftops in plain sight of the world. The FBI and the justice department know this is the case.

So what is going on here. There have been rumors from Trump insiders, that before leaving office, Trump was planning on declassifying a treasure trove of documents that would have gone back over 60 years and would have been very damaging to past administrations, both republican and democrat. It is rumored that Trump, sensing the coming 2nd impeachment and the other attempts to attack him, decided to not declassify these documents, but to keep them as some kind of insurance. It is claimed that these documents have been placed in diverse safe places.

Does anyone ever wonder why the Cheney family has risked their political future in their joining the Democrats to damage Trump? Hated and accused of war crimes by the Democrats for years, they now think it is in their best interest to join in the vilification of Trump. I would doubt that Trump would be so naive to leave such documents in cardboard boxes in the basement of Mar-a-Lago, especially with the out of control behavior of the DOJ and FBI. Is this a fact, that I can verify, No, but it is obvious they are looking for something far more important than presidential papers and memorabilia. 

As for evidence of some conspiracy, even if that was the case, does anyone believe Trump would keep such evidence in the basement of his house. 

Anyway, the raid has stepped over the line, it has now divided the country even more, all in an attempt to deny the American people a choice in the coming election. One must again wonder, if the Democrats believe Trump is such a bad president and that Joe Biden won with an unprecedented number of votes, you would think he would be their first choice as an opponent.  Sometimes you just have to watch what people are doing, not what they are saying.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Dems hoping for a violent response?



It seems the desperation of this revolutionary administration is reaching a critical level. Will their desperation plunge this country into WW3 or violent unrest at home, it seems any chaos will do in their quest for unlimited power. Are they attempting to create any situation that will justify them taking unconstitutional control of the country?

Make no mistake, this is an out of control, unconstitutional use of the power of this administration to increase the control and power of the federal government. It seems every department of the federal government is now politicized with the sole objective to move this country into a socialist dictatorship.

For more than 7 years we have seen the politicization of the IRS, the department of Justice and the FBI, all in the attempt to discredit Donald Trump and his supporters. While many applaud this development, we will all suffer from the results of the actions by this administration.

Who is making these decisions? Who is running this government? It is doubtful that it is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It is very likely it is the now grown up members of the Marxist revolutionaries of the sixties and the former members of the Obama administration. They want an end to this constitutional republic at any cost and by any means.

We must acknowledge, that this country has been corrupted for a long time and those in power are willing to burn it all down to retain that power. Not just so called Democrats or Republicans but those who are motivated by greed and hungry for ultimate power, many members of both parties and the entrenched bureaucracy in Washington.

This country is running out of time, there needs to be a revival of constitutional law and a wholesale house cleaning in the federal bureaucracy. If they are not flushed out they will cause the end of this republic. They are about to destroy this country from within and place us all at he mercy of our enemies both domestic and foreign.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Is war the last hope for the dems ?



After watching speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi this week, one can only conclude that the democrats are now willing to risk war to salvage their hopes for the 2022 mid terms. While her trip to Taiwan will increase tensions with China and inevitably cost this country in some way, the Chinese are unlikely to engage in military conflict at this time. It would be counter productive, the U.S. is self destructing on many fronts, why give them a political lifeline now.

China has many options to damage the U.S. including continuing to slow walk basic strategic materials to the United States. It can also refrain from buying U.S. treasury bonds or selling their holding of those bonds. There is a long list of possibilities without direct military conflict.

Then of course, we see that the U.S. is weekly increasing its commitment to supplying Ukraine with more sophisticated arms and even considering sending U.S. personnel to help the Ukrainians in their conflict with Russia. We continue to hear how the Ukraine just needs some new type of advanced weapons and they will be able to win this conflict. Russia is no longer even warning that escalation can lead to nuclear war, again, they see that these efforts are failing and many of these weapons are being destroyed as they enter the country. It is very unlikely that any assistance short of of NATO intervention will enable Ukraine to win this conflict. So far, Russia has not responded to this assistance militarily, cyber warfare or in any other way. I suspect they are waiting for the opportunity that will someday make such reprisals more effective.

With only 3 months to the mid-terms some dramatic turn of events is hoped to win support for the Democrat policies. So far, Europe is heading for a serious energy crisis by fall, it will have serious repercussions here at home. The sanctions have indeed been a two edged sword, damaging the sanctioners as much as the sanctioned. Is war the only hope to save the midterm elections?

So far, it seems no one is retaliating for our support of Ukraine or is China likely to invade Taiwan before the next election. Maybe some other skirmish can be created to show the strength of the U.S. foreign policy and democrat leadership. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Kansas abortion referendum, a win for democracy and states rights.



Much is made of the referendum results in Kansas that upheld the right to abortion. While I doubt it is the final say on this matter in Kansas, it is a first step in the process of reaching a consensus on this divisive matter. The goal for everyone is to come to a result that is acceptable to the vast majority of the citizens of these states. This will be in the best interests of all.

I doubt that in the end there will be many states that outlaw abortion without exceptions nor do I believe there will be many who legalize abortions without restrictions. This is going to be a process that may take a few years to evolve, but hopefully, in the end it will result in an end to the extremes on both sides and reach a reasonable consensus in each state. Real democracy in action.

The supreme court's overturning of Roe will be, in the long run, in the best interest of the country. The greatest impact is that it will remove this issue from the legislature of the federal government and let it be decided by the people in the states. This should at least relieve 1 divisive issue from the federal government.

Those on both sides who want to continue making this a federal matter should be rejected by the citizens of this country. This issue should no longer be an issue in federal elections and those who want to continue it, should be soundly rejected by the electorate. It is no longer a federal matter. 

We see some who are unwilling to let the process play out and are pushing for the federal government to pass legislation on this issue. Just another opportunity to create political division. They should just let the process play out.

Both sides need to fashion referendums that do not contain poison pills or a continual diatribe about theoretical cases in an effort to continue the emotional controversy.  Most all support exceptions for physical health of the mother and at the same time must realize that could be used by the insincere to apply to everyone. Those individuals or groups who are not sincere to find a real solution should be soundly defeated by the electorate.

The states will eventually work out reasonable results if there is a sincere effort by both sides. Again, this is how democracy works. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Has the U.S. lost its credibility asset part 2



After the dismemberment of the Soviet Union there seemed to be a void and a lack of challenges for U.S. foreign policy, a period of hope for world peace and the economic benefits of the end of the cold war. For a short period there was attention given to making the southern drug cartels the the next focus of our foreign policy, but after intervention in Panama and Columbia is seemed to not be enough of a challenge or maybe it was more lucrative to not destroy the source of so much money or to look to other places.

After the first gulf war, the United States became a permanent presence in the middle east. We were supposed to be there to protect the world from war. The presence of permanent U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia was opposed by many of the ruling class in the country.  Many who supported  the war against the Soviet Union equally wanted the U.S. out of the middle east. They supported the Sunni militants who had been instrumental in convincing the Soviet Union to withdraw from Afghanistan and then focused their attention on the United States and their European allies. Afghanistan was taken over by the militants who had descended on the country during the Russian conflict.This escalated until the attack on the United States in September of 2001.

This began the next phase of the U.S. intervention into the middle east. The attack on Afghanistan was immediate and had the support of the much of the world including the Russian federation. The quest to disable the Taliban who ruled Afghanistan and to decimate Al Qaeda and other militants gained the uneasy support of many in the middle east.

With the breakup of the Soviet Union, there was little opposition to the power of the United States. It was openly voiced by some in power at the time that we were  now the only super power and should use that power to reshape the world.  While at one time that goal was freedom, independence and democracy it now seemed to become submit to being part of this world alliance or you will be crushed economically and if necessary militarily.   

Saddam Hussein was a typical mid east dictator, while he at times would ally with the west he was independent of any real alliance. There was a plan hatched that if Iraq became a democratic country it would spread in the area and lead to democratic governments in the region.  The propaganda mill went into motion claiming that Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda and was building nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction that would threaten the world. There were many who disputed this fact, including UN inspectors. As for Al Qaeda it was common knowledge in the middle east that they were executed on site if found in the country. Nonetheless, after a period of a propaganda campaign and the enlistment of other partners in Europe, Iraq was invaded, Saddam deposed and eventually executed, and an ensuing period of war and destruction that has yet to be resolved. This war was from 2003 to 2011, reignited in 2014 and we still have troops in the country.

This war became an example to others in the region and the world to be very careful when dealing with the United States. You may be expendable if you are not part of the U.S. plan. Bush 2's famous speech declaring the axis of evil of Iraq, Iran and North Korea set off a rush by the other 2 countries to build a nuclear weapons arsenal, fearing that after Iraq, they would be next. There was a propaganda campaign to build support for the invasion of Iran that seemed to be eventually squashed, either by a reluctant Bush or just the enormity of the undertaking.

The Iraq war resulted in the death of 100s of thousands, the destabilizing of a counter to Iran and the displacement and migration of millions of refuges into Europe that is still continuing. It was only the beginning of the U.S. goal to reshape the world.

To be continued.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

What have we just witnessed in Taiwan?



We just witnessed a lot of hullabaloo about House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, going for a visit to Taiwan. What was the purpose of this visit? Even Pelosi has not made it clear what was the goal of this trip. The pentagon and the state department have stated that Taiwan is part of China and our policy has not changed. Some Democrats and Republicans are talking like Taiwan is a sovereign country and we need to defend democracy at all costs. Is our China policy about to change? Are we going to encourage Taiwan to declare independence from China? Did Pelosi encourage Taiwan to declare independence? It seems no one know what is going on and there are indeed contrary messages being sent. Our foreign policy is disintegrating as we watch. Who is actually forming our foreign policy?

All this started when Jimmy Carter recognized the Chinese Communist Party as the only legitimate government of China and that Taiwan was part of China, this happened in 1979. Every president since has reaffirmed this policy, including Trump and Biden.

This would have all become irrelevant if Carter had declared Taiwan as an independent country in 1979 and recognized them as such. It is likely he was prompted to throw Taiwan under the bus because of the possibility of huge profits for American and international companies doing business with China. China at the time was a third rate military power and was in no position to challenge such a declaration. It is not the same situation now and China considers Taiwan part of their country and is not going to change its policy.

Now we are sending advance weapons to Taiwan, moving military assets to the Asia region and talking about our willingness to defend Taiwan from China. This signals to everyone that a policy change is coming. 

It seems the leaders in Washington seem to believe we can change the rules whenever we want and the threat of U.S. military might will just cause the other side to submit. The fact is, we cannot defend Taiwan against an all out war with China and our sending these unclear messages is creating a situation that is very dangerous to the people of Taiwan. Much like Ukraine the people of Taiwan are going to do the dieing, if this is just our effort to weaken China.

We hear politicians spouting that China needs our market or they will have economic collapse. So out of touch with reality. While they will suffer if they lose our market, we can say goodbye to Walmart, Target, Amazon and most every company in America, we will see an economic crisis beyond our comprehension. China will still have some alternative markets, but we will have little product left in this country.

This administration lacks any credible diplomats or real world negotiators. They believe the United States is the ruler of the world and we can impose our will on everyone without consequence to our nation. This may have been true, when we we were dealing with Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Kosovo and other week adversaries. It does not apply to Russia and China. Many people will suffer if this administration does not learn about its limitations very quickly.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Biden administration stumbling into irreversible disaster.



We continually hear that the United States is enforcing the rules based world order, an order that is becoming more and more unclear both at home and abroad. We have no consistent order at home, the laws are being applied with biased political motivation. The Jan. 6.commission is the culmination of a partisan obsession with Donald Trump that has been ongoing for 7 years. Violent criminals are routinely set free to commit more violent acts. Weekends in our cities claim more lives than many of our military encounters. Now this administration is dramatically increasing the expanse of the IRS, most likely to use it as a weapon against its political enemies. The end of democracy as we have known it is on the horizon.

In world affairs, we are being bombarded with the Ukraine war, with more spent than can be digested in that region. We are told the Ukrainians are going to push Russia out of the country and reclaim its former  borders. It is all one big lie. Russia is not going to leave Ukraine without all out world war and it is unlikely going to be necessary because the sanctions will  most likely create an economic collapse of the participating nations. 

The weapons are already being spread to other countries in the regions and more violence in Europe is likely. All this could have been avoided with a simple recognition that Nato expansion is a threat to Russia and a neutral Ukraine would have been in the best interest of all involved. 

Joe Biden is indeed the leader of the free world and he is leading it down a path to chaos and destruction.

Then there is China, a country that this administration has embraced for years. Rather than pursue a policy of fair trade and demanding an adherence to the trade agreements, he is again threatening military action against China, thinking he can cower them into submission. This is contrary to any accounting for their culture and their pride in their own country. On top of this we can not confront China without the use of nuclear weapons.

Then there is Taiwan, everyone would like to see Taiwan an independent sovereign country, but we sailed that ship 40 years ago when we recognized China as the ruler of China and Taiwan as part of China. There is no so called rules based order that has ever recognized Taiwan as a country. What is our legal basis of this whole Taiwan crisis. We cannot defend Taiwan. We can only create a situation with the death and destruction similar to what is happening in Ukraine.

One must wonder where are the diplomats, were are the wise advisers,  or is this actually the goal of this administration. Is chaos and destruction the intended goal? Can they really be that out of touch and incompetent. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Has the U.S. expended its credibility asset?



After the conclusion of WW2 the U.S. gained its favorable reputation and respect from the world, both from its allies and adversaries.  The U.S. population was reluctant to enter WW2 and before that time had kept a distance from engagement in the affairs of other countries. In the aftermath of the War, the U.S.  engaged in a policy of rebuilding the defeated countries and earned the respect of both Germany and Japan. The country, also being the only country that escaped the massive destruction was in a position of economic and military supremacy. It was probably a high point of the United States position in the world. Envied and respected for the fair play and humanitarian efforts to rebuild a world destroyed by the war.

After the war there was the understandable effort to stop and contain the spread of communist ideology around the world and at home. This was evident in our going to war to stop communist expansion in both Korea and Vietnam. I remember personally watching the seminars, while in the service, of the domino theory, that explained our intervention in Vietnam. It was also the last war maintained with a conscripted military. It was clear that the appetite for war among the citizens was declining. 

The 2 competing policies, the Brezhnev doctrine that declared that the USSR would support and defend  communist governments around the world and the U.S. policy of supporting freedom, democracy and capitalist economics were locked into a 40 year competition backed by nuclear weapons.

The U.S. was admired and imitated, as truly being that light upon the hill, most of our policy was based on mutual respect and using our economic success as proof of our righteous position. There were aberrations and instances of overzealousness, but overall we had a good reputation.

With the election of a communist government in Afghanistan the Soviet Union in accordance with the Brezhnev doctrine sent advisors to support the new government in Kabul. The opposition by the Islamic fundamentalists was immediate and the slaughter and display of 20 soviet advisers prompted the Soviet invasion of the country. The Soviets fought from 1979 to 1989. 

In the same time frame the fundamental Islamists of Iran were repelled by the increase in Western social values being brought into the country. Everything from western movies containing sex and violence to the normalization of homosexuality and other values contrary to their religious beliefs. This led to the revolution in Iran, the deposing of the U.S. supported government and the taking of hostages. Both sides in the cold war were being tested by the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism.

I knew some Iranian's who were fearful of returning to their country at that time, they condemned the brutal and repressive government of the Shaw, but also feared the violent and repressive Islamic government. Most never returned to their country.

We of course supported, funded and gave military aid to the fundamentalist groups fighting to expel the Russians from Afghanistan and also funded and supported Iraq under Saddam Hussein along with France, the Soviet Union and the gulf countries to go to war of retribution against Iran. A war that lasted 8  years and resulted in over 1 million casualties. 1980 to 1988. 

It was a transition period from the end of the cold war to the new conflict with Islamic fundamentalism. This threat was recognized by both the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

The borders and even the creation of some of the countries of the middle east were all determined by the British empire from the end of WW1 until their empire began collapsing in the 1950's and it then seemed to become the new role for the Unite States to maintain that order in the region. 

Iraq's borders were redrawn by the British with much of it oil reserves given to Kuwait. Iraq and Kuwait at one time were 1 country and there was historically a dispute over these borders. Saddam was given the impression by the U.S. ambassador April Glaspie that the U.S. would not be involved in territorial disputes among arab countries. He believed that it was ok to retake the oil fields of Kuwait. Whether this was miscommunication or a plan to trap Saddam is not clear, but the resulting U.S. intervention led to the destruction of the military capability of Iraq and placed U.S. troops permanently in the region and in Saudi Arabia. This war was in 1990-1991.

At the same time the Soviet Union rejected the Brezhnev doctrine, embraced market economics and allowed for the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. It was an end to the cold War with the Soviet Union and a supposed peace dividend was anticipated and rejoiced in by all.

To be continued.