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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Election year psych-ops in full swing



We are continually hearing that the Democrats are now on the move in restoring the trust of American voters. They are leading in most of the polls, their fundraising is strong and they are on the right side of their issues. Abortion for all, tax-payer funded grooming in the public schools, more social spending to keep the economy strong. The most important issues to Americans. What could go wrong?

Then of course, there is the great fear that every Republican is secretly a white supremacist, and are the great threat to Democracy and what America really stands for. Blah,Blah,Blah, we can expect this to grow intensity for the next 2 months, until we are all nauseous with the bull shit.

So this seems to be a pattern that may have worked to some extent in the past, but like a virus, we all soon become immune to the same clap-trap. We can expect some new variation after some more polls and issue testing. For now, we are told there are tight races in all the senate seats, the Democrats are coming on strong and the Republican candidates are weak and have little chance. This is supposed to increase Democrat support and contributions while at the same time create some lethargy in the Republican tent. Why would stingy Republicans give money to all these losing candidates who have no chance? If you remember, they all had Trump 10 nor more points down to Biden during most of the campign.

Then of course, we have the brilliant foreign policy conducted by the Democrat administration, that everyone should patriotically be supporting. We hear that due to our support the Ukrainians are forcing the Russians from the country, that $100 billion in aid to Ukraine will all be worth it to someone someday. We are now holding off the Chinese from taking over Taiwan and we are the defender of democracy around the world. Sadly, they are biggest opponents of real democracy even here at home.

Are we now closer to world nuclear war today than at anytime in the past 50 years? That may be a good poll question.

We can also expect the real issues that effect most Americans, inflation, unrestrained immigration, a collapse of the criminal justice system in the Democrat cities, the politicization of all the federal agencies to punish political opponents, a lack of faith in the election system and in government to just be side issues in the coming elections. After all these issues are just talking points of the Republicans and most of those issues are not even real.

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