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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Western Europe next casualty of U.S. foreign policy.



The European countries are now warning their citizens to expect power shortages and possible blackouts as they head into winter. Some are advising and will soon be demanding the disabling of many appliances. They can also expect skyrocketing prices for food. This will all come within the next few months as winter sets in and energy demand for heating increases.  

While many will blame the war in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin for this dismal outlook, the reality is that this is mostly caused by the unrestrained use of sanctions. They are telling their citizens that this is all necessary in their support for Ukraine.

Western Europe was experiencing energy shortages even before the Ukraine conflict, they were unable to supply sufficient energy from their north sea wind farms due to changes in wind velocity. This coupled with their shutting down nuclear plants and coal generation left them with a dependence on Russian natural gas. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was strongly opposed by the U.S., as this country hoped to supply Europe with LNG gas from our domestic suppliers. But with increased restrictions on pipelines and production in this country there is little available for export. The world wide shortage of energy began the day Joe Biden made his first energy orders on assuming office.

Sanctions have also held up the servicing of equipment for these pipelines from Russia. The Russians, until now, relied on foreign companies to build and service the equipment needed to keep the gas flowing. I expect the Chinese or domestic manufacturers will soon be providing this equipment.

The policy of containment and the expansion of NATO has long been predicted by serious diplomats as a policy that would lead to disaster. These results were predicted for years by political scientist John Mearsheimer and Henry Kissinger. This warning was voiced by former State department members when this policy was developed. Since its adoption it has been on a rail that has led to this inevitable result. 

It is policy based on Hubris and the inability to take into account others view of the world. The hatred and unreasoning opposition to Putin is very similar to the unhinged attacks on Donald Trump. It is also being manifested in the dealings with those at home who have a different view of the world.

What motivated the U.S. to go down this path, a path much different that of Ronald Reagan in his negotiations with the former Soviet Union, is not clear. Is it the headlong rush into some sort of global government and need to crush anyone who espouses nation sates and the best interest of their own country? Is it that the rejection of communism by the Russian federation puts them into the class of ideological betrayal of the world communists? Is it that a cold war and confrontation is a source of unlimited profits and graft? No matter the reason, this policy will soon be the cause of expanded suffering, first Ukraine, now Western Europe, then the world.

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