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Monday, August 15, 2022

Has the U.S. lost its credibly asset, part 4



2016 was a pivotal time in the direction of world events. The vote of the U.K. to become independent of the European Union was mostly prompted by the polices that encouraged unchecked and unlimited immigration into the country. This was creating and untenable situation with fear of terrorist activities and an assault on the cultural norms and traditions.

In the United States, Donald Trump's run for president was an appeal to control unlimited immigration and to condemn the intervention and regime change policy of the United States and also to attempt to bring back the manufacturing capacity of the United States by advocating for new trade agreements. This was also encouraged by tax and regulations that encouraged business and manufacturing in the United States.

His campaign was immediately attacked as xenophobic, racist and reactionary. Foreign policy and trade are the two most lucrative parts of U.S. policy. They are in many ways cooperative in enriching those who can control the direction of these policies. That coupled with the belief of some that the United States, as the only super power, can control world events both economically and politically.

Trump advocated for improved relations with the Russian federation. This brought about an immediate reaction from those who advocated for the containment of Russia, both economically and geographically. The United States had reneged on its agreement to halt NATO expansion after the reunification of Germany. Many foresaw the building of the present conflict on the horizon and sought to bring about some move to defuse the coming conflict over Ukraine. 

The renegotiation of trade with China and NAFTA was also opposed by those who were making lucrative profits on trade with foreign manufacturers. Trump 's motto "America First" was again labeled racist. Many have been concerned at the loss of the U.S. manufacturing capacity. Manufacturing increases real national wealth. Many are willing to put large segments of citizens on government benefits and buy from sources out of the country at lower costs. Profits over the long range health of the country. 

The using of Russia as a straw man, in both domestic and foreign policy to be blamed for all the ills both at home and abroad has turned Russia into an enemy from a competitor. While Trump had attempted to negotiate improved trade agreements with China that put American workers into a more competitive position, the present policy has now turned into a military confrontation with China. Both those trends are moving into the area of irreversible. We are now seeing the world  moving into 2 opposing camps. 

While the United States policy has been roaming the world looking for regimes to overthrow and engaging in other activities that would have been never accepted in the past, our competitors both Russia and China have been building relationships in the south, in Africa and the middle east. Many countries outside of Europe are now fearful of taking sides in these conflicts and hope to remain independent.and non-aligned.  They seem to be in the position that they cannot trust anyone. 

While American's want to believe that our country is always the good guys, looking out for the best interests of the country and the world, sadly this country is not viewed that way by much of the world outside of Western Europe. Those countries that have been affected by the U.S. polices are much more fearful and apprehensive to becoming connected as they were in the past. That reality, and the obvious chaos in the domestic situation in this country are all coming together to encourage many to distance themselves from the United States.

Trust and credibility are indeed assets that are built over time and once destroyed cannot be regained quickly.

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