We continually hear that this Democrat is a moderate, that he or she will be different from the more radical, it is all hogwash. How many democrat politician have stood up and condemned the abuse of power of democrat politicians both on the state and federal level? Less than a literal handful. The democrat party is intentionally destroying this country. I would like to hear what they have made better by both their domestic or foreign policy.
I am sure many will say that is an extreme statement, but their ever expanding lust for political power, ultimate unlimited political power, is tearing the country apart. Either they are all endorsing these policies or are complicit by their silence. I noted 2 years ago what their agenda would be
The last 2 years have been the culmination and escalation of an attack on every basic institution in the country. This has been going on for over 10 years.
We have seen the politicization of the Department of Justice to prosecute the democrats political opposition. We have seen them unconstitutionally imprison many without trial or hearing. At the same time we have seen them look the other way when democrat endorsed and sanctioned groups, burned and destroyed our cities.
We have seen their endorsed district attorney's fail to prosecute law breaking, resulting in the greatest increase in crime in decades. Property crime, murder and all sorts of serious crime has been the result of democrat policies.
We have witnessed a democrat paid for and endorsed narrative used as a basis to attempt to overthrow the elected president of the United States. It is proven that the FBI knew it was a false narrative before they even appointed a special prosecutor. Leaders in the FBI, CIA, and state department knowingly embraced this travesty. There has not been 1 person held accountable to this date.
We have seen that the democrat party has colluded with social media to censure the speech of Americans. It has been blatant and a disgrace to Americans and a poor example to other countries. They have engaged in classical fascist collaboration with business, industry and media to advance their agenda.
They have done serious damage to our election system by passing laws and executive orders and by unconstitutional rulings by their appointed judges that have left the trust in our elections now in question. An election system that can be manipulated and rigged, will be. No elected democrat will help to address election fraud.
Their endorsed policy on immigration is that there are no limits, no restrictions. They have enticed poor desperate people to overwhelm our social system and safety net by promising free benefits if they step foot into the country. A policy that will have damaging effects to the country for decades.
They have as much as collaborated with the ever more powerful Cartels with the flooding the country with dangerous and deadly drugs and enabled the increase in human trafficking and sexual slavery
They have engaged in systematically damaging our armed forces by introducing political propaganda and social experimentation that is destroying the morale and discouraging many for wanting to serve in our armed forces.
They have, through their surrogates in the powerful national teachers union, used the public schools as a conduit for political and cultural revolution, much like that conducted in communist China under Mao.
They have destroyed our self sufficiently on energy in as little as the last 2 years. Causing an increase in prices both here and around the world. Setting of an inflation spiral that was accelerated by their out of control spending.
All their action attempt to destroy the private sector and enlarge the government control of the economy.
In foreign policy they seem to be as power hungry as at home, threatening and punishing any nation that should want to be neutral and stay out of big power politics. Endorsing the overthrow of governments and countries for the enhancement of some all powerful world order. Their policies have cost the lives and prosperity of millions in other parts of the world and may soon become much, much worse. They have made the United States a country that is increasingly to be feared and avoided and whose polices are being rejected.
And then, if that is not enough, they have attacked the sanctity of childhood, by endorsing and pushing quasi-science experimentation on the minds and bodies of children. An endorsement of child abuse of the worse kind. A disgrace to the civilized world that is viewed as a horror at home and around the world. This is not misplaced judgment or a difference of opinion, this is evil, plain and simple.
The democrat party needs a period of reflection, sort of kneeling in the corner for some time to reevaluate their policy.
And then there is the republican party, to whom it should be made clear and understood that a rejection of the democrat party does not mean that they now can have their way and enjoy the fruits of victory. They have been just as complicit in many of these atrocities, even if it is by their silence. Many have profited along with democrats by selling out american workers and reaping the profits of a monstrous foreign policy. While they may be able to rejoice, it should be made clear that they can reap the same fate if they don't repent of their wayward policies that have been damaging to the country.