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Monday, October 31, 2022

This election should be about stopping abuse of power



We continually hear that this Democrat is a moderate, that he or she will be different from the more radical, it is all hogwash. How many democrat politician have stood up and condemned the abuse of power of democrat politicians both on the state and federal level? Less than a literal handful. The democrat party is intentionally destroying this country. I would like to hear what they have made better by both their domestic or foreign policy. 

I am sure many will say that is an extreme statement, but their ever expanding lust for political power, ultimate unlimited political power, is tearing the country apart. Either they are all endorsing these policies or are complicit by their silence. I noted 2 years ago what their agenda would be

The last 2 years have been the culmination and escalation of an attack on every basic institution in the country. This has been going on for over 10 years.

We have seen the politicization of the Department of Justice to prosecute the democrats political opposition. We have seen them unconstitutionally imprison many without trial or hearing. At the same time we have seen them look the other way when democrat endorsed and sanctioned groups, burned and destroyed our cities. 

We have seen their endorsed district attorney's fail to prosecute law breaking, resulting in the greatest increase in crime in decades. Property crime, murder and all sorts of serious crime has been the result of democrat policies.

We have witnessed a democrat paid for and endorsed narrative used as a basis to attempt to overthrow the elected president of the United States. It is proven that the FBI knew it was a false narrative before they even appointed a special prosecutor. Leaders in the FBI, CIA, and state department knowingly embraced this travesty. There has not been 1 person held accountable to this date.

We have seen that the democrat party has colluded with social media to censure the speech of Americans. It has been blatant and a disgrace to Americans and a poor example to other countries. They have engaged in classical fascist collaboration with business, industry and media to advance their agenda.

They have done serious damage to our election system by passing laws and executive orders and by unconstitutional rulings by their appointed judges that have left the trust in our elections now in question. An election system that can be manipulated and rigged, will be. No elected democrat will help to address election fraud. 

Their endorsed policy on immigration is that there are no limits, no restrictions. They have enticed poor desperate people to overwhelm our social system and safety net by promising free benefits if they step foot into the country. A policy that will have damaging effects to the country for decades. 

They have as much as collaborated with the ever more powerful Cartels with the flooding the country with dangerous and deadly drugs and enabled  the increase in human trafficking and sexual slavery

They have engaged in systematically damaging our armed forces by introducing political propaganda and social experimentation that is destroying the morale and discouraging many for wanting to serve in our armed forces.

They have, through their surrogates in the powerful national teachers union, used the public schools as a conduit for political and cultural revolution, much like that conducted in communist China under Mao. 

They have destroyed our self sufficiently on energy in as little as the last 2 years. Causing an increase in prices both here and around the world. Setting of an inflation spiral that was accelerated by their out of control spending.

All their action attempt to destroy the private sector and enlarge the government control of the economy.

In foreign policy they seem to be as power hungry as at home, threatening and punishing any nation that should want to be neutral and stay out of big power politics. Endorsing the overthrow of governments and countries for the enhancement of some all powerful world order. Their policies have cost the lives and prosperity of millions in other parts of the world and may soon become much, much worse. They have made the United States a country that is increasingly to be feared and avoided and whose polices are being rejected.

And then, if that is not enough, they have attacked the sanctity of childhood, by endorsing and pushing quasi-science experimentation on  the minds and bodies of children. An endorsement of child abuse of the worse kind. A disgrace to the civilized world that is viewed as a horror at home and around the world. This is not misplaced judgment or a difference of opinion, this is evil, plain and simple.

The democrat party needs a period of reflection, sort of kneeling in the corner for some time to reevaluate their policy.

And then there is the republican party, to whom it should be made clear and understood that a rejection of the democrat party does not mean that they now can have their way and enjoy the fruits of victory. They have been just as complicit in many of these atrocities, even if it is by their silence. Many have profited  along with democrats by selling out american workers and reaping the profits of a monstrous foreign policy. While they may be able to rejoice, it should be made clear that they can reap the same fate if they don't repent of their wayward policies that have been damaging to the country. 


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Is the world becoming an escalating "whack a mole" exercise for the U.S.



It is becoming a daily event that a one time ally or at least friendly country has shown they are no longer willing to be coerced into adopting U.S. policy. This trend has been accelerated since the onset of the U.S/.NATO/Russia conflict in Ukraine. Many countries fear making decisions that will be detrimental to their countries in the future, a future that seems to be becoming more uncertain by the day.

Saudi Arabia, an open ally of the U.S. and the West since WW1, is increasingly not accepting dictates from the U.S. Much has to do with verbal assaults against the leaders and the social structure of this Muslim country. Of course, they are somewhat used to this, it seems it is becoming much more than that. It could be that from their point of view the U.S. and the West is looking to be an unreliable and dangerous ally. It is likely a matter of Trust and Respect, very serious matters in other parts of the world. Is Saudi Arabia soon to become a target of Washington's displeasure by some sort of internal intervention to make an example to others that this attitude is unacceptable.

Then there is South Africa which has openly decided not to enforce U.S. sanctions on Russia. They may be the first to feel the wrath, as they do not have the control of their borders and internal unrest would be easy to kindle.

Of course there is also NATO member Turkey, being situated on the borders of Russia and Ukraine, having control of the entrance to the Black Sea, has been engaged in a delicate balancing act to insure their peace in the future. Having purchased weapons from Russia was a no no some years ago and their hope of neutrality is likely viewed as treasonous in Washington.

Recently tentative ally Pakistan's leader, Imran Khan,  whose speeches often reminded one of the late Anwar Sadat of Egypt, voiced his opinion that there was a thirst in the world for countries to bow out of the "either or political scene", and become neutral and non-aligned in the great power conflicts. He was by no means a Russia supporter, just wanted to spare his country the inevitable spill over from taking sides. He was removed from office in days by an internal vote of no confidence. One could expect the dependence on the western world money may have contributed to his demise.

There is also a growing list of countries in Africa and south of the U.S. border that are increasingly concerned of unrestrained loyalty to the big powers. With financial problems of our own on the horizon will it be possible to buy their loyalty or even force them all by power politics to cooperate.

Lastly there is western Europe which has gone all in on the U.S. view of the future world. While some of the leaders have had reservations, notably France and Germany, an increasing number of the citizens are becoming skeptical of the the direction of their world. Their personal experience is about to get very serious in the very near future. 

All this is becoming untenable for the policy makers and it is very likely they need to make a serious decision soon, Do they need to go all in in their hatred and obsession with the destruction of Russia or is it possible for a reevaluation and change of direction.

So far, any attempt to change direction has been squashed, even when presented by leftist Democrats. The standoff is continuing, but the time for decisive action seems to be on the immediate horizon.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Self delusion, with the help of a complicit media.



We are continually being bombarded with competing stories about the state of the world, the state of the economy and the state of democracy both here and around the world. Many are inclined to believe the story that makes them feel good, feel safe, feel that the future is bright. Oh, if it were only true. We can never address the growing list of serious problems without admitting the truth of the situation. Just look at your everyday experience and you have a much clearer view of what is really true.

Energy is the first example, energy prices are the result of energy shortages. Energy production declines have been intentional as the means for many in leadership to usher in the move to renewable energy sources. A very short sighted policy, considering that energy shortages will lead to high inflation, lost productivity, a poorer economy and nation, and with it, the means to actually find real energy alternatives.

Real alternatives, not solar panels and wind mills which will never power an industrial society, need a sustained effort costing lots of money, money that will be less available, if on the road to being poorer.

Right now, there are reports of a coming heating oil and diesel shortage, particularly in the Northeast, with heating oil now over $5.00 a gallon and rising Diesel over $6.00 it is going to take a bite out the economy. It will also accelerate inflation due to the increased cost of shipping. There is talk of actual rationing of these products in New York and New England. Such talk may incentivise many to fill up now,  exasperating the problem.

Much of this has to do with the declining ability to refine oil in the United States. Much of the imported oil is brought in as refined products, particularity diesel, which was coming from Russia and is now banned. Some other sources are concerned about their own needs and are exporting less. Many believe, with current regulations, there will never be a new refinery built on U.S. soil.

Our political leaders can, as they tend to do with everything, blame it on Russia, but much of these decisions were being made before the Russian conflict and much of it is a result of intentional decisions. If it will make you feel better, you can deny that is true, but you will be paying ever increasing prices of energy whether you believe it or not.

As far as democracy at home and abroad, the greatest risk to democracy is always authoritarian governments. Governments who suppress other opinions, other ideas, a free flow of information is the basis of all democracy or self rule. Authoritarian governments always want to censure, suppress opposition, always want to punish those oppose them both domestically and abroad. Today these authoritarians are supported and coordinated with a willing media, that will willingly spew the disinformation that these governments want. If you feel better, believing what ever you are told, it will not make your fate any better.

If you feel better believing that his current administration, an administration that has by its decisions created this energy crisis, moved us closer to nuclear annihilation is what you want. Be happy, you will endure the same fate as the rest of us. Yes, you can blame it on Russia, China or whoever, but you need to look close at the leadership you have chosen.

Do you believe that Joe Biden is really making the decisions on foreign policy and energy production. Are we at point in this democracy were we accept leaders who are just going through the motions, mouthing the decisions of those behind the scenes? Are these really just figureheads to give us an impression that we have real representation? We saw a perfect example of that last night, with the Pa. senate debate.

If this country and the world as we know it is to survive, we as citizens who will ultimately endure the consequences of these decisions, need to vote for those with real world experience and understanding, not just nice words, nice sounding images or the promises of some new borrowed money benefit. 

I believe that deep down we all know the truth when we are exposed to it, we must insist on more truth from our leaders and the media.    


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Bill Gates point of view, should help explain the "French revolution"



Bill Gates, speaking from his vast experience and wisdom, has stated that an energy crisis in Europe with its accompanied rising costs is  "GOOD ". He states that this will encourage a quicker move to renewable energy and also the inventions necessary to accomplish this move. This mentality is often witnessed and heard from the likes of Gates, Nancy Pelosi, and John Kerry, all who have little understanding about the lives of the common citizens of the world. Their big view of the world is what they imagine, much like the John Lennon song, is not the reality experience of the vast majority of the worlds population.   

Not taking into account the suffering and possible death of many of Europe's lower and middle class citizens, while they fly around the world in their private or taxpayer paid for jets, spewing forth the vast knowledge that they imagine they have. 

Gates may be very talented when it come to computer programming, but I expect he has spent very little time considering those simple necessities of food and energy. Although he is buying up farmland and seems to desire government subsidies to pursue his dream of "Crop Science"  Actually growing crops is not high tech nor is it in need of government assistance. I suspect if we go down that road we will all be hungry.

Then there is John Kerry whose only smart decision was marrying the widow of the Heinz Corp. and access to its billions. He doesn't really seem to have much understanding about anything, but has many dreams bout how the world should, or could be, with his expertise.

Then of course Pelosi, whose unlimited political power has given her the conclusion that she is the smartest person in world and lets everyone know how it is to be lived. 

Why doesn't Gates put his billions to work actually developing alternative energies, not just rejoicing at the misery of others to encourage someone else to develop those alternatives.

Kerry seems to live in the limelight, eating quiche and sipping fine wine, with his only claim to fame his wife's Billions. Without his wife he could be living in a tent in Hollywood.

Just these three, and I could add and I expect other readers could add, to a long list of personalities who are so out of touch with the realities of the common man. Looking at these high fliers explains what many could not understand about what happened in the French revolution. Is it possible when all these pipe-dreams come to fruition and the world descends into chaos and destruction one will understand the  shocking displays of citizen anger and an outpouring of violence and wrath focused at the leaders that led to their destruction.

Friday, October 21, 2022

If, the world survives Ukraine, it will never be the same.



The Ukraine conflict has now been going on for 8 months. While we are told that Russia is about to collapse at any moment, the fact is that there may be a lot of other collapsing going on while Russia remains standing. With winter approaching the sanctions that were to force Russia's collapse in months  are taking a possible deadly toll on western Europe, not only shortages of energy but also food. While the governments have sworn allegiance to U.S. policy no matter the cost, the real bill is now coming due.

We can expect severe social unrest and changes of governments all across Europe. It seems no one is immune from the possible repercussions in the coming months.

The U.S. has been able to postpone a more dramatic rise in energy prices by emptying the strategic oil reserve, a reserve that was to be maintained for severe national emergencies, not for political opportunism as it is being used by the Biden administration. Eating our seed corn, so to speak, to cover up this administrations energy mismanagement. That bill is going to also come due soon. It seems that is irrelevant as long as it is after the election.

The other dire result of this conflict has been the division of the world into two economic camps. The BRICS coalition, Brazil, Russia,India, China and South Africa is about to grow with the addition of possibly a dozen new members, including Saudi Arabia. This coalition already is composed of half the worlds population. You could say that the world is being divided into the old established world, and the new younger growing part of the world. A world that is the main source of manufacturing and natural resources. This is a result of the last few decades of regime change and a general distrust of the major western countries. A dismal failure of foreign policy that replaced persuasion and good example with force, sanctions and a example of shocking social perversion in the eyes of the other parts of the world.

We have replaced our example of being the light on the hill to "do as you are told" or you will suffer the consequences. We talk about democracy, yet the world watches as we prosecute our political enemies, censure the speech of those in opposition, introduce election measures that would have been condemned not many years ago.

They watch as massive debts are incurred because the dollar has been the world reserve currency. A fact that may soon be coming to an end. Then there is the shocking embrace of social values that are mostly illegal in other parts of the world and to top it off the assault on children that is an abomination. 

Most of these trends are now irreversible, much of it due to the fact that we, the United States has squandered our hard earned reputation of fair play and a positive example to the world. It seems our leaders, and sadly much of the population has been overcome with a strong delusion as to our present standing in the world. A delusion that will possibly lead to destruction of the existing order in a dramatic way. At best, it is leading to historic changes that can not be repaired, changes that will lower the living standards in the Western world.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Ukraine: a history of constant changing borders and a graveyard of empires.



Ukraine which means "borderland" has been under various rules in the history of the region. It was invaded by the mongols and Genghis Khan in the early 13th century. Later it was incorporated into Lithuania, Poland, the Ottoman empire, Sweden and of course back and forth with Russia. It has been disputed territory for its entire existence, most of the time it has not been officially an independent state, although it has had an independence movement for centuries.

In modern times it has been mostly under the rule of Russia, it has become in a way the other "Graveyard of Empires " when it pertains to Russia and Europe. The invasion of Russia by Napoleon needed to go through Ukraine, a long supply route and harsh winter eventually destroyed Napoleons quest and soon lead to his defeat.

In WW1 Ukraine sided with Germany and Austria and after the war the region was divided between Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and the eastern portion the then Soviet Union. Poland has been whispering that it would gladly incorporate western Ukraine into Poland.

In WW2 the western Ukraine region allied with Germany and fought for the Germans, the eastern part was on the side of the Soviet Union. Again Ukraine became the graveyard of the German Army, after quick victories and territorial gains it was again defeated by long supply routes and a devastating winter that witnessed mass death from starvation and freezing. It was the beginning of the end of  the German army.

The Soviet Union and modern Russia have long viewed this region as a buffer from European expansion, a protective buffer much like that enjoyed by the U.S. by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Post WW2 Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union until 1991 when it was granted independence. Ukraine was granted jurisdiction over Crimea while the Russia navy leased its facilities from Ukraine. Crimea was seized from the Ottoman empire in 1783.

While today's conflict is portrayed as a assault on Ukraine it is in effect a Russia/USA and NATO conflict. Ukraine is the present military battleground of the economic and political conflict that has been going on for at least 25 years. 

Russia has been consistent in its opposition to NATO expansion since 1997, when it went from 12 nations to now 30. It has been clear that it considers this expansion as an existential threat to the security of their nation. A proposal was offered to make Ukraine an independent and neutral country with protections for the Russian population in the east and guarantees on sovereignty of its borders.
A proposal that could have made Ukraine the most prosperous country in Europe.

This proposal was negotiated by Ukraine and Russia in Turkey.  Germany and France would have been on board, but it was squashed by the Biden administration, with the language that not one inch of compromise would be given to Russia.

Of course this a brief summary of this history, Eastern European history is a vast subject in itself, rarely taught in western schools, maybe that is why the lack of understanding of the Russian point of view.

Where we are now in a crossroads in that history, will it be the hoped for death of Russia as we know it, or will it be a modern day version of the demise of Napoleon's and Hitler's battle in Ukraine. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Let referendums solve abortion dilemma



We now see that passing a national law on abortion has become a political opportunity for politicians who just cannot pass up a chance to keep up with this divisive issue. Any such law would most likely be taken to court and deemed unconstitutional. There is no provision in the constitution to guarantee abortion. 

The real constitutional solution is a constitutional amendment, that would require 2/3 of the states to ratify, does anyone on either side believe that such an amendment could be found that 2/3 of the states could accept?

The best hope of coming to some sustainable peaceful and lasting decision on abortion is let it up to the states to decide. No national law will ever be acceptable by the wide range of opinions on abortion. The abortion issue would be a controversy for as long as the country lasts. 

We hear the word democracy used more and more, but in reality, many just want dictates from the federal government. Let democracy work, by letting the states decide by a series of referendums in their states. It is most likely not a perfect solution, but it is the best that can be done and it takes this issue out of the hands of opportunist politicians.

An honest series of referendums, without poison pill language, giving the voters several options ranging from no restrictions, no abortions, or several alternatives with restrictions. Let the voters vote, then throw out the least acceptable choice. Than another referendum until there is a majority decision. Whether this requires more than two referendums is OK, as many as necessary to come to a democratic conclusion. The final referendum would be a legally binding vote with no further debate or addressing this issue for 5 years. If after 5 years there are enough signatures found to put it back up, that would be OK, maybe by that time everyone will have adjusted to new laws and this will become less of an issue. 

Abortion is unique issue, while it easy to understand the personal choice and personal freedom, we all need to understand that another life is involved in this issue. We cannot really question the fact that a life is at stake and all societies have protected the life of others. Only mothers can know and feel what being in that vulnerable and emotional reality of caring for a life for 9 months. Both side in this issue have good arguments, it is the ultimate dilemma, particularly for those with no religious or moral qualms concerning life. 

There most likely will never be the perfectly acceptable solution, but we continually say we believe in democracy, why not let it work in this instance.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The winter of discontent.



While the American press is obsessed with inward social issues and the coming election, the rest of the world is poised for a winter of unprecedented crisis. It is going to be a test of the governments ability to manage these inevitable problems.

We see demonstrations almost daily, in France, Germany, Belgium and the Czech republic. We see almost certain power shortages in all the EU countries and the UK. We have seen changes of governments in Italy, Sweden and the UK and almost certain changes elsewhere. 

Many of these problems are the result of decisions made years ago including a move to eliminate fossil fuels at any cost. A cost that will now come to reality. 

While the Russia /NATO crisis is bringing these problems to a head they have been festering there for some time. Decisions based on ideology, without the wisdom to foresee the consequences may propel the world into the most dangerous time since WW2. 

We have seen decisions made concerning energy, without the providing of an alternative. We have seen  decisions concerning agriculture that are going to have serious consequences worldwide. It is expected that this winter will bring not only high prices for food and energy, but also shortages that may be unprecedented.

Couple this with a," you are either for us or you are our enemy" foreign policy from the Biden administration and these internal problems will be magnified many times over. Countries that often sided with this country are now questioning whether they want to give unwavering support, when their countries self interest is vulnerable. This is coupled with the inevitable threats of sanctions for those who do not submit.

Many former allies are now questioning the wisdom of alliances that may be very costly to them, much of it caused by a lack of trust that has increased in recent years. Our ally today, may be in for sanctions at the first sign of descent.

We have seen of course, Russia moved from a competitor to an enemy, possibly irrevocably. We have seen India, Pakistan, Turkey, the middle east and African countries desiring to become a group of neutral countries. Obviously they increasingly fear taking sides in the rush to global alliances that may  lead to global conflict.

We have seen a increasing belligerent rhetoric toward China, without any real attempt to become independent of Chinese manufacturing. China's biggest threat to the United States is the United States dependence on China for basic products and materials. It seems our leaders are torn between the profits of cheap imports and national security. Real action is replaced with threats and a belligerent attitude that will not solve the problem. Changing the regulations to make America a competitive manufacturing country is hard work, it cannot be solved with spin and threats.

We are witnessing the world rushing headlong into the abyss and it is evident that the current leaders have no understanding of what to do to stop.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Western leaders are becoming unhinged with price caps on oil.



If not so serious, it would be a laughable idea to believe that a group of countries could set the price of other countries oil. This would be possible if you did not need oil for your economic survival or you could buy oil from someone else for a equal or lesser price. The G7 cannot, they are verging on delusional insanity. OPEC, Russia, China and India and likely many more nations are breaking up in laughter at this whole idea. Russia has oil and energy, Russia has food, the most important assets for human life. Yet we are to believe that this group of 7 can dictate the price of oil produced in Russia. 

Russia can survive without selling energy to the U.S. or Europe. They can stay warm and not be hungry. The rest, due to their shortsighted energy policy and belief that they can rule the world, could be in serious energy, food and a economic crisis by January.

So, even if Russia wants to play this game, rather than just stop selling oil to the G7 countries. They can sell their oil to someone else, who can then sell it the G7 at world spot price. Russia will make more money, the intermediates will make money and the G7 will be paying a lot more than the $60 a barrel they hope to pay Russia. Of course, while their inflation rates skyrocket and their citizens are going broke, they will be able to proclaim how they just showed Russia who is boss. Just the same old symbolism over substance.

If that was the only risk it would all work itself out by the market dictating the price of oil. Sadly, we can expect that the suffering of their citizens will be used to further demonize Russia and set up the political opportunity to go to war with Russia.  Which is what this is all about. 

We have been at economic and political war with Russia for over two decades. Now, it has escalated to a hot war that it appears no one is going to blink.  We need real mature diplomats and statesmen to save the world, but sadly it seems there are none.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Biden now threatens OPEC and Saudi Arabia.



Last week OPEC decided to actually slightly decrease the production of oil. They claim that declining demand has kept the price of crude oil below what they consider to be their targeted price. While Saudi Arabia is the largest producer in OPEC, they were not alone in this vote by their members. The 15 member's voted unanimously to make the cuts. Biden accuses them of siding with Russia. It comes across as slightly paranoid and also just makes our influence with OPEC less likely.

Biden states that there will be " consequences" and hinted at refusing to sell military hardware to them in the future. We see this pattern repeating itself over and over. If Biden and this administration do not get what they want they resort to threats and retaliation. This is their pattern, both in foreign affairs and domestic issues. An utter lack of diplomatic and statesman talent, they immediately resort to the threat of power politics, either military violence or economic violence through sanctions. No consideration that other countries may be attempting to put their citizens before those of the political well being of Biden.

It has also been reported that Biden asked Saudi Arabia to not make any cuts until after the mid-term elections. Such a move would have placed Saudi Arabia in a difficult position with the other members.

Biden created this situation in his first day in office by pandering to his environmental base. His lack of understanding that his attacks on the oil and gas industry would have world wide repercussions. Not only did he create the situation that we are dependent on foreign energy again, but also increased the income and political power of OPEC and Russia. Now he want to blame those who most likely just consider this the ranting of a unhinged despot.

If he had continued with the direction of energy independence and the infrastructure to move gas and oil to distribution points for both domestic and if necessary, foreign markets. The world would be a far different place. Now like most politicians he wants to blame others for not rescuing him from his stupid decisions.

If he continues with this strategy with OPEC, he will push those countries into alliances with China and Russia. It is amazing to see the delusional strategy coming out of Washington.

These misjudgments are having serious negative consequences not only for the U.S. but also for Europe and the rest of the world. Europe is about to enter winter with the worst energy crisis since WW2. If this administration continues on this path he risks plunging the world into the worst crisis in Human history.

There should be moves to remove Biden now, before he destroys civilization as we know it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sadly, Ukraine believes Washington's spin.



The last few days have seen a response by Russia for the attack on the Crimean bridge. It is just another step in the escalation of the Ukraine conflict. A conflict orchestrated in reality by Washington and London. The media and the foreign policy experts have been pushing the line that Russia is losing this war. That they are out of munitions and that their military is falling apart. It seems the U.S. population and sadly the Ukrainians have mostly bought into this narrative. So far, the losers have been the Ukrainian population who is doing the bidding in this proxy war with Russia.

The reality is that Russia has never declared all out war on Ukraine. They have not taken out the infrastructure by attacks launched from Russia. Contrary to the western spin, they could have taken out all the bridges, electric and other infrastructure, but they have not. They could have destroyed all the government buildings in Keiv, they have not. This has been a limited conflict and could have been entirely avoided with an accommodation of Russia's insistence on an end to NATO expansion to Russia's very borders.

This conflict was started decades ago by a strategy to contain Russia's economic and domestic prosperity in an effort to control Russia. It does seems that it is now past any turning back and this government does not have the statesman or the diplomatic talent to change direction. It is hell bent on continuing with this policy, no matter the consequences.

Many believe this is similar situation as Afghanistan in 1979. That it is an opportunity to bleed Russia into submission and ultimate defeat, it is not the same situation. This conflict is on Russia's border, compare it to a conflict with the U.S. and Canada.

Up to now, Russia has primarily used munitions stock piled from the cold war. Artillery rounds that may be decades old and needed to be disposed of somehow. They have refrained from using their advanced weapons except in a few instances. U.S. analysts know the truth, yet put forth narratives that the Russians are running out of weapons. I assume this is to keep Ukraine fighting and dying to fulfill their political objectives.

Russia is never going to give back those parts of Ukraine it has incorporated into Russia. 

It seems that the Biden administration would like if Russia could be blamed on some NATO attack so they could attempt to destroy Russia, especially before the midterm elections. Time is running out to make that happen, so we can expect more attacks on Russian infrastructure in a hope for a retaliation.

The only reasonable conclusion is a negotiated settlement that considers Russia's insistence on its security concerns. We can expect that reasonable is not in the immediate cards. So we can expect to watch as Ukraine and western Europe suffer from the policies decisions made in Washington. 

Let us hope that Washington does not conclude that they must make a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia to save face.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Something fishy in Mar-a-lago



Recently the FBI proclaimed they believe Trump still has some documents that they want.  Of course they still have not revealed, even in their warrant request, exactly what they want. I suppose we are to assume it is just too secret or too important for anyone to ever know.

In their raid on the Trump household they seemed to scoop up about any document they could find. Trump requested a special master to review the documents and to return any that were protected by client privileged or other protected document. Of course, the FBI has already viewed all these documents. Does anyone doubt that they have viewed and copied everything that they took.

A special master has been granted, but the FBI and DOJ are appealing, it seems they would not want anyone else to know what they have seized.

Now it is reported that they believe they do not have all the documents they desire. But of course, they are unwilling to reveal what they really are looking for.

Initially they leaked reports, through their media sources, that they were looking for nuclear and other national security secret document. It seems that that has all now evaporated as just another unnamed anonymous source report.

So it is looking more and more that Trump may have some documentation that is damaging to the security apparatus or political opponents. Something that would motivate them to do an unprecedented raid on a former presidents residence. If that is so, it is understandable that Trump would not reveal such information as long as the democrats control congress and the judicial system. It is unlikely that any media source, at this time, could be trusted to actually publish any such damaging information. 

We will have wait and see, is the DOJ going to up the anti on this affair before the mid-term elections? If Trump does have important documents, will it be more likely to be revealed, if there is a change in control of congress? Or would it all be very relevant in a presidential campaign.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Hypocrisy: only border governors guilty of using immigrants for political purposes.



As usual there is no limit to the hypocrisy of leftist politicians. While it is perfectly acceptable to flood the border states with foreign women and children that are a burden on the healthcare, education and social safety net of their states, it is using immigrants for political purposes when they are transported to their states. Only a fool would not see that this whole border invasion is a political act to dilute the votes of many now red states and turn them into California.

Those responsible need to be prosecuted for their dereliction of duty,. for not enforcing the existing laws to control immigration.

Border states should actually rent cruise ships, trains or whatever they need to send them all to N.Y. Chicago, D.C. or to any states that consider themselves sanctuary cities or states. Let them deal with the results of the policies they continue to advocate.

The costs of tending to and sending these people to were they are greatly desired should be sent to Washington D.C. It is the politicians there who are responsible for this situation. If they refuse to pay, then deduct the costs from tax money sent to the Federal government.

Why should these border states be responsible for the disaster that politicians in Washington have created?

Thursday, October 6, 2022




Yesterday OPEC, "Organization of oil exporting countries" voted unanimously to cut oil production by 4.5% or 2 million barrels a day. OPEC is made up of 15 countries who produce 44% of the worlds oil and own 81% of the worlds oil reserves. They are concerned about the declining price of crude oil and also the high inflation in the countries to which they ship oil.

Much is made that this so called cartel can damage the economic growth of other countries and can be politically motivated to assist countries in economic peril. In fact their decisions are mostly about the well being of their economies and getting a fair end price for their oil.

OPEC came into being in the 1970's when U.S. inflation reached double digits and the market price was near $3.25 a gallon. They felt that the market price was leaving them with a declining return on their oil, which to many is their number 1 source of income.

During the past administration when the U.S. became an exporter of oil and was self sufficient in oil production the world price had dropped to below $50 a barrel and at one point was below $25 a barrel. This created serious economic problems for these countries including the biggest producers, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Saudi Arabia has been the most influential country in the management of OPEC.

They have consistently cooperated with their customers to address short term economic problems, but yesterday they chose to consider their economies first. This may do with the strained relationship with the current U.S. president who thought it politically advantageous to embarrass and disdain Saudi Arabia and even called it a pariah country. Not to mention 30 years of war and destruction in the region.

There is a simple solution to the power of OPEC to influence the world price of oil. It is not threats and intimidation, but the simple act of making these vulnerable countries energy independent by putting in place incentives to increase domestic production. Problem is, the U.S. and western Europe are much too sophisticated to embrace the idea of producing more fossil fuels, when their political goals call for the elimination of all fossil fuels..


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Propaganda and spin will not save Ukraine.



Everyday we are bombarded with propaganda and false narratives about the war in Ukraine. It will not save the Ukrainian people. The time for making a diplomatic resolution is past. We continually give the Ukranians a false hope that they may be rescued by the NATO countries. They are not coming to their rescue and shipments of more arms will just escalate the war until there is little left of the infrastructure of Ukraine. 

We hear that Mariupol is still not controlled by Russia. 1500 troops holed up in a steel plant is not control of this city. These troops are being threatened by Kiev with court martial and possible execution if they surrender. The Russians are threatening to destroy them all if they do not lay down their arms and surrender. A sad predicament to be in when there is no longer any hope of victory for the defenders. The Russians probably would rather not destroy them all and also save some of the steel plant, but since it seems this city has become a designated critical city to preserve, they will shortly just destroy all that is left.

The expectation that the Russian people do not support the government and are on the verge of rebellion is another false narrative. The Russian people have been subjected to insults, harassment and a general Russo-phobic attitude from the western media for over a decade. The present sanctions and narrative just reinforces their opinion that they are being oppressed and the enemy of the West. It is probably now a permanent situation. Russia will be on their own and will adapt to being isolated from the western countries. While the West cannot understand that anyone would consider this option a possibility, it is not far fetched in the Russian tradition. 

The Russian people have been very patriotic, even when their governments have been far more undemocratic and oppressive than the present government. Their tenacity and perseverance in WW2 under the mad dictatorship of Stalin indicates that they do view their country as their motherland. That is still the case.

Russian and Putin will not be ejected from Ukraine by force, even if it escalates into WW3, which is still a distinct possibility. The situation has long past when a diplomatic resolution will forstall the permanent partition of Ukraine. A series of bad decisions by the west has led to this situation and now there will be no turning back. The question is just what will be left of Ukraine when this conflict comes to a conclusion.

Originally published 4/20/22

Monday, October 3, 2022

No unity, no reconciliation until trust restored



The United States is suffering from a lack of trust in our political leaders, the administrative state and the media. Without recognition and transparency it is impossible to heal the divisions in this nation. While the headline lists just two of the lies that have been foisted on the nation, there are many more. If you are objective, you know what they are.

Many are in denial about the abuses that have been continuing in this nation. Democrats, even those who pretend to be objective and bi-partisan refuse to acknowledged that the whole Russian collusion story was a hoax to overthrow the elected president. They also refuse to acknowledge the problems with mail in ballots and drop boxes and electronic machines.

Republicans refuse to acknowledge the fact that previous Republican administrations have lied and fabricated stories to go to war in countries all around the world. In some instances both parties collude to deceive the electorate about the rampant corruption and abuse that keeps them both in power.

The media is a shadow what it has been in the past. It seems they mostly just reprint and repeat press releases handed to them from the powers that be. Mostly from those that they support. Is their really any serious investigative reporters left in this country?  Reporters that are willing to go against the spin manufactured either in Washington or in the media headquarters. 

It seems self delusion is more comfortable than acknowledging that this country is on the verge of collapse both economically and politically. Believing that everything is OK, or that it will be OK, may help some to sleep better at night right now, but it will, in the long run, not solve the problems facing this country.

We cannot begin to solve the enormous problems closing in on us, if we do not acknowledge the abuses that have destroyed the trust necessary for a democratic republic to succeed. The first sign of healing is acknowledgment of the problems, not just covering up and denying because it is benefiting your side either monetarily or politically. 

When the results of these abuses come to fruition, all will suffer the same fate.