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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Self delusion, with the help of a complicit media.



We are continually being bombarded with competing stories about the state of the world, the state of the economy and the state of democracy both here and around the world. Many are inclined to believe the story that makes them feel good, feel safe, feel that the future is bright. Oh, if it were only true. We can never address the growing list of serious problems without admitting the truth of the situation. Just look at your everyday experience and you have a much clearer view of what is really true.

Energy is the first example, energy prices are the result of energy shortages. Energy production declines have been intentional as the means for many in leadership to usher in the move to renewable energy sources. A very short sighted policy, considering that energy shortages will lead to high inflation, lost productivity, a poorer economy and nation, and with it, the means to actually find real energy alternatives.

Real alternatives, not solar panels and wind mills which will never power an industrial society, need a sustained effort costing lots of money, money that will be less available, if on the road to being poorer.

Right now, there are reports of a coming heating oil and diesel shortage, particularly in the Northeast, with heating oil now over $5.00 a gallon and rising Diesel over $6.00 it is going to take a bite out the economy. It will also accelerate inflation due to the increased cost of shipping. There is talk of actual rationing of these products in New York and New England. Such talk may incentivise many to fill up now,  exasperating the problem.

Much of this has to do with the declining ability to refine oil in the United States. Much of the imported oil is brought in as refined products, particularity diesel, which was coming from Russia and is now banned. Some other sources are concerned about their own needs and are exporting less. Many believe, with current regulations, there will never be a new refinery built on U.S. soil.

Our political leaders can, as they tend to do with everything, blame it on Russia, but much of these decisions were being made before the Russian conflict and much of it is a result of intentional decisions. If it will make you feel better, you can deny that is true, but you will be paying ever increasing prices of energy whether you believe it or not.

As far as democracy at home and abroad, the greatest risk to democracy is always authoritarian governments. Governments who suppress other opinions, other ideas, a free flow of information is the basis of all democracy or self rule. Authoritarian governments always want to censure, suppress opposition, always want to punish those oppose them both domestically and abroad. Today these authoritarians are supported and coordinated with a willing media, that will willingly spew the disinformation that these governments want. If you feel better, believing what ever you are told, it will not make your fate any better.

If you feel better believing that his current administration, an administration that has by its decisions created this energy crisis, moved us closer to nuclear annihilation is what you want. Be happy, you will endure the same fate as the rest of us. Yes, you can blame it on Russia, China or whoever, but you need to look close at the leadership you have chosen.

Do you believe that Joe Biden is really making the decisions on foreign policy and energy production. Are we at point in this democracy were we accept leaders who are just going through the motions, mouthing the decisions of those behind the scenes? Are these really just figureheads to give us an impression that we have real representation? We saw a perfect example of that last night, with the Pa. senate debate.

If this country and the world as we know it is to survive, we as citizens who will ultimately endure the consequences of these decisions, need to vote for those with real world experience and understanding, not just nice words, nice sounding images or the promises of some new borrowed money benefit. 

I believe that deep down we all know the truth when we are exposed to it, we must insist on more truth from our leaders and the media.    


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