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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Biden now threatens OPEC and Saudi Arabia.



Last week OPEC decided to actually slightly decrease the production of oil. They claim that declining demand has kept the price of crude oil below what they consider to be their targeted price. While Saudi Arabia is the largest producer in OPEC, they were not alone in this vote by their members. The 15 member's voted unanimously to make the cuts. Biden accuses them of siding with Russia. It comes across as slightly paranoid and also just makes our influence with OPEC less likely.

Biden states that there will be " consequences" and hinted at refusing to sell military hardware to them in the future. We see this pattern repeating itself over and over. If Biden and this administration do not get what they want they resort to threats and retaliation. This is their pattern, both in foreign affairs and domestic issues. An utter lack of diplomatic and statesman talent, they immediately resort to the threat of power politics, either military violence or economic violence through sanctions. No consideration that other countries may be attempting to put their citizens before those of the political well being of Biden.

It has also been reported that Biden asked Saudi Arabia to not make any cuts until after the mid-term elections. Such a move would have placed Saudi Arabia in a difficult position with the other members.

Biden created this situation in his first day in office by pandering to his environmental base. His lack of understanding that his attacks on the oil and gas industry would have world wide repercussions. Not only did he create the situation that we are dependent on foreign energy again, but also increased the income and political power of OPEC and Russia. Now he want to blame those who most likely just consider this the ranting of a unhinged despot.

If he had continued with the direction of energy independence and the infrastructure to move gas and oil to distribution points for both domestic and if necessary, foreign markets. The world would be a far different place. Now like most politicians he wants to blame others for not rescuing him from his stupid decisions.

If he continues with this strategy with OPEC, he will push those countries into alliances with China and Russia. It is amazing to see the delusional strategy coming out of Washington.

These misjudgments are having serious negative consequences not only for the U.S. but also for Europe and the rest of the world. Europe is about to enter winter with the worst energy crisis since WW2. If this administration continues on this path he risks plunging the world into the worst crisis in Human history.

There should be moves to remove Biden now, before he destroys civilization as we know it.


  1. Lets face it the man has lost His mind

  2. ops, sounds like a clear case of, quid pro quo, for political gain, something the democrats only recently claimed justified impeachment. I guess we will have to see if Nancy will do the right thing. or will Biden be able to take the insanity defense.


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