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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Building a narrative for WAR



It seems the powers that be have been preparing the nation for war for some time. The preparations for war with Russia has been going on since 2014. Much of  that preparation is creating the mindset that War is the only solution to the evil empire. 

We have seen the same preparations with other regime change actions in the past. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq, even when many UN inspectors did not agree. No matter, the narrative builds, until war is very acceptable and cheered on by the masses.We also saw the narrative build for the invasion of Iran shortly after, but it seems to have been turned off, either by the Bush administration or some other calculation.

The present situation has been building for years. Russia's actions after the overthrow, with U.S. involvement, of the government of Ukraine to demonstrate clearly that further eastern expansion of NATO would not be acceptable. This push back initiated the building narrative. 

"Russia interfered in our elections by helping Donald Trump" win the 2016 election. Trump was actually portrayed as a Russian agent determined to destroy America. Every power outage, ransom wear attack or other unexplained event was quickly listed as Russian meddling. When Russian's, were indicted for hacking by the Muller inquiry, showed up for the pre-trial hearing, Muller dropped the whole thing, because it was just another bogus narrative. Sadly we are continually being bombarded with bogus accusations against anyone who challenges the direction of the authoritarian state.

Do you remember when Hillary Clinton accused Tulsi Gabbard of being an Russian asset during the 2020 election because she had another opinion about the direction of our foreign policy.  Most anyone who questions the direction of the war narrative is an asset of Russia.  We have seen the quick put down of Tulsi, Jeffrey Sacks, Henry Kissinger and  Elon Musk or anyone who should question the speeding train headed for the ultimate conclusion.   

We have heard continually that Ukraine is winning this very limited War. That Russia is running our of supplies, armaments and willing soldiers. That the people of Russia are going to rise up at any time and overthrow Putin. All to continue to gain support for this escalating and very dangerous enterprise.

We have heard how sanctions will bring the Russian economy to its knees at any time, but in effect it has prospered, while Europe is on the verge of collapse. No matter, there will be no negotiations or change of direction, only ultimate defeat and dismemberment of the Russian federation will be acceptable. A situation that will not happen without taking the whole world with it.

We are hearing that Putin is trapped, capable of unreasoned actions, much talk about nuclear weapons and warnings against using them. 

There is no need for the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, time is on their side. Time is running out for the architects of this adventure.The great danger is that our genius foreign policy experts might decide that they can do a preemptive strike on Russia with the narrative that they had the intelligence that Russia was going to use nuclear weapons.

This is not just the Biden administration, it seems they are just unthinking and ignorant of where they are going. This foreign policy has been underway from 2008 and before. It is likely being orchestrated by unelected bureaucrats who believe they can rule the world. They are under a strong delusion that may soon lead to unimaginable destruction. Where are the leaders in our country? Where are the statesman who can change direction?

Originally posted 10/28/2022

After one year, nothing has changed in a positive way. The world is now much more dangerous. The Ukraine war is becoming history, but the burned bridges of foreign relations are escalating. The U.S. foreign policy of "you are either for us or our enemy" has created more enemies. This misguided attempt to weaken Russia, has divided the world and set the stage for dangerous realities around the world and at home.

The good work of deescalating middle-east tensions has been overshadowed with a misguided war with Russia, now the middle east is on the verge of WAR. China has stopped most relations with the U.S. as our talk of WAR with them has been heeded.

Domestically, the country is more divided than ever, our cities are dysfunctional and the debt is exploding, yet we hear the complicit media telling us, all is well. All is not well, the country and world has obviously deteriorated since the last election, an election we are continually being forced to believe was fair and honest. The country and the world is about to erupt in many ways and most seem to believe this is all good and normal. It is not, it is the result of foolish and delusional leadership, it continues, and it is unlikely we will make it to the next election, but if we do, it may now be irreparable for the foreseeable  future. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Drone warfare comes of age.



The Ukraine/Russia conflict has moved drone warfare to be an integral part of present warfare. Ukraine has improvised cheap commercial drones to drop hand grenades into trenches and open tank hatches. Russia, slightly behind in the beginning of the conflict, has now enhanced its use of drones and now has drones swarms that can serval the landscape and communicate with other drones to enable them to all converge on discovered targets.

We also see UK supplied water surface and even underwater drones supplied to Ukraine. The U.S. uses large surveillance drones to provide targeting data to Ukraine. 

The United States has used drones for years to assassinate opposition leaders in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Drones that can fit in the palm of your hand and drones that are almost as big as a fighter plane equipped with missiles and bombs.

China, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Uk and U.S. all make drones and they have become a key part of defensive and offensive warfare. While the sophistication and capabilities are continually advancing, we can soon expect new counter drone capabilities. It is reported that Russia now has a new Lazor system that can continually fire and take down drones, even at long distance. The defense will be a more sophisticated and a harder nut to crack for small less affluent nations.

The biggest threat from drones may be the opportunity it places at the hands of terrorists and the mentally unbalanced as a new opportunity to sow discord and chaos. These drones can be placed in a back pack  or large purse and can drop explosives and incendiaries into populated places or targets. While I don't recall seeing this happening yet, I am sure all this interest in drones will not go unnoticed. I have seen drones equipped with 4 k cameras for as low as $69.00. The possibilities of what can be done with these drones is endless.

Eventually drones in real military conflicts will become less effective as counter measures are perfected, but I expect the use of drones will continue to have a place in future conflicts for some time to come. In the end, boots on the ground will still decide the result of future conflicts.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Republican house has lots of power, If they are unified.



While the Republican house has a very slim majority, it can still have lots of power when it come to spending. The item that should be of the utmost priority. They can refuse to vote for any new spending. They can break up omnibus spending bills and vote and amend them as they see fit. They do indeed have the power of the purse, if they have the unity and the backbone to use it

They should be working on budget items every day, passing them after they have amended them, and send them to the Senate. They can vote on individual items and stop the habit of large bills laden with pork.

When the ominous deadlines keep arising, they can continue to pass continuing resolutions, that in effect will freeze the budget at existing levels.

They should be very active, passing funding measures every day and leave it up to the Senate and the President to either pass them or say No.

They do not have to threaten to shut down the government, they should always have a bill to fund the government at least at the present level. 

This is the only power they have. They cannot pass any new legislation. They need to only focus on what they can and that is to cut pork barrel spending or at least freeze spending at current levels. Then they are doing their job and let the results speak for them.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

War with Iran? Bush Jr., Not now, Obama, No, Trump, Hell no, Biden, Lets do it.



We are now witnessing the 4th attempt to convince the world that war with Iran is in its best interest. After the invasion of Iraq, the pressure to go to war with Iran was increased by a similar narrative. Some believed this was the next step in the plan to control the world. Bush Jr. listened and decided no, he for once overruled his advisors who wanted to go to war with Iran.

While Obama let the foreign policy guru's have free reign in the Middle East, we can assume they agreed to let him have free rain in his domestic agenda in return, he took another approach to Iran.

The plan to invade Iran was pushed to Trump and he did not take it seriously and some of this intelligence and plans is at the root of the Mara logo raid.

We now see the same agenda being showcased to the Biden administration, who may very well say, now is the time. There are lots of reason why Biden and his cohorts may believe this is a good idea. 

It seems they still believe that the United States is all powerful and can decisively win any war it gets involved in. 

They may also understand that a wartime president is always re-elected. 

Israel will endorse this idea in a heartbeat, thinking it will solve its problems. 

It can detract from its utter failure in Ukraine.

It can detract from Biden's past corruption.

And most of all, many believe that the United States needs to take any action to derail the move to a multi-polar economic world. A competing and separate economic world will require the United States to step back from its present world view of intervention and control. It will require it to engage in fiscal restraint and more focused view of domestic policy. It will stop the gravy train of economic hegemony.

Most of the Arab world, including Iran, is interested in the opportunity that a separate economic system will bring. I suspect that no Arab country wants a new mideast war. I suspect that even NATO and the EU may be very apprehensive to go to war with Iran and place their economies on life support. If that is the case, the United States may have to go it alone. The U.S. and Israel against Iran with support from much of the Arab world even if they are not really friends.

Those in congress, better be aware and cut this move off before it gets to a critical moment. An engineered moment to convince America that war with Iran is in its best interest. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

America's attempt at empire is over.



We can all look at history and watch the rise and fall of empires. They all seem to have a similar course and trajectory, building and growing, then extension of power, then decadence, over extension and decline. Some have lasted for thousands of years, some just decades, but the reality is no country can sustain the ability to control an increasing spread of influence and control forever. 

The United States population was never interested in becoming an empire, to control the lives of others and believe that it should mange the worlds economy or social construct. It seems that the good practices of the country in its formative years, sound fiscal policy, limited federal government, and a strong desire to not get embroiled in the affairs of foreign nations, particularly not in this hemisphere, were all recipes for success.

The United States became the most powerful nation in the world by just embracing its own unique natural resources, fundamental work ethic and providing a framework for opportunity. Opportunity for anyone who was willing to work, invest, and create, unobstructed by government as much as possible. 

Two world wars left the country standing primarily undamaged and with the ability to become even more successful. While reconstruction of devastated countries in Europe and Japan were a good way for ensuring future peace, it needed to be a temporary affair and not a primary goal of this country.

This country's success and prosperity were its strength, its manufacturing capacity was unmatched. Its currency was the world reserve currency, because it was considered, "As good as Gold". It was the sound policies and the sound society that made it the envy of world. A system governed by unbiased sound law based on eternal principles. Many risked immigrating here for the opportunity to chart their own course, to become Americans, to leave the rigged games in other empires.

After WW2 it seemed that many now believed we were to be the new Empire, that we needed to unify to resist totalitarian governments based on socialism. While a worthy cause, they were all destined to fail because their premise demanded failure because they were in opposition to basic human nature, which still governs much of human activity. Without opportunity there is no incentive, without work and struggle there is no growth or achievement, neither physical or spiritual. Something that the founders of this country understood, and sadly many today do not. 

After all the totalitarians socialist's dragons were slain the void encouraged some in the country to believe now we needed to seize the moment and fashion the world in an image that would ensure perfection of societies around the world. All the while neglecting the basic foundations of strong society here at home. Opportunity was replaced with entitlement, the law was based on emotions rather than objective long term stability. Fiscal restraint was replaced with drunken binge spending, all for good causes. The basic foundation of society, the family, was replaced with community. god was replaced with a strong central government promising to supply all needs and wants. 

On the world stage all morality was thrown off in the quest of fashioning  the world in some new untested and undefined image. The light upon the hill began to dim and is on the verge of being extiqueshed, either by the reality of economic mismanagement and social instability or external forces that do not want to submit. 

The question is, Is the country ready to move to rebuild the country from within, fiscally, socially and morally or lash out in an attempt to maintain the imagined empire and plunge the world into more chaos? A strong and vital country at home will ensure it security and prosperity for the future, a continuation down the present path will likely result in the end of the American experiment.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Sadly, citizens always suffer for the decisions of their government.



Throughout history the citizens always suffer for the decisions of their government, even when the leaders often escape any accountability for their actions. Elections have consequences, when people make decisions based on emotions and strong language, they need to understand what may be the result of these decisions. 

Whether it was the citizens of Dresden in WW2, the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WW2. the people of Ukraine today, and now the citizens of Gaza, they will suffer for the decisions of their leaders, whether they voted for them or not. Most of the leaders of Hamas are safe in some other country. 

The citizens of Germany suffering from the injustice of the Versailles treaty reacted and voted for a government that promised to restore their honor. The leaders of Japan thought it was a good decision to attack the United States at Pearl Harbor. The leadership of Ukraine believed that saddling up with Joe Biden and the United States in joining NATO would offer them safety and eutopia. All bad decisions, just like the decision to make a honorific terrorist attack on Israel.

It should be a lesson to all, that if they elect the incompetent, ideologically obsessed or just plain evil, that they too will suffer the consequences of these decisions, sometimes it is not immediate, but the suffering will come inevitably, just as the sun come up every day.

This reality can be witnessed over and over in history and is happening right before the eyes of citizens in western Europe and the United  Expect the suffering and the catastrophic results, maybe not tomorrow, but it is coming from multiple fronts and in numerous ways, economic, social upheaval and likely War. Remember you have made the decision to vote for the incompetent, naïve, corrupt and even evil, sadly we will all suffer for these bad decisions.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Trade war heading to irreconcilable divorce.



Everyday we see more evidence that the estrangement between the west and the rest of the world is heading for the creation of a separate and independent economic system.

Last week we saw the roll out of a separate settlement system based on banks in China, Brazil and Russia. This will allow international settlements between BRICS countries in their own currencies and seperate from the Western dominated SWIFT system. This rapid development, which was estimated to take years to accomplish, will undoubtedly be soon expanded to include much of the eastern and southern world.

At the same time we see sanctions and trade practices leading to retaliation and a withdrawal from any idea of free trade in the future. While both may very well operate separately and still trade with each other, it will eliminate any use of trade and finance from being used to intimidate and damage others in the future.

While some of these trends were already underway, the Russian/Ukraine conflict quickened the trend. When the idea of punishing Russia by sanctions and refusal to buy energy from Russia was used as a political weapon, other markets refused to adhere to the sanctions, while damaging Russia, they may be catastrophic for western Europe.  Russian oil and gas sales have continued to be made, just to others.

When Germany withheld the sale of autos to Russia, they were replaced by Chinese and Russian made autos. When the U.S. decided to restrict sales of silicon chips to China, they now make their own chips, and undersell the U.S. manufactures in price and in equal quality. These retaliations will inevitably damage western companies in the long game.

When the German government issued polices to German companies to restrict sales to China, China cancelled a $250 billion purchase of Autos.

China has cancelled huge contracts for the purchase of U.S. grain and moved those purchases to friendly Brazil and Argentina.

Recently China has also cancelled a huge purchase of U.S. autos while the U.S. companies are all on strike.

Most of the companies that pulled out of Russia, McDonalds, Mastercard etc have been replaced by Indian, Chinese or Russian companies which purchased these enterprises at fire sale prices, they will never return.

One of the sanctions on Russia was the freezing and confiscation of assets in western banks upward of $300 billion dollars. Russia has now placed an internal policy that any companies still in Russia can not be sold for more than 50% of the value and it will have a 10% tax. 

There are moves to force China to sell real-estate and other assets in the U.S. this may be very costly to the U.S. auto, aircraft and others with plants in China.

While many have the idea that this will bring jobs and business back to the U.S., it is impossible, without a restructuring of the regulations and focus on green industry. Not to mention the shortage of skilled willing workers.

China has now rolled out its new airliners to directly compete with Boeing and Airbus, it is likely they will dominate the sales in the rest of the world. At the same time they dominate the battery market for electric vehicles, and now produce 60% of the world EVS. They will have a distinct advantage for auto sales in the rest of the world.

Both China and Japan, the greatest holders of U.S. treasury debt have quickened their liquidation of this debt and this will raise interest rates and create problems in financing the exploding U.S. debt, estimated to now increase by $2 trillion dollars this year alone.

While the narrative will be that these countries are conspiring to damage the United States, the reality is that they no longer view trade and investment in the United states in the same way. They fear that at any time their investments can be sanctioned or confiscated. The reality is there is a strong desire from much of the world to move to a seperate system where they are not imperiled with intimidation and retaliation. It appears that is now too late to change the policies that prompted this situation.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Israel war will likely remain regional conflict.



The reality is that Hamas understands that their future is declining, that if the peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia became reality they would be out in the cold. This attack was an act of desperation to bring some other Arab country to their rescue. It is very unlikely to happen as the countries in the region are focused on the future, not being drug into a 70 year conflict without a real solution.

Beware of the U.S. intelligence community trying to link this conflict with Russia, China, Saudi Arabia or even Iran. They all have bigger goals for the future than this Israel issue. While they will voice support for the Palestinian people and supply aid if necessary they are not willing to get involved militarily.

Lets start with China and Russia, because they do business and have relations with Iran, they conclude that they support Iran's support for radicals in the region. The fact is they want to cooperate with Iran because their location is vital in the Belt and Road initiative and other commercial enterprise planned for the future. These countries are part of BRICS economic arrangement and do not want to be forced to take sides in every political issue. Yesterday, Russia and China met in China to expand the Belt and Road initiative and announce the forming of an  alternative international payment system similar to the SWIFT system. It will allow neutral countries to trade and pay in their own currencies without the fear of sanctions and economic penalties for not taking sides. These countries will have the option of using both systems. Both Russia and China have very sound relations with Israel, with China being the second largest investor in Israel. I suspect that Hamas and Israel were not the major topic of their conversations.

Saudi Arabia has been enacting policies that are hoping to make the country a green country, with the use of desalination plants they are going to irrigate the desert and expand the countries economic future to become not dependent on only oil. Their vision is not including in engaging is pointless confrontations. They have entered into establishing a better relationship with Iran because of the possibilities of expanded economic cooperations.

Iran, while a supporter of Hamas would have a lot to risk for engaging in a war with Israel, it would interfere with their opportunities with Russia and China and after being economically isolated for 40 years they may be ready for a new direction. 

Egypt, the country that once ruled Gaza, does not want to engage in this either, they don't want Gaza back or the Palestinian people to be their responsibility. They also are now part of BRICS and will become the gateway to Africa. Their economic future may be very bright. 

Jordan is a friendly neighbor of Israel and has no desire to get into a military operation. 

Syria has been involved in a 10 year civil war and Russia has influence that would not support them in a war with Israel.

Hezbollah, is ruling Lebanon and is supported by Iran, but again their future in a war would not be a step for them in a good direction, while they may have some free lancers who want to go to war, the political operatives know it would not be good for their future.

So, while many would like to push the narrative that this conflict is part of some global conspiracy in the contest between the west and those countries who desire to separate from the western economic system it is more that they just want to be left to chart their own future without the interference of those who want to rule the world.

The opposition to the United States is a natural reaction to the mismanagement of the dollar, of the decline in the value of the dollar, and to the use of the western economic system to punish and control those that are not declared supporters of the economic, social and political agenda of the United States.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

If Hamas lives, then terrorism wins.



While we see riots everywhere, all part of the media campaign of Hamas and others to provoke war with Israel, it is time for proposals for lasting solutions.

I suspect that Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, the other gulf States and Egypt would like an end to the situation in Israel and Palestine. Of course, we can assume that the United States and western Europe would also like a solution.At present, the distraction is the imminent ground offensive into Gaza and the possible repercussions from the radical groups in the region. Of course,  these groups objective is to save Hamas. It could be assumed that the demise of Hamas could be an indication of their own future.

Israel must eliminate Hamas, they cannot be allowed to survive, and contrary to present narrative, they do not have to get in to prolonged ground war to succeed. Hamas may have several thousand fighters, I suspect they will have fewer after those who are willing to fight are dying. Israel needs to transparently voice their objective of eliminating Hamas, and they have the resources to accomplish that.

Israel has the technology to identify the location of the Hamas tunnel networks, they have the weaponry to suck all the oxygen our of these tunnels and seal them, making life impossible. Above ground resistance can be eliminated by Israeli air power. Will every Hamas members or supporters be eliminated? No, but they can be decimated to a non existent political power in Gaza.

Someone other than the United States needs to propose a serious solution to this 70 year conflict. Whether it is a cooperative effort from the gulf countries and other major powers it can be a proposal to end this once and for all. The United States can offer input, but any plan put up by the United States will be a non-starter for the Arab world.

One idea, a possible starting point, if nothing else to stimulate discussion and focus away from war would be a plan that would be two part.

Any independent Palestinian nation on the border with Israel will most likely be just a continuation of conflict forever. The best solution for everyone would be a new homeland for this population, one not on the border of Israel. While this sounds like an unrealistic idea, and would cost a lot of money, the present situation also costs a lot of money.

One part would be that Israel would agree to pay every head of household $500,000 for their present real estate in the west bank and Gaza. Israel could raise the money from contributions and loans.

The Arab nations could find a suitable piece of land that could be purchased in the region, possibly in the Sinai and pay Egypt or some other country, the value of this real estate. It would be a very worthwhile investment. Then this group could arrange infrastructure investment and start building. The population could then purchase land in this new country from their payment from Israel. It could be an opportunity for the peace seeking displaced population for a future, one without war and death. 

Would everyone in the these lands want this solution, of course not, some would like to continue fighting for ever, or until Israel is eliminated, just as the situation has been for decades. I suspect the vast majority would welcome a chance to begin a new life by a new opportunity for the future.

Any offer of a solution can began a process for a lasting solution, while the one above may never materialize, without offers of serious plans, it will be a future of just more death and destruction. I think most would agree that it is a ripe time for solutions that do not hinge on the destruction of Israel. One that would let both parties live in peace and opportunity without continuous conflict with each other. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

While congress debates speaker, we are safe.



There is a lot theatrics coming out of Washington because the Republicans have not yet named a new speaker. Do not worry, we are safe when they cannot pass any new legislation. Much is made about the amount of legislation that needs to be passed, Why? Does anyone ever question the functioning of congress and the real need of endless piles of legislation, more every year, huge bills that have diverse consequences and no one has time to read.

Legislation passed is always a bragging item by legislators, more laws that inevitably effect either our money or our freedom or both. It is time to question the passing of endless legislation, more laws, never recinding anything, always laden with pork for contributors and constituents that are not in the best interests of the country. Is all this legislating good for the country? Can we get along without endless new laws?

It is time for voters to demand some changes in congress that would make politicians more responsive to the voters and less responsive to the special interests. 

First they should be forced to move out of Washington and to reside and work in their district. With internet access they should now work from their home district. They should only journey to Washington to vote and that should be limited to 2, 30 day sessions. Temporary housing should be provided by the government.

They have 5 months to decide what legislation is to be considered for a vote in the the next 30 day session.  All debate and work should be by internet or zoom and be recorded. This debate should  be able to be viewed by the voters. All legislation coming up should be readied 1 month before the vote is taken. This way they can actually read it and understand what they are voting on.

Laws are not trophies or prizes for politicians, while occasionally we may need a new law, they should be few and some time should be spent eliminating laws that are no longer  relevant.

In reality, congress would have us believe that our lives can not go on without their ability to continually be passing legislation. In fact, we need very few new laws, and this would give congress  more time making government more efficient, more responsive and to scrutinize what they are legislating and how they are spending money. 

We need to bring them all home, so they can view the results of the laws they have have passed in real life, not in the theoretical bubble in Washington.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ukraine offensive over, U.S. weapons to Mideast.



The Ukrainian counter offensive is now mostly over and Russia has upped the intensity of its offensive by forcing Ukraine to defend its lines in numerous places. It seems Russia is not in a hurry, but wants Ukraine to move troops in defending one place after another, then continues to slowly and methodically destroy men and equipment of Ukraine. While Russia is taking loses it is no where near the casualties of Ukraine. The latest estimates from numerous sources estimate that Ukraine has had between 450,000 and 500,000 killed and the severely injured may be double that. The Ukrainians continue to put up a strong fight, but it is amazing that they have continued for this long. 

There are reports that Ukraine is planning an assault across the Dnieper river near Kherson. It seems to be common knowledge, and if so, I assume the Russians have a plan to inflict heavy loses on the Ukrainians. The logistics of such an assault do not make much sense. 

There are also reports that some U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine had been sold and moved out of the country via grain exports to the middle east. Both Russia and some Ukrainians have claimed this is the case. There are reports that these weapons have turned up in the hands of Hamas. It seems that Hamas has used these weapons against Israeli tanks and aircraft. So far, Israel has not verified these accusations and they may be under pressure not to reveal any such information. If it is the case, Hamas will likely use these weapons in any Israeli ground assault in Gaza.

At present Russia has made incremental gains moving west in Ukraine. Ukraine's advances have been stopped. It seems Russia is content to force Ukraine to defend, then back up and pound any concentration of troops. It is a strategy to minimalize loses and keep Ukraine under continuous pressure. Ukraine is now drafting women and hunting down any able bodied conscripts they can find. Most analysts have concluded this war is in effect over, but dying will continue until there is some form of negotiated settlement. That does not seem to be in the immediate future.

Monday, October 16, 2023

West seems to always preserve terrorists.



This weekends litany of all the reasons Israel should not enter Gaza to end the rule of Hamas is very similar to the same rhetoric that we heard when ISIS was near extinction and Russia and Syria were about to finish them off in Idlib province. Too many civilian casualties, too much destruction, instead let them live and fight another day. Just recently they sent a drone attack on a wedding in Syria killing the couple and 100's of their guests. When you have the ability to end these terrorists it is wise to bite the bullet and get it done.

While no one wants to face the truth, these terrorists are often paid to do things western armies do not want to do, they are often useful and used. Whether it is to sow discontent and instability in targeted countries or just to be used for leverage in some issue, they will work for money, even if they hate you.

Israel is expected to commence it ground operation into Gaza as soon as the visibility is good for air support. Without air support it would be a  difficult task. We hear the naysayers warning Israel that they can expect Hamas to be prepared to use traps and urban warfare to take a toll on the Israeli forces. This may be true, but Israel can not let them live to plan their next terrorist attack. The Gaza residents will be more safe after they are gone.

If Hamas engages they will be destroyed by air power, if they hide in tunnels, they will be buried in those same tunnels, deprived of oxygen and trapped forever. I expect Israel has a plan devised to seal those tunnels and make them uninhabitable.

The unified orchestra of Hamas supporters and those who want to have a continual ongoing terror threat have been unified and very active in the media and on the internet. Israel has the obligation to its citizens to end these threats if they are able. A better day for Israel and the civilian population in Gaza will be impossible without the elimination of Hamas.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Sympathy, empathy, but no viable Israeli solutions.



This week witnessed the endless commentary of the roots of the present violence in Israel and its neighbors. The rejection of the endless cycle of violence that continues to perpetuate this 70 year crisis. Much of the analysis is true, but no one has yet to offer a viable solution. 

The fact is that the Palestine population wants its own homeland and it is the same real estate that is now the Israeli homeland. The idea of a two state solution, is a far fetched utopian dream that will not solve the problem. Does anyone believe that a nation in the west bank and Gaza would  change the cycle of violence, but just make it between different governing bodies.

Then there are those who believe in a one state solution where Israel would welcome unrestrained immigration and equal rights for the new residents. Israel would cease to exist after a few election cycles and when the Jews would become the minority they would most likely be annihilated in short order.

Then there is rehashing of the original mandate by Britain and the UN that allowed the formation of this nation. Water long over the dam. The decisions by European powers to draw demarcation lines around the world are being fought over everywhere today. None of them have proved to be an easy fix, but this one in Israel is the most difficult.

Even providing shelter for the civilian population of GAZA on the southern border is a dilemma. Egypt fears that if this population comes into Egypt, they will never go back and then they will have deal with this unsolvable problem.

Placing the burden on Israel to solve this without accepting the dissolution of Israel is an unrealistic hope. Israel can not solve this problem. Any new nation on the Israeli border will just be a continuation of the present situation just with nation status.

Then you have a growing faction in Israel who want to reinstitute the historical biblical boundaries of Israel, that is the the present west bank. Another issue without a good solution.

The only hope and a very remote one, would be some kind of a solution arrived at between the parties and the neighboring nations. One that would provide a homeland for the palestinians not on the border of Israel. It would be a cheap investment for the nations to put up the money and help in such a establishment. It would provide an opportunity for those who now have none. Again, another utopian idea that will not likely be acceptable.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Divisions in Israel, another problem.



In the months leading up to this present crisis in Israel there were lots of serious protests and a clear division as to the future direction of the country. One had to do with the selection of Judges who make ruling not based on a law or constitution, but it appears to based on public opinion. Judges are selected by an unelected panel of judges who then pick more judges, reform of the system seems to be needed.

Then there seems to be a growing near majority of Israelis who desire to expand Israel to its historical boundaries, that is the present west bank. How that can happen is in itself a very controversial issue. 

There is also a growing movement to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and return to biblical traditions of worship. Much of this is opposed by the secular population who it appears to be more focused on traditions than biblical law.

While for now the focus is going to be survival and jockeying world opinion, which for now is on the side of Israel, eventually those divisions will need to be dealt with. 

This crisis may incline many in Israel to re look at the policies of the growing conservative side.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Gaza Ground invasion inevitable, eventually.



While Israel continues to devastate any target that can be associated with Hamas, rockets still are being launched from Gaza. This will give Israel more targets as soon as these rockets are fired. Gaza has a very bleak long term future.

Israel will eventually launch a building by building ground assault to put an end to Hamas permanently.  This may not begin for several weeks as they will hope to minimize casualties by softening the resistance as much as possible before entering. Every building that offers resistance will be brought down by Israeli air power in minutes.

Hezbollah has warned that they will attack if Israel engages on the ground in Gaza, this also may be inevitable. Such an attack will not be on unarmed civilians without warning. It will be a very costly for Hezbollah and probably for Israel. Israel may now feel that it it time to also eliminate Hezbollah.

Obviously Hamas has learned a few things by watching the conflict in Ukraine. They have used drones and shoulder fired anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, possibly placed on the black market by Ukraine. Weapons left in Afghanistan by departing U.S. military will likely be a source of weapons worldwide. They have learned about electronic jamming and disrupting communications. We now see that modern warfare is soon available to almost everyone.

I would expect that the seemingly endless supply of rockets are supplied by Iran, we will soon know the origin of all these weapons. While Iran may have not planned this attack, they have supplied these groups in the past. The present embargo, which has been obviously ineffective, will be severely enhanced.

The negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia are now on hold, but not cancelled. 

Hamas may have hoped to enlist the support from some major mid-east countries, but they may be very disappointed. In the big picture of global politics, Hamas may be just a thorn in their sides and they will complain but quietly let Israeli remove this thorn from their long term goals.

The situation in Gaza will never return to what it was before Oct. 7. 2023.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Palestinian hopes destroyed. Hamas rightly labeled a terrorist organization.



The brutal terror attack on Israel has now destroyed any hope of a nation or country for the Palestinians. In every election that they have entered into they have voted for Hamas and by doing so they have only convinced Israel and those others concerned with this situation that they are not ready for having an independent country. 

Hamas is not better than ISIS in their behaviour and those who believed they could move in a good direction with this leadership are going to be very disappointed. Their cause has now been set back, and maybe permanently.

Both Gaza and the West bank are generally under a form of self rule. If over a extended period they could show the world and Israel that they want to make conditions better for their people by enticing other nations to help with economic development, jobs and a civilized life, they would have a basis for earning autonomy. This terrorist attack will label them as terrorist, whether they all deserve that label or not.

In the last few years, Israel has been negotiating with surrounding Arab countries to normalize relations, progress has been made, and the fate of those people is tied to the success of such negotiations. Economic and diplomatic relations with the major countries is a positive step for both Israel and those countries and when trust and confidence is gained then a possible solution guaranteed by all could be possible.

While many speculate at the possibility of other countries entering this war on the side of Hamas, it is unlikely, many will voice support, many will voice concern for the innocent caught in the middle of this tragedy, but it is unlikely that anyone of any substance will enter this. Israel can be firm, but must also not forget about dialogue and diplomacy with its neighbors.

Then there is the agitators, who want war with Iran and those who want to tie this to Russia. Russia and Israel have had reasonable relations and does not support middle east terrorism. Iran has supported Hamas, but if anything, this is an opportunity for Iran to quitely distance itself from Hamas. Iran while still voicing their usual narrative, is attempting to normalize relations with the world. Both Turkey and Russia fought to put an end to ISIS and if not intervened by the west would have wiped out the remnants in Idlab.

Then there is the concern that many of the weapons used by Hamas have originated in Ukraine, sold on the open market by corrupt Ukrainians, time will tell, but it seems that Hamas does have shoulder fired antitank and antiaircraft weapons.  

The coming days will be violent and many of these questions will be answered, but it is sad day for all living in this region.

Monday, October 9, 2023

War in Israel, End of Hamas?



The invasion of Israel has now recorded a death toll of over 700 Israelis, mostly civilians. The death toll in Gaza is reported to be near 400, a number that is likely to be multiplied many fold in the coming days. While this ongoing Palestinian and Israeli conflict is now 7 decades old, it seems that this war may be an act of desperation, as Israel has been attempting to normalize relations with much of the Arab world. The recent talks ongoing between Saudi Arabia and Israel may have signaled to Hamas and Hezbollah that they may be losing support from the major countries in the region. Israel and Gaza were in negotiations to again allow workers to enter Israel. Do they feel that their attack on Israel and the Israeli response will stop or reverse these negotiations?

While many conclude that Iran is behind these attacks, Iran has denied this, it may or may not be true. While Iran has supported these groups, they too are in the process of attempting to normalize relations with their neighbors and the United States. Many nations in the region are tired of war and I suspect reluctant to get involved in this conflict. We can expect that many will voice support for the Palestinians, but only time will tell if they will come to their aid.

While many voice support for the plight of the Palestinian people, Hamas  has now stepped over the line in the carnage imposed on the civilian population, it will now give Israel the opportunity for internal public support to end Hamas as a viable organization. The focus on the elimination of Hamas will be intense and long lasting. The population of Gaza will be collateral damage in the coming onslaught.

As for Israel, this attack will most likely put aside the internal division and strife over courts and the domestic issues, as they, by necessity, will need to focus on survival.

The situation of the Palestinians will again gain attention and it can only be solved with outside cooperation by some Arab nations and dialogue. Assuming that Israel somehow has the ability to solve this dilemma without self destroying their nation is an impossibility. As long as Palestinians believe that they can force Israel to allow them full citizenship and rights in Israel, there can not be any solution. It would be the end of the nation of Israel. 

These areas were their is no opportunity and no future are breeding grounds for violence and unrest and a source of the focus of their frustration for attacks against Israel, most of the governing bodies have existed to focus on the destruction of Israel rather than bettering the plight of the people. Whether their can be a solution and maintain the state of Israel has been a situation without a resolution. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Abortion debate is a loser for Republicans.



It is amazing that Republicans are so stupid that they continue to debate when abortion should be legal or if it should be outlawed entirely, it is a loser of a debate, they will never please anyone in this matter. 

The Supreme court understood that after 50 years of continued rulings and debate that it was an issue they could never come to an acceptable place. They in their wisdom understood that is why we have a 10th amendment and why it is best for some issues to be decided by the states. 

California and some other states are debating post birth abortions or infanticide,  some believe that a child is not a child before their 3rd birthday and do not have rights. Some believe any termination of pregnancy is murder. What is acceptable in California is never acceptable in South Carolina.

If you want continued division and strife on the federal level, then continue to debate an issue that whatever is passed will be unacceptable.

Of course the central government types in both parties believe that the federal government should decide every issue for everyone from birth to death and control every facet of life, for them the federal government is their almighty god and ruler. Beside they just love the power to tell everyone how things should be.

Let the constitution work and these thorny issues will be decided at the state level. While it may take some years, eventually it will come to some acceptable decisions. Those states that get far off the mark will suffer as a result and eventually be forced to make better decisions.

At present, I would expect that anyone who wants an abortion can get it done somewhere, no matter how far along in the pregnancy. I also expect that always will be the case.

The reality is, the federal government has some very important decisions to made concerning the survival of this country, and those decisions are not being made. Why get involved in an issue that is not the purview of the federal government and just adds more division and strife at the federal level. All candidates for federal office would be wise to take that position and tell their constituents to call their state officials on this issue.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Republican House, you only have 1 power, use it.



The annual budget game is on and it is a tired display of Government corrupt practices. Everything is intentionally put off until a supposed emergency and then a huge omnibus budget is offered days or hours before a threatened government shut down. A budget loaded with pork and special interest spending. Of course, it is then the radical Republicans who are threatening a closing of government and are a threat to democracy. It is all a tired sick joke. 

While the republicans have a slim majority and do not control the Senate or the presidency, they have no power to pass any legislation, they have no power to cut spending and they should just realize they have only one power and then use it clearly and without any hesitation or negotiation. 

They should just pass a continuing resolution of government spending at the current level, for a month, six months or for the entire year. Then they should refuse to pass ANY additional spending or any bill that costs any additional money or infringes on the rights and finances of Americans. Sadly, they will have lots of time as I doubt that there is any such bills out there. Then it will be up to the Senate and the president to shut down or approve. In effect, they will be able to freeze spending for as long as they are in office. If they are voted out, then they will have at least shown that they tried.

They should demand that they will only change this practice, if the budget is opened up and individual items are voted on, 1 at a time, even if it takes several years to accomplish. They must realize there is no good will on the other side, and even in much of their own leadership. It is all about keeping the gravy train going.

I understand that those who took the step to end the present Speaker realize that the nation is declining, it it has a $1.5 trillion deficit, debt of $33 trillion and climbing. Interest rates and payments to service the debt are skyrocketing and the handwriting is on the wall. this whole economy is about to self destruct, if no action is taken and sadly, it may already be too late.

At least they will have satisfied their conscious about doing nothing. They are indeed a minority, most of the others just want to keep the good times rolling and hope that they will be out of office, retired on their ranch when the end comes.

The demise of Democratic socialism is destined to collapse of its own weight, promising benefits and spending for special interests, without limit to buy votes is the end result of socialism, it is destined to fail, eventually. And that eventually is coming now.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

New York court: Modern roman circus.



The Soviet style show trial that is ongoing in New York city is an indication as to how far this country has descended into a legal system with an absurd lack of any moral compass. It is no more than a roman colosseum for the entertainment of those who have no semblance of justice or the law. Pure entertainment for those who just are filled with hate for the political opposition.

We have a group of perverted democrat operatives who at the moment are in political power and are relishing in their opportunity to embarrass and take their pound of flesh from someone who they politically hate.

We have a civil trial brought by the New York Attorney general, who ran for office on the premise that she would get Donald Trump. She has charged Trump with fraud for supposedly undervaluing his assets to obtain loans. There is no victim, no one has had a loss, no one has filed a complaint, no law is even been alleged to have been broken. 

Anyone who has ever sought a loan knows that the lender is responsible to determine what is the value of a property or other collateral for a loan. The seeker of the loan does not. Also who is to determine what the value of a property is other than a buyer and seller.

As far as appealing valuations of property for taxes, it is the responsibility of the assessor of the taxing authority to determine the value and every owner has right to appeal if they believe it is too high. These are the absurd issues in this absurd display of abuse of power.

Obviously we have biased immoral and out of control New York democrat operatives and we will have a similar jury that will not need to be unanimous being it is a civil case. It is a perversion of justice pure and simple. 

It is remarkable that you have not seen one democrat in political position with any sense of this injustice who is willing to speak out. It just verifies how low this country has descended, it comparable to the other historical displays of decadence and immorality.  The results are most likely to eventually end in the same kind of catastrophe that always followed.

The rest of country should view New York as den of vipers and do everything in their power to distance themselves particularly economically from this disgusting city.

Some still believe that the United States is an example for the world, it may be, for what they should be careful to not become.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

UK troops to Ukraine, ready to test NATO resolve.



The last few days have seen another round of talk of escalation in Ukraine. Germany says it is sending long range missiles to Ukraine, a former U.S. general declares on national television that Russia is an existential threat to the United States. These are all open expressions of a desire to go to war with Russia. Now the UK, not to be outdone has stated that it plans to send UK troops to Ukraine for training and leadership of the Ukraine military.

Will old Joe Biden now consider that he has to show them all up and announce some other expansion of the conflict? This is the state of diplomacy in the western world. Bloviating and blustering in the hope that they can frighten Russia into submission concerning NATO expansion. 

While hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians die and Russia prepares for all-out war with the west, uninformed and delusional politicians keep upping the dialogue and one must wonder what they are thinking?

Every day we are getting closer to all out WW3, it will not be just another TV spectacular with all the analysts and pundits, it will be real world dying and suffering in every part of the globe. It is looking like that is the fate of this world in the near future.

So, UK troops to Ukraine will make them the priority target of the Russian military. As soon as they set foot on Ukrainian soil they will be targeted. The question remains, if troops are going to Ukraine is the UK at open war with Russia. Then their bases back home and any conveyance to the battlefield is a legitimate target, just as US aircraft in the Black sea, that is aiding in the targeting of Russia troops, will eventually be considered a target and be fired upon. 

Then the members of NATO will have to decide, are they going to declare war on Russia? It is not automatic that any attack will be a declaration of war, each member will have to decide about their response. They all better start thinking about it, because that day is inevitably coming.

The UK it is reported does not have a military big enough to fill a soccer stadium. So what is their plan, or are they just the next proxy team to be prompted by the geniuses in Washington to test Russian resolve?

First the plan was to put Polish troops into western Ukraine and soon the Poles decided they were out. The Hungarians have said no more. The Slovakians who don't have anything left to give have symbolically said no more.  Macron has said, that France would not automatically respond to nuclear bombs on Ukraine.

That leaves the U.S., the architect of this whole Ukraine fiasco, the leader of NATO, in fact without the U.S. and its grants of money and other benefits there would not be a NATO. It looks like it will now become the sole burden of the U.S., time to put up or shut up. The proxies in Ukraine are mostly dead, the Europeans never thought they would be called on to give up so much treasure and now blood and maybe their own blood.

That leaves Biden, Nuland, Blinken and all the others to now take the big step, Put up the vote to go to war! Stop trying to poke Russia into the first move and be real men and put yourself on record that you want war with Russia and you want it now. Lets get it all over with.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Central bank digital currency needs amendment to the constitution.



Several U.S. banks have recently began to roll out their digital currency, including J.P. Morgan. So far this is for commercial customers and their accounts have been transformed from the traditional system to digital currency for business to business transactions. It seems that these customers have no other option at these banks.

This all began earlier in the year when President Biden issued an executive order to the federal reserve to explore the use of a central bank digital currency, CBDC. It seems this move is being fast tracked and there has been opposition by congress to this hasty power grab by the federal /government.

The constitution clearly spells out that that congress alone has the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix standards of weights and measures, an executive order is just another usurpation of power. 

At present a digital currency is not in itself a bad idea. It could be acceptable to use such a scheme to speed up transactions, particularly in todays world where much is transacted electronically. The problem would be when such a currency becomes the only alterative and cash is eliminated entirely. This would inevitably lead to an abuse of power as the government could monitor and regulate every business transaction. It is the dream of all authoritarian and totalitarian governments. 

It would also make all transactions impossible in time of emergency, power outages, disruption of the internet or some government action..

At present, all our paper currency which was the first step in the devaluation of money, states that "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private" Any move to a Central bank digital currency will need much more than an executive order to have semblance of a legal change.

Many foreign governments have already begin this process and we can expect, if it is not restrained, it will become a move to a global digital currency, whereby some central bureaucracy can control all global transactions. This again is a dream of those who lust for ultimate power to rule the world.

At present, their is legislation proposed in opposition to the government moving to a digital currency, it is a very important move that will hopefully insure the freedom to conduct private transactions in the future.