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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

America's attempt at empire is over.



We can all look at history and watch the rise and fall of empires. They all seem to have a similar course and trajectory, building and growing, then extension of power, then decadence, over extension and decline. Some have lasted for thousands of years, some just decades, but the reality is no country can sustain the ability to control an increasing spread of influence and control forever. 

The United States population was never interested in becoming an empire, to control the lives of others and believe that it should mange the worlds economy or social construct. It seems that the good practices of the country in its formative years, sound fiscal policy, limited federal government, and a strong desire to not get embroiled in the affairs of foreign nations, particularly not in this hemisphere, were all recipes for success.

The United States became the most powerful nation in the world by just embracing its own unique natural resources, fundamental work ethic and providing a framework for opportunity. Opportunity for anyone who was willing to work, invest, and create, unobstructed by government as much as possible. 

Two world wars left the country standing primarily undamaged and with the ability to become even more successful. While reconstruction of devastated countries in Europe and Japan were a good way for ensuring future peace, it needed to be a temporary affair and not a primary goal of this country.

This country's success and prosperity were its strength, its manufacturing capacity was unmatched. Its currency was the world reserve currency, because it was considered, "As good as Gold". It was the sound policies and the sound society that made it the envy of world. A system governed by unbiased sound law based on eternal principles. Many risked immigrating here for the opportunity to chart their own course, to become Americans, to leave the rigged games in other empires.

After WW2 it seemed that many now believed we were to be the new Empire, that we needed to unify to resist totalitarian governments based on socialism. While a worthy cause, they were all destined to fail because their premise demanded failure because they were in opposition to basic human nature, which still governs much of human activity. Without opportunity there is no incentive, without work and struggle there is no growth or achievement, neither physical or spiritual. Something that the founders of this country understood, and sadly many today do not. 

After all the totalitarians socialist's dragons were slain the void encouraged some in the country to believe now we needed to seize the moment and fashion the world in an image that would ensure perfection of societies around the world. All the while neglecting the basic foundations of strong society here at home. Opportunity was replaced with entitlement, the law was based on emotions rather than objective long term stability. Fiscal restraint was replaced with drunken binge spending, all for good causes. The basic foundation of society, the family, was replaced with community. god was replaced with a strong central government promising to supply all needs and wants. 

On the world stage all morality was thrown off in the quest of fashioning  the world in some new untested and undefined image. The light upon the hill began to dim and is on the verge of being extiqueshed, either by the reality of economic mismanagement and social instability or external forces that do not want to submit. 

The question is, Is the country ready to move to rebuild the country from within, fiscally, socially and morally or lash out in an attempt to maintain the imagined empire and plunge the world into more chaos? A strong and vital country at home will ensure it security and prosperity for the future, a continuation down the present path will likely result in the end of the American experiment.

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