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Friday, October 6, 2023

Abortion debate is a loser for Republicans.



It is amazing that Republicans are so stupid that they continue to debate when abortion should be legal or if it should be outlawed entirely, it is a loser of a debate, they will never please anyone in this matter. 

The Supreme court understood that after 50 years of continued rulings and debate that it was an issue they could never come to an acceptable place. They in their wisdom understood that is why we have a 10th amendment and why it is best for some issues to be decided by the states. 

California and some other states are debating post birth abortions or infanticide,  some believe that a child is not a child before their 3rd birthday and do not have rights. Some believe any termination of pregnancy is murder. What is acceptable in California is never acceptable in South Carolina.

If you want continued division and strife on the federal level, then continue to debate an issue that whatever is passed will be unacceptable.

Of course the central government types in both parties believe that the federal government should decide every issue for everyone from birth to death and control every facet of life, for them the federal government is their almighty god and ruler. Beside they just love the power to tell everyone how things should be.

Let the constitution work and these thorny issues will be decided at the state level. While it may take some years, eventually it will come to some acceptable decisions. Those states that get far off the mark will suffer as a result and eventually be forced to make better decisions.

At present, I would expect that anyone who wants an abortion can get it done somewhere, no matter how far along in the pregnancy. I also expect that always will be the case.

The reality is, the federal government has some very important decisions to made concerning the survival of this country, and those decisions are not being made. Why get involved in an issue that is not the purview of the federal government and just adds more division and strife at the federal level. All candidates for federal office would be wise to take that position and tell their constituents to call their state officials on this issue.

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