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Monday, December 18, 2023

Green Agenda: Luxury for elite?



While everyone talks about reducing carbon emissions and the fear of climate change catastrophe, only those with no concern for keeping warm or going hungry are engaged in ending the use of fossil fuels. The reality is that humans will always choose sustainability of life over the concerns of the environment. Only nations with excess wealth and a standard of living that is comfortable and at least appears guaranteed have the luxury of putting the planet before themselves or other humans other than themselves.

Germany is good example, one of leaders of the green agenda, who is now experiencing fuel shortages and very high prices, is now reopening their coal mines and you can also expect them to rethink their idea of phasing out nuclear power.

One of the interesting statement that came out of the recent COP28 meeting is the new idea of expanding the use of nuclear power. They have finally realized that electricity does not magically just come out of your wall outlet.

While the west is willing to sacrifice its high standard of living by prematurely ending the use of fossil fuels the rest of the world is making more rational decisions. China has now contracted with the gulf countries for fuel supplies with timetables of 15 to 27 years. Way past the time that the west hopes to be fossil-fuel free. There are similar contracts being agreed upon by Russia, India and likely over half the population of the world.

At the same time, China is now the biggest producer of electric vehicles ard can be expected to be the major supplier of vehicles and components for years to come. They have also developed nuclear power plants that no longer need to be cooled with water and can be placed in areas before impossible.

Russia has developed new smaller nuclear plants and even movable nuclear plants for their facilities in the arctic.

The point is, if the west dismantles its industrial base by emotional decisions to end fossil fuels without suitable replacements, they will no longer be in a position to afford the luxury of a green agenda. While those who engage in a long term plan based on the reality of the need to sustain your wealth and economic dynamism will achieve the goal, while the west is floundering in a third world economy and environment.

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