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Friday, January 31, 2025

Big revelations at Senate hearings.



While I have to admit I have not watched all of the Senate confirmation hearings, I have watched some of the questions and testimony for each of the 3 nominations currently ongoing. 

What I saw was a another despicable example of the biased partisan methods similar to those used in the infamous Kavenagh hearings, It will most likely have the same effect, a disaster for the Democrat interrogators. It seems they have their orders and they will follow them as good soldiers even if they destroy what may be left of their credibility. Whatever it takes, to cover-up, conceal and misinform the public about the abuses of the state bureaucracy. All they are doing is affirming what more Americans than ever have suspected, Washington is a cesspool of corruption, lies and hypocrisy. While the Democrats are the stars of state today, there is little doubt there are plenty of stars on the Republican side, if needed in the future.

We watch long winded questions, that are more oratory pronouncements that immediately deny any answer that is not a yes or no. We watch as they immediately drown out answers by over talking answers that may be honest and put the questioner in a bad light.  It all seems so coordinated and orchestrated, just to provide negative sound bites to their allies in the media.

I suspect those being interrogated have far more moral clarity and a desire to obey the constitution that the interrogators.

I would bet that every one of these interrogators have received large contributions from big Pharma and other big state beneficiaries.

What seems to be unanimous among the Democrat interrogators is that they all support.

1. Unlimited unconstitutional and illegal surveillance of American citizens and anyone who questions those tactics is to be labeled a traitor. 

2. That it is Ok to arm and fund Al-qaeda and other Jihadist groups, if they can be used to further the states agenda.

3. That if your opinion coincides with that of Russia or any other competitor, even if it is the verified truth, you are an agent of a foreign government. 

4. That Edward Snowden is traitor and deserve the worst punishment, even if his revelations were all known by the foreign opponents of the state, but only the U.S. citizens were informed of the illegal and unconstitutional acts of the state.

5. That high office holders number one duty is preservation of the existing power structure or they are a traitor.

I could go on and on, but these interrogators, in their zeal, and their delusional and out of touch behaviour have exposed themselves as the corrupt, lying sidewinders that they are. 


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