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Sunday, October 30, 2016

What is going on at the FBI?



Image result for comey clinton lynch obama
On Friday, 11 days before the election, FBI director sent a letter to Congressional oversight members that new e-mails have been found that are relevant to the Clinton private server investigation. This letter, without any reference to the actual e-mails, raises more questions about what is going on behind the scenes at the FBI and Justice Department.
There have been rumors for months, that rank and file members of the FBI have been on the verge of revolting in mass due to Director Comey's handling of the investigation of the Clinton private server. Did Comey send this letter to quell the possibility of mass resignations or leaking of information by FBI agents? Did Comey send this letter to force the Justice department to let these e-mails be released? Does the New York police department have access to these e-mails, and did this require he make a reference to the emails before they are leaked by them to preserve the integrity of the FBI? Is Anthony Weiner using his access to these e-mails to give him a bargaining chip in his own legal problems and divorce? The existence of these e-mails without the knowledge of the FBI raises more questions about the quality of the investigation by the FBI.
Whatever the reason, Comey cannot just let this lie until after the election. There must be one hell of a fight going on between the FBI, the Justice Department, Obama administration, and of course the Clinton campaign. Some are calling for Comey's resignation. That would probably make the whole matter worse. It is now time for this whole matter to be made public by someone, the truth is what is needed. It is in the best interest of the country for transparency in this matter.
This results of this investigation were delayed until a critical period after the primary was concluded. The whole thing stinks from a cover up by the Obama Administration, the FBI and the Justice department. This whole business should have been on a fast track to come to an honest conclusion early in the election cycle. If Clinton had broken the law, the democrats could have had an honest candidate, not tainted by corruption. Bernie Sanders was an honest candidate, while I don't support most of positions, I felt he was not corrupt and would not be selling his office to the highest bidder. I think he would have worked for what he felt was the best interest of the American people. The corrupt rigged democratic primary allowed this to happen.
The real questions are: Did Hillary Clinton install a private server to bypass the Federal Records act? If so, she has committed a crime.  Did Hillary Clinton have her server and email devices destroyed after she received a subpoena to hand over and preserve these records. If so, she has committed  felony obstruction of justice. If that is the case she should have been indicted, and if elected president, she will spend years in investigations and possibly impeachment. This is a ridiculous situation for the country. This has all been caused by the Clinton paranoia and inability to play by the rules. If she would have been forthright about all of this, she may have been able to put it all behind her early on.  She has started the process that has brought into question the integrity of the FBI, the Justice Department, and the election process itself, all because of her actions.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Clinton/Trump economic proposals



Image result for taxes

Time to start looking at the candidates vision for the country. We are going to start by comparing their economic proposals. Trump's economic proposals are clearly stated at his website. Clinton has a statement with goals but little with details. I tried to gather her proposals from speeches etc.  You can check it out for yourself by checking their websites.
Clinton tax brackets                                                                       Trump tax brackets
under & $9275.00 -----0%                                                  under $29,0000                  0%
$9275 to 37,650.00      15%                                               $29,000 to $54,000             12%
$37,650  to $91,150     25%                                               $54,000 to $154,000            25%
$91,150 to $190,150      28%                                              over $154,000                      33%
$190,150 to $413,350    33%                                              Cap deductions at $100,000 for indiv.
$413,350 to  $415,050   35%                                                                            $200,000 for joint
$415,050 to 5,000,000    39%
over $5,000.000              43.6%
Both propose closing tax loopholes and simplifying the tax code.
                        CLINTON                                                                      TRUMP
Lower federal estate tax exemption to $3.5 million              Eliminate federal inheritance tax
from $5.45 million. Eliminate step up on inherited
assets. Presently assets are valued at the value on
the day of transfer when inherited. Under Clinton
plan if you inherited stocks from a parent you would
need to pay the capital gain from the time they were
purchased to present value. Inheritance tax of 45 to 65%
Many small business's and farms would be devastated
by this proposal.
                      CLINTON                                                                         TRUMP
35% AS NOW                                                                                 15%
                                                               This approach is to make the U.S. competitive with the rest
                                                                  of the world. Most are near 20%
                                                                  U.S. based business could fully expense plant and
                                                                  would give up ability to deduct interest expense.
                                                                  10% tax on overseas earnings, which would allow those
                                                                  funds to be repatriated to the U.S.
End carried interest tax, which                                   End carried interest tax, which benefits hedge
benefits hedge fund managers.                                   fund managers.
                 CLINTON                                                                                TRUMP
Limit deduction to 28% of cost.                                    full deduction for children up to 13 years of   
                                                                                       age. for average cost.
There is more to be covered in these plans but these are the major details. Clinton plan is mostly same as what we have now. Tax corporate and individuals and redistribute the revenue. Trump plan is focused on increasing growth, encouraging business to continue to be based in U.S., encourage new business to start or locate in the U.S. and let taxpayers to keep more of their income to spend and stimulate the economy.





Thursday, October 20, 2016

Is voter fraud a real problem.?



The Presidential elections are less than 3 weeks away, and again there is much talk about election fraud. Whether true or not, this issue will not be put to rest without a thorough analysis. That certainly will not happen before this election. It is imperative that faith in the election process is maintained but this will not be accomplished by denying that fraud is possible and most likely does exist to some extent. Efforts to require photo id to vote have been fought against by democrats for years, this has only added to peoples fears that they resist this to enable them to fix elections. Whether true or not it suggests that their motives are not in the best interest of our democracy.  If people can rig an election, someone will.

So, first of all lets explore if elections can be manipulated and how that could be done. Lets look at voter machines, if they are not connected to the internet or are capable of being programmed remotely, there is little chance that these machines can be manipulated from someone hacking into them. I assume these machines need to be programed for each election, this is one area that could lend itself to manipulation, but it requires the assistance of voting bureaucrats who control and program the machines. I don't know how this is done, but I would hope it is done individually and not over the internet. I also would assume all these machines are tested by representatives of all parties concerned. This should be able to be accomplished by strict oversight and severe penalties of many years in prison for anyone who should be involved in this kind of activity. There should be tests and analysis done and all these facts made open to the public to put aside any questions that voters may have.

Tallying of votes should be pretty accurate as representative of all parties can be present for this.

The biggest threat to voter fraud is through the registration process. If someone wanted to rig an election, this is were you would start. First would be to have voter registration drives in metropolitan areas, lots of potential voters who could be encouraged to register, they could be enticed with gifts or payment for filling out and signing registration applications, then put into a database that would single out those who are unlikely to ever vote. This would include homeless, and people not part of mainstream society. Now that you have lists of registered voters, who are more than likely not going to vote, you could have people vote for them. This would be enhanced by early voting, so that you would have lots of time, for your designated voters, who again could be paid or enticed with gifts to accomplish voting many times. This would not be able to be revealed, without voters producing id to see if this is the registered person. This is a database that could be added to every year, it could be pursued 365 days a year, every year, after some time it would be a powerful way to swing elections. Two things would go a long way in stopping this potential abuse, voter ID, and doing away with early voting, both  the backbone of the democratic ground game. The argument is always that there is no evidence of voter fraud. How can there be evidence, if id is not required or there is never any investigation. Have republicans ever attempted to rig elections, probably, but the democrats hold the political power in every large city in America and have for many decades. They have much more opportunity.

There needs to be more done than just deny that fraud does exist. The above example is just one possible way to rig elections, there are probably many more.  After this election, there should be a bi-partisan effort to restore faith in the process. There needs to be investigation of registration roles, to see if these people exist and then surveys to see if they have ever voted. Then solutions to insure honest voting. Anyone who fights against reform is suspect to endorsing possible fraud.

Northwestern Lehigh October Board meeting


A presentation concerning all day Kindergarten was presented at the October meeting of the Northwestern Lehigh school board. It appears that this will eventually become reality for Northwestern Lehigh, but not until the 2018-2019 school year. It seems that all research concludes that this approach has many positive effects on early learning. It will take time to do more research, and eventually a vote by the board, and then implementation.

Zoning variance was approved for the building project by the Heidelberg Township zoning board.

D'HUY Engineering Inc. was approved to be the construction manager for the new building project. It was a 5-4 vote. Voting for was Willard Dellicker, John Casciano, Todd Hernandez, Todd Leiser and Joe Fatzinger.  Voting Against was Paul Fisher, Phillip Toll, Charlene Rauscher and Darryl Schafer. This contract cost is $339,000.

The vote to approve the design by KCBA of the New building project was also a 5-4 vote.  Voting for was Willard Dellicker, John Casciano, Todd Hernandez, Todd Leiser and Joe Fatzinger.  Voting Against was Paul Fisher, Phillip Toll, Charlene Rauscher and Darryl Schafer.

Board member Phillip Toll was concerned that the building project was expanded to include a driveway renovation, which added to the cost, without bringing it to the board for review and approval. No one could answer who made this decision.

Former board member Joe Reiter commented that all day kindergarten has much support in the district, also he pointed out that the senior citizens rebate should be tied to the Act 1 index to protect the poor and senior citizens from future tax increases.

Workshop meetings are the 1st. wed. of each month. Board meetings are the 3rd. Wed. of the month. All meetings are open to the public and also viewable on the school website.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Northampton County Republican Chairman's Dinner



The Northampton county Republican Committee's annual Chairman's dinner was held Thursday Oct. 13 at the Hotel Bethlehem.  It was a full house with over 200 attendees. The crowd was impressive with their enthusiasm  and unity in electing Republicans in their county. They have been working tirelessly for months and everyone was confident that their efforts will pay off.

Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence delivers rousing speech.
Northampton County Chairman Lee Snover introduces speakers.

Chairman Lee Snover and myself. Lee has been active for over 20 years in republican politics, always gives her all, always an upright and loyal friend.

My old friend Bob Kilbanks, candidate for U.S. House in 1996 and 1998, still working hard to elect conservative republicans.
Keith and Maudeania Hornik, hardworking republicans, and my photographer for the night.

Ron Angle and Sally Pritchard, better watch out Ron, pictures like this may come back to haunt your future political endeavors.
 It was a fun night in the historic Hotel Bethlehem, everyone had a great time.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Billy Bush, Jeb Bush's cousin



This past week we witnessed an uptick in the drama of the 2016 presidential race. After a week were Trump got caught up in a debate about an overweight Miss Universe, a ridiculous distraction in a presidential race, and then on Friday a tape of Trump talking badly about women 11 years ago. WikiLeaks released speech's made to Bankers were Hillary Clinton was paid $250,000 a speech that had Hillary Clinton proclaiming to New York bankers, that she has a public position and a different private position. It also disclosed a speech to bankers in Brazil where she states she wants to see a Hemispherical union were there would be no borders and no trade restrictions in North and South America, in effect bringing about an end to the United States as an independent sovereign  nation. Then on Sunday a debate performance by Trump that was a bit amazing in itself. Trump was able to suck it up and perform better than most felt possible. That was probably just a taste of were this election is going to go.

A few observations about the Billy Bush tape of Trump trash talking about women. It is a vulgar tape, embarrassing for Trump, the words are not defended by any one, including Trump. It is interesting that this tape, made 11 years ago, not with Trumps knowledge, cuts out the words of Billy Bush, the cousin of Jeb Bush, the nephew of George Bush 1, The cousin of George Bush 2. While watching a video of the outside of a bus, we are hearing an audio tape from, we suppose, inside of the bus. So, we never hear Billy Bush's part of the conversation, the video is edited by splicing the sound to the video, There was never any reference by the media that Billy Bush is related to the Bush Dynasty. So now the question has been raised, by Ted Cruz and other republicans, why the tape was not released 11 months ago. It could be that the Bush family knew about the tape, but the fact that Jeb didn't last long enough in the primary to make good use of the tape. They then decided to use it for their back-up plan. The Never Trumper's, led by the Bush's, have publicly stated that they would like to see Trump loose by a large margin, so that they could resurrect the party in their image, and oust the Tea Party people and the Trump supporters. Trump has become a threat to their agenda which is identical to Hillary Clinton's agenda, no borders, free trade with third world countries, and subsidize displaced American workers.

Hillary Clinton really cannot win on the issues and not on her record, their strategy is to make Trump unacceptable, as unfit for office, not experienced, low moral caliber. They have attempted to suppress his supporters, Trump has also attempted to disqualify Clinton, by her corruption, lying and poor judgement. Trump has a steady dedicated following that does not seem to be wavering, Clinton has the media, The Republican establishment and all those who live off the government as here allies. The odds have been against Trump from the beginning, but he is still not out and the next 4 weeks is an eternity in a presidential campaign.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wild night in Wilkes-Barre




Crowd was estimated at 10,000, loud and inspiring, also overflow crowd in side area.
Everyone should attend at least 1 Trump rally. While I have watched plenty of these rally's on television, I was invited to attend one by some friend on Monday. I am very glad that I did. It was very much like a large family picnic. Everyone was up-beat and there was lots of time for conversation. We spent 2 hours in line waiting to get in, then 3 hours for the people to file in through security.  So we had plenty of time to talk to people and get their opinions.  Everyone was very friendly and outgoing, like you knew them forever. I found that very interesting.  All that waiting really went by very fast. I am convinced they will all be out on Nov. 8. I was very surprised to see at least a 50-50 mix of men and women. There were many groups of women we met who had come with their women friends. I was also surprised to see and talk to so many young people. I would judge that the crowd was at least a 30%  under 30 years of age crowd. This gives an indication that many of our young people are interested in politics. Everyone has been saying his supporters are only old white men, this rally debunked that opinion.
Here I am with Alysa and Taylor from Wallenpaupack, wonderful young women who were sitting next to us, They were off from school, so spent the day and night at the Trump rally. I had to ask them if they came to support Trump or where they there to meet the young men.  They said, no they like Trump and had been to another rally earlier. These girls parents can be very proud of these great young ladies.
Below is 2 year old Hunter, who came to the rally with his mother. He was the star of the rally, He was carried up to Trump on the stage, to the cheers of the crowd, smiling all the way. Trump asked him some questions, he was unafraid and very outgoing. When asked if he was ready to go back to his mother or stay with Trump. He answered, Trump, to the roar of the crowd.

Below are some other photo's from the Rally.



Friday, October 7, 2016

Northwestern Lehigh workshop meeting



The Northwestern Lehigh school board has a monthly workshop session on the 1st Wednesday of the month. This meeting is usually a discussion session readying items to be voted on at the regular board meeting on the 3rd. Wednesday of the month.

This meeting discussed the upcoming approval of the final plans for the building upgrade and expansion. It also discussed the upcoming approval of D'huy Engineering Inc. as the Construction manager. Everything seems to be on track to begin the 15 month construction project. The plan will then need to be approved by code master and local zoning.

There was also a discussion on implementing a policy on Nepotism. This issue was raised earlier by Charlene Rauscher. Phil Toll stated that the usual policy in most cases is that family members cannot supervise other family members. Willard Dellicker stated that he didn't believe that they had any problems  that would need such a policy. Paul Fisher thought they could have the administration do an investigation as to what the policy should be. The conclusion was that they would have some input from the administration and have further discussion in the future.

A little research seems to indicate the usual policy in most government and corporate work situations is that family members are not to be answering to or be supervised by other family members. Some consider it a threat to moral of other workers who may perceive real or imagined special treatment of related family members by their superiors. Some go as far as to not hire any family members, but that seems to be the exception. Most all professional policies just limit it to the supervising of family members by other family members. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Saudi Arabia, Friend or master manipulator



The relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been complicated and often contradictory. While we have had friendly relations with this Kingdom for many decades, sometime one has to question whether the United States has been used and manipulated to enhance the position of the Saudis in their long term goals.

This question has been brought to the forefront with the U.S. Senate and House override of President Obama's veto of a bill that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for wrongful death of their loved ones. In April, Saudi Arabia had threatened to sell $750 billion in U.S. treasury bills if such legislation was passed. We will now see whether they were bluffing.

The families' desire to sue is based on the fact that Osama bin Ladin and 15 of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi citizens and that many Saudis were escorted out of the country on Sept. 12, 2001 by the U.S government before they could be questioned. Parts of the 9/11 Commission Report that deal with these facts have been sealed and not released for public view.

Our relationship with Saudi Arabia took a large turn with the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1980. They instantly became fearful of a militant Shia Islamic movement that could overwhelm them. Despite being the wealthiest country in the Arab world, with a population of less than 30 million including a 10 million foreign worker population, they might not be a match for a larger more educated county like Iran. So it appears they set out to insure their survival by manipulating and using the only world super-power, the United States. They, along with their closest ally Pakistan, supported the war against Russia in Afghanistan, and also supported Saddam Hussein to the tune of $25 billion in his war with Iran. They were on the same side as the United States in these wars. After the Iraq-Iran war, Saudi Arabia may have wanted Saddam's military destroyed because they feared he would one day focus on them. There is evidence that our State Department under Bush 1 gave Saddam the impression that we would not oppose his invasion of Kuwait. See: April Glaspie testimony:  They also supported and influenced the United States in the support of Bosnia which has a large Muslim population. Was this already the beginning of a long range plan by the Saudis?

Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabis theology. Wahhabism is not only the religion of the country,  Sharia law also governs the judicial branch and all government actions.  It is the most strict form of the Muslim religion- a militant and fundamental Islamic theology whose mission is to spread Islam around the world. It seems many have overlooked this part of Saudi Arabian goals. Was the security of Bosnia as a Muslim state in Europe part of the long term plan? Many wonder what would be the motive of Saudi Arabia to be complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Could it have been to force the United States to make the Middle East it's priority? If so, it worked. Saudi Arabia has been supportive of all Sunni terrorist organizations, Al Qaida, Hamas, the Muslim brotherhood, Nusra Front, AhRar-al-Sham and ISIS. They have supported the Army of Conquest in Yemen and Syria. They are in local wars with many Shia countries and groups. While Shias have been involved in terrorism and conflict in the Middle East, the Saudis have been involved in a much larger agenda. Does anyone ever wonder why they have financed 1359 mosques, 210 Islamic centers, 202 colleges, and 2000 schools in western non-Muslim majority countries. They have refused to take a single Syrian refugee, while encouraging Muslim expansion into Europe and America. Is this their long term goal? 

The Saudis are members of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and is a G-20 member. This is despite having financed international terrorism and having one of the worst human rights records in the world. They are also believed to have financed Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. They most likely will be able to buy such weapons from Pakistan if they desire.

They are the largest importer of weapons in the world, mostly supplied by the United States, Canada, Britain and France. Since 2009 their purchases from the United States have exploded to $110 billion in arms sales. Money equals political influence, no matter who is giving it.

They have gained great influence and access to the governments of Europe and the United States by supporting politicians with money and having supporters in high positions in the western governments. There are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration and the Clinton Foundation, which has reportedly received $30 million of contributions, although most foreign contributions have not been reported. Hillary Clinton's close friend and adviser of 18 years, Huma Abedin, is a memebr of a family that supports the Muslim Brotherhood and who are intense supporters of Sharia law. While these are instances that are verifiable, I don't doubt that the same influence has been exerted on Republican administrations and on the politicians in the EU. So, we will see if these lawsuits move forward in the coming months, I am sure there are efforts underway to squash any trials or hearings that would expose any involvement with 9/11 by the Saudi government. It's time our politicians act for best interests of the American people rather than personal financial gain.